SERIE • 5 Staffeln • Animation, Action & Abenteuer, Komödien, Science-Fiction, Drama • Japan, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2000


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Naota ist ein ganz normaler Junge, der mit einem ganz normalen Mädchen an einem Strom, der unter einer Brücke fließt, seine Zeit totschlägt. Nichts Außergewöhnliches passiert in dieser Stadt. Auch das kurze Zeit später die vespafahrende Haruhara Haruko, die Hauptperson anfährt und ihm anschließend mit ihrer Rickenbacker 4003 Bassgitarre über den Schädel schlägt, macht keinen Unterschied zum normalen Alltag. Die auf den ersten Blick zusammenhanglosen, bizarren Ereignisse danach, die keinem logischen Muster zu folgen scheinen, ändern auch nichts an Naotas ödem Alltag – denn in dieser Stadt geschieht nie etwas Unglaubliches.

Japan, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Karen Miyama, Shoya Chiba, Satomi Amano, Yutaka Aoyama


1. Staffel 1 (6 Episoden)
Naota ist ein ganz normaler Junge, der mit einem ganz normalen Mädchen an einem Strom, der unter einer Brücke fließt, seine Zeit totschlägt. Nichts Außergewöhnliches passiert in dieser Stadt. Auch das kurze Zeit später die vespafahrende Haruhara Haruko, die Hauptperson anfährt und ihm anschließend mit ihrer Rickenbacker 4003 Bassgitarre über den Schädel schlägt, macht keinen Unterschied zum normalen Alltag. Die auf den ersten Blick zusammenhanglosen, bizarren Ereignisse danach, die keinem logischen Muster zu folgen scheinen, ändern auch nichts an Naotas ödem Alltag – denn in dieser Stadt geschieht nie etwas Unglaubliches.
Naota Nanadaba is just an ordinary boy, with an ordinary life, with ordinary people around him, living in an ordinary town... or at least he wishes that were all true! Between his eccentric father and unconventional grandfather and putting up with the advances of his older brother's teenage ex-girlfriend Mamimi, Naota isn't leading a boring life at all! To make matters worse, a pink-haired, and apparently totally insane, girl named Haruko Haruhara shows up and turns Naota's life completely upside down!! What does Haruko want from Naota? And, why is he suddenly growing a large horn on his head?!
Naota tries to get his life back to normal, but that's easier said than done when Haruko and a TV-headed robot are living with him! Even worse, he's growing another horn!! Meanwhile, a string of fires have been occurring across town. Not coincidentally, Mamimi has become obsessed with the game "Fire Starter", as well as Naota's robot manservant, whom she calls Canti. What connection is there to the recent fires and the one that burned down the old elementary school years ago? And, why does Mamimi call her new pet, a little black kitten, "Ta-Kun", the same name she calls Naota?
Naota's classmate, Eri Ninamori, is the perfect girl; she's emotionally calm, a rational thinker, and is very rich to boot. However, all is not well as she has problems of her own. Her father, the mayor of Mabase, is involved in both a sex scandal and a lawsuit with the Medical Mechanica Corporation. In addition, she has to convince Naota to take the title role he was chosen for in their class production of "Puss in Boots". She soon learns about Naota's "secret", his horns, which, this time, resemble cat ears. But, what levels will she stoop to get her way?
After Haruko helps an amateur baseball team beat Mabase's down-on-their-luck team, the Martians, in a game, Shigekuni retaliates by drafting Canti onto the Martians. Meanwhile, Haruko and Kamon are "fooling around", and Naota isn't sure whether to be disgraced.
It's Naota and Haruko Vs. Kamon and Canti in a battle with airsoft guns. As this deadly fight wages on, Kamon challenges Naota to a duel! The winner is left undetermined, as some of Naota's friends interrupt the duel and talk to him about how he saved the city from the satellite the other day. This causes the power to get to his head and he begins to act manly. This disgusts Mamimi and the others. To make matters worse, another Medical Mechanica comes out to threaten the city. Will Naota handle the situation as calmly as did the last time? Or, will his over-inflated ego get in the way?
Ever since Naota's Medical Mechanica came out of his head and was destroyed, it has been looming over the factory, in the form of a giant hand, causing mist to enshroud the entire city. To make matters worse, Haruko and Canti are on the run from Amarao, who attempts to find the Terminal Core before they do. Naota once again runs into Amarao who offers some strange advice. Things soon go insane as Haruko is preparing for the final battle, in which Naota is expected to unknowingly play the lead role. Though in a city as normal as Mabase, it's really nothing new to Naota; or is it?
