New Worlds - Aufbruch nach Amerika

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Action & Abenteuer, Drama, Krieg & Militär, Historisch • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland • 2014


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England im 17. Jahrhundert. Nach dem Ende des blutigen Bürgerkrieges hat Karl II. wieder den Thron bestiegen und hält als Tyrann das Reich in seinem Bann. Mitten in diesen Wirren sind vier junge Menschen auf der Suche nach ihrem eigenen Weg in eine gute Zukunft. Mit vielen anderen begehren sie gegen die Tyrannenherrschaft auf und wagen schließlich die Flucht in die Neue Welt. Aber auch die neue Heimat selbst ist ein Pulverfass…

New Worlds
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
Charles Martin
Deutsch, Englisch
Michael Maloney, Jeremy Northam, Guy Henry, Amy Marston, Michael McElhatton, Tom Payne, Elliot Reeve, Malcolm Storry, Rupert Holliday-Evans, Billy Howle, Alex Meraz, Josef Altin, Phil Cheadle, Holli Dempsey, Joe Dempsie, Jamie Dornan, Alice Englert, Freya Mavor, Pip Carter, Jamie Dornan Freya Mavor Alice Englert Joe Dempsie Amy Marston Phil Cheadle Holli Dempsey Pip Carter, Eve Best
Deutsch, Englisch


1. Staffel 1 (4 Episoden)
Eine faszinierende und bildgewaltige Reise an den Rand der Zivilisation und in neue Welten. Großartiges historisches Abenteuer. Hochkarätig besetzt mit Jamie Dornan („Fifty Shades of Grey“), Freya Mavor ("Skins - Hautnah"), Alice Englert ("Beautiful Creatures") und Joe Dempsie ("Game of Thrones") in den Hauptrollen.
Angelica Fanshawe strives to protect her daughter and Catholic husband from chaos in England, while in New England the colonists struggle to throw off the control of the English Crown.
In Massachusetts, Ned is dispatched to England by his father John Hawkins, and asks him to give Hope a letter in return. However, John destroys it and insists Hope marry recent widower Henry Cresswell. Back in Oxfordshire, Abe and Beth blow up the clay pits where landowner George Hardwick is forcing men, women and children to work in terrible conditions, and Abe later attempts to assassinate the king. Meanwhile, Judge Jeffreys puts pressure on Will Blood to produce evidence against Angelica and her husband John Francis.
Beth's journey to begin a new life ends abruptly when her ship is wrecked on the shores of Massachusetts. Discovered by Masca, leader of the Native American Wawanaki tribe, she is taken in and slowly recovers. When Ned returns to Boston, he is dismayed to find Hope stuck in a loveless marriage to Henry Cresswell, who is on a ruthless mission to build a new settlement on the tribe's land. Back in England, Abe Goffe's fight for justice takes a new turn when he encounters maidservant Agnes, who provokes him to search out Colonel Algernon Sidney, one of his father's old republican comrades. With him he plots to assassinate the king, but will they succeed?
When news of Charles II's death reaches Boston, Beth decides it's time to return to England. As she makes her way to Oxford, she is reunited with Abe, who has escaped from his jail cell and dedicated his life to spreading Colonel Sidney's revolutionary ideas. Meanwhile, Ned and Hope lead a group of young Bostonians fighting for an independent America.

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