No Offence

SERIE • 3 Staffeln • Komödien, Drama, Krimi, Kinder & Familie, Produziert in Europa • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland • 2015


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In Manchester trotzt ein eigenwilliges, tatkräftiges Polizeiteam dem harten Alltag voller Kriminalität und Absurditäten mit einer großen Portion Galgenhumor. Die beharrliche DI Vivienne Deering leitet das Team und greift gerne zu unkonventionellen Mitteln, um Verbrechen aufzuklären. Die Ermittler glauben schon alle düsteren Seiten der Stadt zu kennen, doch ein Serienmörder, der ausschließlich Mädchen tötet, die unter dem Down-Syndrom leiden, stellt selbst das hartgesottene Team von Vivienne vor ungeahnte Herausforderungen.

No Offence
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
Catherine Morshead, Misha Manson-Smith, David Kerr, Harry Bradbeer
Deutsch, Englisch
Joanna Scanlan, Elaine Cassidy, Alexandra Roach, Will Mellor, Colin Salmon, Paul Ritter, Ste Johnston, Tom Varey, Saira Choudhry, Neet Mohan, Rakie Ayola, Sarah Solemani, Joanna Scanlon
Deutsch, Englisch


1. Staffel 1 (8 Episoden)
NO OFFENCE folgt einer Gruppe von Polizisten, die in einem heruntergekommenen Polizeirevier in Manchester arbeiten. Drogenhändler, Brandstifter, Neo-Nazis und Mörder stehen auf der Tagesordnung. Unter Führung der brillanten aber auch etwas durchgeknallten Hauptkommissarin Vivienne Deering lösen sie einen Fall nach dem anderen.
Wo ist Cathy?
DI Deering and her team must crack the case of a twisted serial killer - by whatever unconventional means possible.
Unter Hypnose
After Deering and her team lose the serial killer case, the cops see a chance to redeem themselves by investigating a dangerous new street drug. No animals were harmed in the making of this episode.
Terror in Manchester
The serial killer is showing no signs of slowing down, while local racial tensions are also running high when an Asian woman is killed in a suspected racist attack.
Die große Liebe
The Friday Street team uncover a scam encouraging people in debt to sell their kidneys, while the search for another girl abducted by the serial killer leads to a big breakthrough.
Wer bin ich?
The police set up a trap for the prime suspect in the serial killer case, but their plans could be derailed entirely after a notorious child murderer's new identity is leaked on the internet.
Der zweite Mann
Deering leads a manhunt through Manchester as the net closes in on the serial killer. Joy and Spike discover an unsettling slavery case after a brutal attack on a young homeless man.
Wolf im Schafspelz
The fatal shooting of a respected surgeon leads the team to an unlikely suspect. Meanwhile, Dinah and Deering make disturbing new discoveries in the serial killer case, fearing it might not be over.
Kalte Wut
In the final episode, Dinah clashes with Deering, setting off an irreversible chain of events, and an attempt to save the lives of a mother and baby goes disastrously wrong.
2. Staffel 2 (7 Episoden)
Hauptkommissarin Vivienne Deering ist zurück und stößt in der zweiten Staffel mit ihrem Team auf die unberechenbare und kriminelle Matriarchin Nora Attah aus Nigeria
Der Anschlag
On full surveillance mode, the Friday Street squad have an explosive start to the day, at the funeral of the son of notorious gangster Nora Attah. Straight back in the deep end, DI Viv Deering and the team fight to prevent the breakout of a gang war in the city. Meanwhile Joy and Tegan literally uncover a body of work to piece together a case against the dodgy crematorium owners.
As the team quell the riots that are exploding throughout Manchester, Dinah's discovery of young casualties in a gang-owned property pushes investigations in an unexpected direction. Joy is thrown into freefall after a shock discovery at Friday Street.
The dead vape shop kids are all identified, as Dinah and Deering hunt for those aiding the Attahs in child exploitation.
Kalter Entzug
Tensions run high between Joy, Dinah and Deering over the Attah case and the Friday Street team. And an urgent search ensues when a father reports his teenage daughter missing.
The race to nail the Attahs sows seeds of mistrust and secrecy between Deering, Dinah and Joy. And controversy rains when Deering recklessly co-opts mouthy Donna Calvert to infiltrate the Attah gang. Dinah has to solve a chaotic puzzle at an abortion clinic where a peaceful staff protest takes an unexpected turn and quickly starts to spiral out of control.
Die Schlinge zieht sich zu
With Deering suspended from duty, she runs rogue determined to get Nora. Back at the station, Lickberg tries to control the team, as they urgently up the manhunt for one of the Attahs' missing victims. And an unlikely alliance is agreed between Deering and Nora, who wants to stop an FGM cutter arriving on her patch - and Teegan is sent in under cover.
With Deering, Dinah and Joy's friendship in jeopardy and Donna Calvert missing, the race to prevent the Attahs' escape and to bag them once and for all puts the team's lives at stake. The final action-packed showdown sees Viv at her finest, deconstructing Nora's family, and trying to repair the fractures that have crept in to her own...
3. Staffel 3 (6 Episoden)
In der 3. Staffel von NO OFFENCE treten Vivienne und ihr Team gegen ihren bisher gewalttätigsten Gegner an: eine Gruppe von Rechtsextremisten, die inmitten einer umstrittenen Bürgermeisterwahl ihre politischen Machenschaften treibt.
Mörderische Politik
A contentious mayoral election is being fought between incumbent liberal Kashif Hassan and political underdog and local-girl-done-good Caroline McCoy. Crowds gather for a mayoral debate between Hassan and political underdog McCoy - only for the hustings to end in bloodshed when an assassin strikes. As Viv Deering and her team investigate, they are forced to infiltrate the far right, and their murky world of political benefactors, if they are to catch the culprit.
Die Überläuferin
Killer Beckett's next target is Manchester's children and Viv and the team must track down the poisoned batch of halal meat that Beckett has unleashed on the city before it's too late. In the hunt to get closer to Beckett, Dinah attempts to win the trust of the undercover cop in the midst of the far-right group Beckett used to be involved in - and uncovers explosive secrets.
Verzweifelte Taten
Election day looms and the team is on high alert, as Beckett's reign of terror appears to be escalating when an elderly Jewish man is found dead in a graveyard. The team is right on Beckett's tail, and a meeting between getaway driver Dennis and Beckett promises to be the key to capturing him.
Falsches Spiel
Paul Abbott's award-winning drama returns for a third series and sees DI Viv Deering and the Friday Street team face off against their most formidable antagonist yet: the far-right.
Der Doppelagent
Caroline McCoy’s political reign brings chaos to the streets of Manchester, and catapults hardline DCI Terry Taylor into Friday Street cop shop, to bring the police in line with her agenda
Stuart und Jonah werden im letzten Moment von Nachbarn gerufen, um zu verhindern, dass Dean Wayne von Christine totgeprügelt wird. Diese behauptet, er habe versucht, sie zu vergewaltigen. Unterdessen findet Miller den Treffpunkt von Beckett und Caroline heraus. Um sie überführen zu können, muss das Team sie dazu bringen, sich mit dem angeblich noch lebenden Beckett dort zu treffen.

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