Chris Ryan's Strike Back

SERIE • 8 Staffeln • Action & Abenteuer, Drama, Mystery & Thriller, Krieg & Militär • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Dänemark • 2010


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Wer streamt "Chris Ryan's Strike Back"

Die Serie basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman des ehemaligen SAS-Soldaten Chris Ryan. Die Actionserie „Strike Back“ handelt vom ehemaligen Elitesoldaten John Porter, der bei der Invasion des Iraks 2003 einen Einsatz des Special Air Service (SAS) in Basra geleitet hat, dieser schlägt allerdings fehl, worauf Porter unehrenhaft aus der britischen Armee entlassen wird. Sieben Jahren später wird er jedoch von Section 20, einer Abteilung des britischen Militärgeheimdienstes, für eine Reihe besonders brisanter Missionen reaktiviert.

Wo läuft "Chris Ryan's Strike Back"?

"Chris Ryan's Strike Back" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, WOW, Amazon Video, Sky Go.

Strike Back
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Dänemark
Daniel Percival, M.J. Bassett
Warren Brown, Daniel MacPherson, Alin Sumarwata, Jamie Bamber, Thulasizwe Kubheka, Eva Birthistle, Jimi Mistry, Philip Winchester, Sullivan Stapleton, Amanda Mealing, Michelle Lukes, Michelle Yeoh, Robson Green


1. Chris Ryans Strike Back (10 Episoden)
2003: Am Vorabend der Irak-Invasion führt John Porter eine Sondereinsatztruppe zu einer riskanten Geiselrettung ins Herz von Basra. Doch die Mission läuft aus dem Ruder - Mit verheerenden Folgen. Noch weiß er nicht, dass die von ihm getroffenen Entscheidungen sein Schicksal und die des Soldaten Major Collinson für immer verbinden werden... Sieben Jahre später, inmitten einer neuen Geiselkrise im Mittleren Osten, stoßen beide Männer unerwartet erneut aufeinander. Noch immer von Schuld schwer belastet, ergibt sich für Porter nun die Gelegenheit sich vollständig zu rehabilitieren...
Irak - Der Hinterhalt (1)
Still haunted by the memory of a disastrous Special Forces mission which he led in 2003, John Porter is given an opportunity to redeem himself by returning to Iraq to rescue a kidnapped TV reporter.
Irak - Der Hinterhalt (2)
After locating the terrorist safe house Katie is being held in, Porter is also taken prisoner, and Hugh Collinson and a team at Section 20 have to act quickly before it is too late.
Zimbabwe - Die Mission (1)
Collinson sends Porter undercover to Zimbabwe on a mission to break a former British soldier who was involved in a political assassination out of a high-security Harare jail.
Zimbabwe - Die Mission (2)
Porter and Masuku become the hunted as a bushman tracker leads the relentless Zimbabwean authorities after them, and Layla Thompson becomes increasingly aware of the tension that exists between Porter and Collinson.
Afghanistan - Tag der Rache (1)
When a hacker interferes with air support causing a British missile to hit American forces, Porter is assigned the mission to find the man responsible, a former guidance engineer who was dismissed from the army. However, Porter is kidnapped and taken to a Taliban camp.
Afghanistan - Tag der Rache (2)
Porter's life is in danger when he finds himself trapped in a rebels' base in Pakistan. When he manages to escape, he learns that Hugh Collinson, the man he blames for the fatal hostage extraction of 2003, has arrived in Afghanistan to meet him for a final showdown.
Episode 7
Die Entführung von vier Geiseln zwingt Section 20 dazu, Stonebridge und Scott von den Straßen Wiens in die Wälder des Kosovo abzuziehen.
Episode 8
Durch Donoghues Doppelzüngigkeit kompromittiert, werden Scott und Stonebridge nun gemeinsam mit den vier EU-Geiseln in der Wildnis gefangen gehalten. Während Grant versucht, die Gruppe zu finden, setzt Drogenlord Hasani einen arglistigen Plan in Gang.
