Blue Submarine No. 6

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Animation, Action, Science-Fiction • Japan • 1998


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Die Menschheit hat es geschafft: Durch den per Umweltverschmutzung verstärkten Treibhauseffekt, ist das Eis an den Polarkappen geschmolzen. Es gibt nur noch wenige Orte, wo Menschen leben können - und als ob das nicht schon schlimm genug wäre, schmiedet ein verrückter Professor, der durch Kreuzungen zwischen Mensch und Tier eine neue Rasse von Hybridwesen erschaffen hat, auf seiner Insel Pläne zur Vernichtung der Menschheit. Die übrig gebliebenen Staaten wollen das natürlich nicht zulassen und schicken ihre verbliebenen Kriegsschiffe los, um den Professor und dessen Ungeheuer aufzuhalten. Eines der Schiffe ist die Blue 6, ein hochentwickeltes U-Boot, dessen Crew im Militär hohes Ansehen genießt. Zwei Mitglieder dieser Crew sollen heimlich auf die Insel geschleust werden, um den Wahnsinn des Professors zu stoppen. Die junge U-Boot-Pilotin Mayumi Kino und der Kriegsveteran Tetsu Hayami machen sich, wie befohlen, auf den Weg, um das Unheil aufzuhalten, bevor alles zu spät ist.

Wo läuft "Blue Submarine No. 6"?

"Blue Submarine No. 6" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Amazon Video.

Hozumi Goda, Yukana, Unsho Ishizuka, Kinryuu Arimoto, Hirotaka Suzuoki, Miki Nagasawa, Showtaro Morikubo


1. Staffel 1 (4 Episoden)
Tokyo, flooded from a premature melting of the polar ice caps, harbors what's left of an international navy set on fighting back the hordes of genetic mutants organized by the recluse Professor Zorndyke. The grizzled captain of Blue Submarine No. 6, the under-manned flagship of a submariner fleet, sends a young, impulsive Mayumi Kino to enlist the services of a surly ex-naval pilot, Tetsu Hayami. The fatalistic Hayami refuses, which drives an infuriated Kino storming into the waterlogged streets of Tokyo just as a Zorndyke strike begins. Struggling to get back to No. 6, an unflappable Kino gets stranded on a dock and trapped by a massive, arachnid-shaped mecha. Hayami, either caving in to an innate sense of duty or hungry for a little action, arrives in a motorboat, rescues Kino and shuttles them both to No. 6 which is in the midst of developing a strategy to combat the onslaught of Zorndyke's forces. With tortured maverick flare, Hayami leaps into a battle pod with Kino as his gunner
Having murdered the attacking musuca, a whale-like biological amalgam developed by Zorndyke featured in the closing scene of ""Blues,"" the Blue forces face the Phantom Ship at the opening of ""Pilots."" Zorndyke's flagship proves too much for the whole fleet, driving Blue 6 out of the battle that eventually destroys Tokyo. It's home decimated; the Blue 6 crew regroups with the Pacific Fleet at an elaborate underwater stronghold where world leaders strategize a way to strike at Zorndyke directly. But a briefing of the plan is interrupted by a message from Zorndyke, a haggard, woeful man, admonishing this military clan that attempts to stop the course of events he has set in motion will come to naught. Zorndyke's complacency only inspires a more rooted determinism within Blue Fleet. However, Hayami reads deeper into Zorndyke's reasoning. His utter detestation for Blue Fleet's bellicose plans, undermined only by his involvement in those plans, seeps into the narrative and, again, hints at Ha
Pulled out of the ocean onto some floating debris of the destroyed Blue Fleet base, Hayami once again encounters the amphibious woman who now offers him food and companionship. But it doesn't take long for her sisters and other assembled Zorndyke creatures to track them down. The marine amalgams, though, don't attack but rather surround the star-crossed duo in anxious anticipation. Still submerged and trying to piece together any semblance of a strike unit, Blue 6 and crew seek out a mammoth nuclear torpedo in the hopes that its strength will be enough to stop Zorndyke in Antarctica. Surface side, a musuca approaches Hayami, now stripped of everything he cares about, with the offer to take him back to Blue 6. Taken aback not only by the musuca's ability to speak but also by its kinship with the amphibious woman, whom the titan creature calls Mutio, Hayami renews his sense of diplomacy and is determined to confront Zorndyke personally for answers to the old man's motives. However, Hayam
For involving herself with the fate of a human, Mutio faces Verg's wrath while back on Blue Submarine #6 Hayami decides to take the fate of the world into his own hands. Both cling tenaciously to the idea that embittered battling will only lead to mutual annihilation. Winding through Blue 6's deserted chambers after freeing Katsuma from his life-support sarcophagus, Hayami carries his mutated friend along on his secret mission only to be stopped by Iga, who promptly lets him pass after officially admonishing the rogue pilot. Iga, too, hopes that Hayami's journey to Zorndyke will yield a diplomatic, rather than a nuclear, end to the conflict. Kino waits for him in the hanger, another accomplice in Hayami's illegal jaunt to Antarctica, more suspicious of Zorndyke's intentions but still willing to follow Hayami. Once released into the open water, Katsuma arranges safe transit through the hostile waters around Zorndyke's compound, putting as much faith in Hayami to reach a resolution with

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