Eine Immobilienmaklerin, die verfluchte Häuser von rachsüchtigen Geistern befreit, tut sich für einen 20 Jahre alten Fall, der ihr sehr am Herzen liegt, mit einem Betrüger zusammen.
Folge 1
Hong Ji-a sucht Hilfe für einen schwierigen Auftrag, dem jedoch niemand gewachsen zu sein scheint. Ein Kunde von Oh In-beom sucht sich anderweitig Hilfe.
Episode 2
Obwohl sie für Betrüger wie In-beom eigentlich nichts übrighat, ist Ji-a leider auf seine besondere Fähigkeit angewiesen. In-beom konzentriert sich auf seinen nächsten Einsatz.
Folge 3
In-beom willigt in die Zusammenarbeit mit Ji-a ein, um mehr über den Tod seines Onkels zu erfahren. Ji-a durchsucht eine Kunstgalerie nach Geistern.
Episode 4
In-beom is plagued by memories that are not his. But when he also inherits a talent he never had, he seeks to exploit it for profit.
Episode 5
Ji-a encounters two spirits: a victim of real estate fraud who does not realize she is dead and her mother's last client.
Folge 6
Trotz Ji-as Warnung stürzt sich In-beom in einen Mordfall. Ji-a stellt ihre Erinnerungen an die Ereignisse vor dem Tod ihrer Mutter infrage.
Episode 7
Ji-a seeks new insight into the incident that happened 20 years ago. In-beom spots a familiar face in the lobby of Dohak Construction.
Episode 8
Ji-a's next job takes her to an apartment complex that is haunted by the ghost of a child. Do Hak-seong looks for a missing document.
Episode 9
In-beom returns to his grandmother’s home. Ji-a buries herself in her books. A woman calls the agency after being tormented by a spirit in her building.
Episode 10
Bae Su-jeong seeks to repay a debt. In-beom learns what became of his uncle. A new client visits Daebak Realty with stories of ghosts in a warehouse.
Episode 11
Ji-a finds out what had kept her mother from moving on. In-beom investigates the two life-threatening incidents and their relationship to Hak-seong.
Episode 12
In-beom relives Oh Seong-sik’s last days. Ji-a’s search comes to another dead end. Hak-seong finally gets his hands on the property he wanted.
Episode 13
Ji-a recovers her memories and confronts the person who planted fake ones in her mind. She seeks solace to clear her head.
Episode 14
When guilt sends Ji-a down a spiral, In-beom makes sure she’s not alone. Hak-seong grows desperate as the corruption investigation narrows in on him.
Episode 15
Ji-a decides to put her life on the line before the faceless ghost is able to cause more damage. Hak-seong prepares for revenge.
Episode 16
The special ending Ji-a had prepared for Hak-seong causes an unexpected side effect. She asks In-beom to help her one final time.