Episode 9
Auf der Suche nach Latif und einem tödlichen Arsenal an chemischen Waffen machen sich Scott und Stonebridge auf den Weg nach Tschetschenien.
Episode 10
Im Finale der ersten Staffel verfolgen Scott und Stonebridge zwei Selbstmordattentäter, die Budapest und den Weltsicherheitsgipfel in die Knie zwingen könnten.
2. Project Dawn (10 Episoden)
In der 2. Staffel der Cinemax-Hitserie durchkämmen Scott und Stonebridge Afrika in Verfolgung einer neuen Schar Krimineller - die alle versuchen, eine Kiste mit wertvollen Nuklear-Zündern an sich zu bringen, die ein wahres Armageddon auslösen könnten.
Tödliches Kommando – Teil 1
British sergeant Michael Stonebridge recruits help from Ex-Delta Force operative Damien Scott when an agent named John Porter is kidnapped by a Pakistani terrorist. The two then uncover clues to a possible terrorist attack at a New Delhi hotel and they race there to foil it.
Tödliches Kommando – Teil 2
An Indian general decides to hold off on the assault on a New Delhi hotel that has been under siege when he learns that Scott and Stoneridge are in the hotel and they have ID'd the weapons scientist known as Mahmood.
Geschäft mit dem Tod – Teil 1
Section 20 tracks Latif to South Africa, when a former IRA terrorist Daniel Connolly, targets a weapons-system designer. Scott switches places with a computer hacker and finds himself being lured into a dangerous honey trap.
Geschäft mit dem Tod – Teil 2
Scott manages to pass Connolly's explosive test and works on bypassing a security code. Bratton contacts Marshall.
Die Killermiliz – Teil 1
There is trouble looming for Claire. Scott and Stonebridge attempt to locate a global arms dealer.
Die Killermiliz – Teil 2
Grant travels to Khartoum when Sinclair and Scott are arrested. Clare is offered a choice by Tahir of either death or starting a new life as his partner. Stonebridge blames himself for Kate's death/ Crawford reveals that Latif has embedded a spy at the top of Western intelligence but refuses to reveal the person's identity until Clare is returned alive.
Brutales Spiel – Teil 1
An MI6 agent called John Allen ends up takeing Stonebridge and Scott from Vienna on a dangerous mission to Kosovo.
Brutales Spiel – Teil 2
In Kosovo, Stonebridge, Scott and four hostages find themselves in dire straits after being double-crossed by KFOR soldiers and the drug lord Hasani.
Sturmangriff – Teil 1
Scott and Stonebridge head to Chechnya to track down Latif and a stockpile of chemical weapons.
Sturmangriff – Teil 2
In the season finale, Stonebridge and Scott are in a race against time to find a pair of suicide bombers targeting Budapest.
3. Vengeance (11 Episoden)
In der 3. Staffel dieser Hitserie begeben sich Topagenten Damien Scott und Michael Stonebridge auf eine Reihe hochriskanter Missionen weltweit und sind Drogengeld auf der Spur, mit dem Terroristen im Nahen Osten finanziert werden.
Der Überläufer
Damian Scott is sent to Mogadishu, Somalia to rescue British diplomats after they are kidnapped by warlord Huseyin Waabri. Meanwhile Michael Stonebridge adapts to his new career outside Section 20.
Scott learns that one of the hostages is a high-ranking military intelligence operative and that Waabri is planning to sell nuclear devices in South Africa.
Jäger und Gejagte
Scott and Stonebridge track down a radical Islamic cleric in order to recover the nuclear devices, but are sidetracked by a CIA air strike and hostile locals.
Der Bruder
Scott and Stonebridge prepare for an attack by Al Qaeda while holed up in an Algerian farmhouse with the nomad leader and the wounded courier. Meanwhile, back at headquarters, Dalton is called on the carpet for her relationship with the courier.