2. Progressive (6 Episoden)
Seit den Ereignissen in der ersten Staffel rund um Naota und Haruko Haruhara sind viele Jahre vergangen. Nun kehrt Haruko endlich erneut auf die Erde zurück! In der Zwischenzeit schwelte der intergalaktische Kampf zwischen Medical Mechanica und Fraternity fort. Trefft indessen auf Hidomi, ein junges Mädchen im Teenager-Alter, die fest davon überzeugt ist, dass in ihrem Leben nie etwas Außergewöhnliches passieren wird, denn es ist eben ein ganz und gar normales und durchschnittliches Leben, das sie führt. Bis dann eines Tages eine neue Lehrerin mit dem Namen Haruko an ihre Schule kommt. Kurze Zeit später greift Medical Mechanica die Stadt an und Hidomi entdeckt in sich ein Geheimnis, das möglicherweise alle retten könnte – und das nur durch Haruko gelüftet werden kann.
Hidomi's Dream - white ash covers the entire ruins, behind which a row of humongous irons comes thundering after Hidomi who is now a zombie.
Hidomi wakes up from yet another dream of her becoming a Zombie. At school, Raharu gives her a handout to bring over to Ide, who didn't show up to class.
Crazy things happen during Hidomi's NO activation, and she is now left with a cheerful and happy personality, which is the total opposite of her real self. The only way to bring her back to normal is to destroy the cables of the giant iron.
Marco is the only one that seems to think that happy Hidomi is attractive. While he's aware that Ide is in love with her, he works part time to buy her a charm. Meanwhile, Jinyu and Raharu scheme to go up to the plant in her Bel Aire.
Having made damage to the plant, the iron now stands up straight. Raharu tells the class that she's happily married and now pregnant. The only way to become happy is to go to the amusement park (run by Tonkichi).
Trying to get Ide back, Hidomi attacks Raharu physically first then verbally. She tells Raharu that she is acting immature because she knows that she is using Hidomi because Raharu is in love with Atomsk.
3. Alternative (6 Episoden)
In dieser mittlerweile dritten Staffel des Animes liegt der Fokus auf dem von Missgeschicken geplagten Alltag der 17-jährigen Oberschülerin Kana. Diese verbringt ihre Tage für gewöhnlich damit, mit ihren besten Freunden Mossan und Hijiri sowie ihren Haustieren abzuhängen, und führt so ein eher banales Leben. Doch das soll sich urplötzlich ändern, als ein riesiger Roboter vom Himmel fällt, in dem sich eine merkwürdige Frau namens Haruko befindet! Die hat natürlich bereits Pläne für Kana und ihre Freunde, bei denen sie mit einer Macht in Berührung kommen, die als „ATOMSK“ bekannt ist. Nun muss Kana sich entscheiden: Wird sie alles riskieren, um Haruko zu helfen, oder nicht? Oder hat Kana am Ende eigentlich gar keine Wahl …?
Kana Koumoto - a cheerful 17 year old who can often be a klutz and nosey. One day, while hanging out with her besties (Pets, Mossan and Hijiri), Mossan starts making a rocket using empty soda bottles.
One morning, Kana and her besties witness Hijiri kissing a college student Toshio inside his car. Acting more mature than any of her classmates, Hijiri suggests Kana and her besties to do a photo shoot with Toshio.
Mossan is the most mature of all 4. With a passion of becoming a designer, she has been working outside of school. Upon discovering her working towards a fashion contest, Kana feels the urge to help her, which rubs her the wrong way.
The 4 girls come watch the basketball game that their Sasaki is a member of. Kana has been secretly in love with Sasaki, whom Haruko ends up making out with. This triggers Kana's NO to activate, but she notices that and runs away.
One hot summer day, the 4 girls and Haruko are playing in the pool. They notice that Pets is missing. Kana later hears from her classmate Aida that Pet's family is very rich and they are moving to Mars.
Depressed, Kana flips over the collection of photos she took with her besties. The next day, the 3 girls gather by the beach as they watch the rocket Pets is supposed to be on.
4. Grunge (3 Episoden)
In diesem Prequel zum ursprünglichen FLCL akzeptieren die Jugendlichen den Niedergang der Stadt als Teil ihrer Realität, bis Haruko die Stadt ins Chaos stürzt.
5. Shoegaze (3 Episoden)
Seit den Ereignissen von FLCL: Alternative führen die Menschen wieder ihr normales Leben. Unterdessen hoffen zwei frustrierte Teenager auf eine große Veränderung.

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