Byuti Insaideu

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Romantik, Fantasy, Drama, Science-Fiction, Komödien • Südkorea • 2018


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Wer streamt "Byuti Insaideu"

Han Se Kye (Seo Hyun Jin) ist eine gefragte Schauspielerin, um die sich zahlreiche Gerüchte ranken, besonders da sie hin und wieder plötzlich von der Bildfläche zu verschwinden scheint. Für andere ist ihr Leben ein Geheimnis, weil sie ein unfassbares Geheimnis verbirgt: In jedem Monat verändert sich ihre Erscheinung für eine Woche völlig! In einer Minute ist sie die bekannteste Schauspielerin Koreas – und in der nächsten kann aus ihr ein Geschäftsmann im mittleren Alter geworden sein! Eines Tages begegnet sie Seo Do Jae (Lee Min Ki), einem beeindruckenden Mann, der leitender Angestellter einer Fluggesellschaft ist. Er scheint alles zu besitzen: perfektes Auftreten, Intelligenz und eine gute Stellung. Doch auch er hat ein Geheimnis: Er leidet an Prosopagnosie, also dem Unvermögen, Gesichter wiederzuerkennen. Es gelingt ihm allerdings, dies vor der Welt zu verbergen, und er bemüht sich, die Menschen statt dessen anhand ihrer Persönlichkeitsmerkmale zu erkennen. Seo Do Jaes (Lee Min Ki) Leben beginnt sich zu verändern, als er Han Se Kye (Seo Hyun Jin) begegnet. Sie ist die einzige Person, deren Gesicht er zu erkennen vermag. Doch wie lange wird Han Se Kye bei ihrem dauernden Verschwinden und ihren physischen Veränderungen ihr Geheimnis bewahren können?

Wo läuft "Byuti Insaideu"?

"Byuti Insaideu" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:

뷰티 인사이드
Song Hyun-wook, Im Me-ah-ri
Seo Hyun-jin, Lee Min-ki, Lee Da-hee, Ahn Jae-hyun, Lee Tae-ri, Moon Ji-in, Na Young-hee, Lee Moon-Su, Kang Nam-gil, Kim Hee-jung, Ryu Hwa-young, Kim Ye-ryeong, Lee Cheol-min, Lee Han-wi, Kim Yeong-hoon, Oh Se-young, Ahn Jae-hyeon, Lee Moon-su, Kim Sung-ryoung, Son Sook, Ra Mi-ran, Moon Woo-jin


1. Staffel 1 (16 Episoden)
Eine bekannte Schauspielerin, die als schwierig gilt und von Gerüchten verfolgt wird, verbirgt ein großes Geheimnis, das ihr Aussehen betrifft.
Episode 1
The A-list actress Han Se Gye runs away during her award ceremony and once again gets swept up in rumors about her sudden disappearance. Some say she had to hurry because she was busy to date her boyfriends, and others say she has a secret child. But they are all wrong. She has a shocking secret that shouldn’t be revealed to the world. Meanwhile, Seo Do Jae, an airline executive, wants to cancel the contract with her for her irresponsible behaviors are now ruining his company’s brand competency.
Episode 2
Se Gye gets worried as Do Jae saw her changed face. Se Gye tries to check if Do Jae really remembers her, but soon, she realizes that he can’t recognize people’s face. Meanwhile, Do Jae somehow feels like he can recognize Se Gye even though he saw two different faces of hers.
Episode 3
Do Jae tries to come up with an idea of covering up the dating scandal with Se Gye. Sa Ra starts to investigate what is going on between Do Jae and Se Gye. In the meantime, Do Jae’s company holds an event to celebrate the launch of a new route to Khabarovsk and Se Gye is also invited to the event.
Episode 4
Do Jae proposes Se Gye to sign an agreement with him to get know each other and strengthen their “business partnership”. Se Gye can’t help herself but wants to know about this mysterious man just a little bit more. After all, he is the only man in this world who recognizes her when she changes into a different person.
Episode 5
Do Jae and Se Gye admit that they’re in a relationship in front of the press and start to pretend they are a real couple. To convince the public, they go on dates in the public places. Jeong Yeon, who doesn’t know the fact that they date for show, disapproves of their relationship and even sends money to Se Gye to make her break up with his son.
Episode 6
Jeong Yeon is so shocked after finding out that Do Jae spent the night with a young boy without knowing that the boy is Se Gye. The young boy Se Gye gets into a fight with other high school students. In the meantime, Sa Ra attends a luncheon where the country’s leading CEOs are gathered.
Episode 7
Se Gye is left absolutely perplexed upon seeing Do Jae’s reaction after their kiss. To make matters worse, Yu Ri feigning innocence really gets on her nerves. Meanwhile, Do Jae hears rumors about Sa Ra and decides to step in as what any older brother would do.
Episode 8
Se Gye and Do Jae start going out as a real couple, but in secret. The public think that they’ve broken up, so they need to figure out a way to best play the “we’re good friends” game. But Se Gye’s bliss is threatened as the dreaded date conflicts with her shooting, which could jeopardize her career.
Episode 9
Se Gye’s mother visits Se Gye’s home without notice when Se Gye has changed into a young boy. During her mother’s stay, Se Gye realizes how much her mother worries and cares about her. In the meantime, Do Jae’s grandfather invites Se Gye to his family gathering without telling Do Jae.
Episode 10
Eun Ho brings Sa Ra a cake on her birthday, but things get awkward after Sa Ra confesses that she likes him. Meanwhile, Se Gye’s mom is determined to get her daughter married to Do Jae, that she even brings home-made lunchbox to his office. But her sudden appearance is of no coincidence, and Se Gye is about to find out something about her mother that will rattle her world completely.
Episode 11
Even in mourning, Se Gye does her best to give a good performance for her movie shoot. Yu Ri feels suspicious about Se Gye, so she hires a person to dig information on her. Meanwhile, Do Jae organizes a special surprise trip for Se Gye for their romantic get-away.
Episode 12
Sa Ra finds out about Do Jae’s condition and is able to clarify all the misunderstandings she had about him. Yu Ri obsessively looks into Se Gye to find out what she’s really hiding, and eventually comes up with a plan to reveal her shocking secret to the entire world. Meanwhile, Se Gye’s transformation date nears but this time something goes wrong.
Episode 13
Do Jae is faced with a difficult question - if he is willing to be by the old and wrinkly man’s side, that Se Gye has turned into, for the rest of his life. Do Jae finds himself pondering over this dilemma. Meanwhile, Yu Ri is determined to reveal Se Gye’s secret once and for all, and meets up with Reporter Park.
Episode 14
Se Gye is in deep shock and hates herself for having been the root cause of Do Jae’s illness. Do Jae feels helpless that he can’t fix the way things have turned out and desperately tries to hold onto Se Gye. Regardless, Se Gye decides to leave Do Jae for good, and even officially announces her retirement.
Episode 15
Do Jae leaves a letter for Se Gye, telling her to hang on and promises her that he’ll return. But Se Gye has no idea that he will be undergoing surgery, one that could actually put his life at risk...
Episode 16
Seo Do-jae weiß, dass Beziehungen mit Stars kein Kinderspiel sind. Ju-hwan spricht mit U-mi über einen neuen Skandal. Sa-ra macht Eun-hos Eltern einen Vorschlag.

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