Keine Wahl
The trail of the missing nuclear triggers leads to Cape Town, South Africa, where kidnappers abduct the children of an expatriate munitions expert to force him to cooperate.
Auf der Flucht
Stonebridge seeks revenge on Craig Hanson after he turns up in Cape Town, South Africa. Meanwhile, Scott reconnects with a Mossad agent who's been following their case, but with a different set of orders; Knox hustles Evans to a secret installation and explains how he intends to turn his country into a world power.
Das Attentat
Knox extricates a political leader from a Zimbabwe prison, and the unit tries to catch up with the escapee by tracking his activist daughter.
Das Versprechen
Unrest spreads after the assassination attempt on political leader Lutulu, while Stonebridge questions the shooter in an isolated police station and looks for a safe way out.
Falsche Spuren
Knox plans on unloading nuclear bombs into politically unstable African nations, while Matlock reveals why he joined Knox.
Gegen die Zeit
In order to stop Knox, Scott comes to Bryant for assistance. Meanwhile Stonebridge has trouble focusing on the mission as he is bent on revenge. Section 20 get assistance from South African police to stop Knox's plot.
Episode 11
4. Shadow Warfare (10 Episoden)
In Staffel 4 der erfolgreichen Actionserie müssen die ungleichen S20-Partner Michael Stonebridge und Damien Scott sich einer globalen Bedrohung und einem skrupellosen Netzwerk internationaler Terroristen stellen.
Enjoying a long-deserved vacation, Scott and Stonebridge are recalled after a fellow Section 20 member dies while pursuing the elusive terrorist al-Zuhari in Beirut. A new lead sends them into the remote jungles of Colombia in pursuit of a known associate of al-Zuhari’s and deep in territory controlled by a powerful drug cartel.
Mann ohne Vergangenheit
Out of options and hunted by the resourceful cartel, Section 20 goes for a longshot and attempts an assault in downtown Bogota, hoping to obtain intel on one of al-Zuhari’s key people. Meanwhile, Dalton looks for the source that exposed her team in Beirut, but discovers a surprising ally and a piece of al-Zuhari’s plan.
Although they are uncertain of others’ loyalties, the team must work with an asset in Beirut to get a lead on James Leatherby, a dangerous and unpredictable operative with ties to al-Zuhari.
Die Falle
Section 20 attempts a risky rescue for a potential new ally. Now veering close to the edge, but determined to find the truth, Dalton goes AWOL with a detainee.
Der Preis der Freiheit
While recovering from a shocking turn of events, Section 20 faces a different threat: a new enemy joining forces with an old one. Locke draws Kamali in closer to the team. Scott looks for an old friend, while Stonebridge gets closer to a new one.
Der Anschlag
Section 20 is torn between devoting their resources to the mission or saving one of their own. Stonebridge's health continues to affect him in the field. Al-Zuhari's network moves forward quickly, striking close. Kamali explains why yet another threat is emerging.
The team tracks stolen property to Russia, where Scott and Stonebridge continue their side careers as "outlaws." As Stonebridge's health continues to deteriorate, they discover new mysteries about a piece of Al-Zuhari's plan. Kamali worries that his cover identity may not hold.
Der Killervirus
Scott looks for an escape from Black Bear Prison, while Locke becomes suspicious of Kamali. The team races to locate Stonebridge, whose condition grows more dire when he encounters Al-Zuhari's plan firsthand. Continuing his vendetta, Ulyanov closes in on Scott and Stonebridge.
Zug um Zug
Scott and Stonebridge try to keep their promise to protect Ester; Richmond and Martinez follow an Al-Zuhari associate; the team sets out to stop an infiltrator before he reaches a populated area.
Am Ende der Zeit
Scott and Stonebridge face a new pivotal player in Al-Zuhari's plan, and with an imminent attack looming, the team resorts to questionable measures, sparking conflict within the unit.
5. Legacy (10 Episoden)
Die Serie basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman des ehemaligen SAS-Soldaten Chris Ryan.Die Actionserie „Strike Back“ handelt vom ehemaligen Elitesoldaten John Porter, der bei der Invasion des Iraks 2003 einen Einsatz des Special Air Service (SAS) in Basra geleitet hat, dieser schlägt allerdings fehl, worauf Porter unehrenhaft aus der britischen Armee entlassen wird.Sieben Jahren später wird er jedoch von Section 20, einer Abteilung des britischen Militärgeheimdienstes, für eine Reihe besonders brisanter Missionen reaktiviert.
The daughter of Thailand's British ambassador is kidnapped, so Stonebridge, Scott and the rest of the team sign up for another do-or-die trying adventure.
Episode 2
Section 20 try to track down the real culprits behind the embassy attack, starting with getting information from gangster Ray McQueen.
Das Syndikat
Locke works out that his long-time friend is working with the dangerous Yakuza and Office 39. Scott needs protect his son after they find themselves enemy fire.
Die Söldner
Scott has a serious talk with his son whilst the rest of Section 20 form an uneasy alliance with a couple of CIA mercenaries as they go after Shiro and Mei Foster.
Hinter der Grenze
Scott and Stonebridge make a major mistake and fall into the clutches of North Korean agent Li-Na, leaving Locke having to defy orders to get them out.
Scott and Stonebridge make a major mistake and fall into the clutches of North Korean agent Li-Na, leaving Locke having to defy orders to get them out.
The battle with Li-Na is now in Europe, as Section 20 look for a way to get back on her trail. Locke ends up getting an unexpected chance to confront his nemesis.
Die Bombe
The team find out that Li-Na is planning to mount a nuclear attack in Europe. Locke puts himself in the firing line after he neglects the mission in order to avenge his son's murder.
Der letzte Job
Locke takes Section 20 off the radar, as they defy Whitehall to travel to Geneva where he is convinced that Li-Na and Kwon are preparing to attack the United Nations HQ.
Scott and Stonebridge head out for a final showdown with Li-Na, in an effort to avenge Richmond’s death and save Locke’s career and their own lives before a bomb goes off in Europe.
6. Retribution (10 Episoden)
Die Jagd ist eröffnet
A dangerous terrorist is on the loose and it's up to Section 20 to find him.
Schwere Geschütze
Section 20 start to close in on terrorist Omair Idrisi and his wife Jane Lowry, but the team is forced to extract devious arms dealer Morgan Ives from Libya.
Nackte Gewalt
As Jane Lowry surfaces in Budapest, Mac and Wyatt are forced to go undercover to infiltrate a dangerous group of white supremacists that has something she needs.
Der Experte
Das S20-Team geht in die direkte Konfrontation mit den "Magyar Ultra"-Nationalisten, um ihren Kameraden Mac und den Chemiewaffen-Experten Dr. Markov zu befreien. (Text: Sky)
Section 20 must stop Lowry and Dr Markov from making and unleashing a deadly chemical weapon. In desperate need of intel, Novin infiltrates a drug lord's home.
Ein sinnloser Tod
Lowry calls on a young jihadi to unleash the deadly gas in a busy airport, while Reynolds is forced to make a life-defining decision as Section 20 races to prevent the attack.
Ein Geflecht aus Lügen
It’s Section 20 vs Jane Lowry in a race to get to Omair Idrisi. It’s a mission that hurls comms officer Jensen into extreme danger.
Jensen starts to delve into Project Tenebrae, while Mac and Wyatt head to the black site where Idrisi is imprisoned to break him out before Lowry gets to him.
Doppeltes Spiel
Wyatt (Daniel MacPherson) schleust sich beim Militärtechnik-Tycoon Caleb Montgomery (Giles Matthey) ein, um dessen Deal mit abtrünnigen russischen Agenten zu verhindern.
Gegen die Wand
Section 20 are desperate to clear their names. And to do so, they hatch a big and wreckless plan.
7. Revolution (10 Episoden)
Reuniting for what they think is a routine "cleanup" exercise in Malaysia, Gracie Novin, Samuel Wyatt and Thomas "Mac" McAllister learn that a British operative in possession of intel about a downed Russian plane has been killed in Kuala Lumpur.
Dein Vater, der Killer
Section 20 forges an uneasy alliance with Zarkova in hopes of tracking down a stolen nuclear warhead in Kuala Lumpur; the group grows frustrated when Police Inspector Amy Leong pulls them off the job after a false alarm.
Section 20's search for the missing nuclear warhead leads them to India, where three scientists have been kidnapped by a militant; the team gains valuable intel on Anjali Vartak, a rich Hindu with a personal vendetta against Muslims.
Schatten des Todes
As Wyatt is tortured by Vartak's henchmen, Mac presses her corrupt lawyer to hand over an encrypted hard drive that might hold clues to the whereabouts of a pair of "nuclear suitcases."
Im Goldenen Dreieck
Following a high-speed jungle ambush in Myanmar, the suitcase nukes end up in the hands of a brutal Rwandan drug lord with a jealous streak; Colonel Beshnov, the Russian Alpha Group leader, surprises Pavel with a revelation about Zarkova.
Grüne Hölle
Novin and Zarkova find themselves at the mercy of corrupt police, while Mac and Wyatt take temporary refuge in a local village; Coltrane finally learns the location of the suitcase nukes, but the revelation comes at a high price.
Der Wolf
As Wyatt convalesces, Coltrane, Mac and Novin embark on a covert, 24-hour mission inside Russia to extract an FSB analyst with potentially vital information. Katrina questions Pavel's true identity, but chooses to stand by her commanding officer.
Willkommen in Moskau
Coltrane defends his decision to go rogue with S20. After tailing Hassan and the nuclear suitcase to a deserted shopping mall in Jakarta, Wyatt and Novin face down threats from Komodo soldiers and, later, Colonel Aldo and his insurgents.
In pursuit of Pavel, Section 20 clashes with two other Russian renegades, Natasha Petrenko and Artem Orlov, as they attempt to purchase sophisticated software designed to short-circuit a ghost satellite containing precious cargo.
Der unbekannte Feind
Section 20 faces an ultimate dilemma as it battles Pavel and his team of Russian turncoats for keys to Soviet-era missiles thought to have been destroyed years earlier.
8. Vendetta (10 Episoden)
Unsichtbarer Tod
Section 20 are thrown back into combat when a rescue mission unleashes a conspiracy. Series eight of the action-chocked Sky original.
A double cross turns an already dangerous mission deadly as Section 20 board an enemy-packed train to stop the bioweapon's sale.
The team run into an old ally as they're thrown headlong into a dangerous race to stop the cyberweapon falling into Jihadist hands.
Novin is in danger, but saving their soldier isn't Section 20's only mission. The enemy is closing in on the cyberweapon. Fast.
The team race to stop Zayef from terrorist attack that could kill thousands. For Mac, the mission has never been more personal.
Mac's life outside of the army might seem happy, but the emotional strain of what happened in Munich starts to take a heavy toll.
Section 20 are sent on a military mission to Bosnia to grab a jihadi financier who could lead them to Zayef Hajdari.
Section 20 successfully destroys the Albanian Mafia's weapons stash, but can they get the truth out of Zayef before it's too late?
Schwarze Liste
CIA agent Carolyn Fortier convinces Section 20 to bring in their soldier alive, but the mission goes wrong when Russian forces arrive.
It's never been more personal. Section 20 embark on their final-ever mission as they fight to stop Arianna Demachi's plans in Europe.
Extras (7 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7