From the Earth to the Moon

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Action & Abenteuer, Drama, Historisch, Mystery & Thriller • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1998


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Ihre Bewertung

In Zusammenarbeit mit der NASA verfolgt der Film die Geschichte eines "American Dream", den ersten Menschen auf den Mond zu schicken. Mit den Reisen der Apollo-Astronauten wurde dieser Traum Wirklichkeit. Spannend wie nie zuvor wird in dieser Reihe von den Menschen erzählt, die dazu beigetragen haben, eine der größten Leistungen der Menschheitsgeschichte zu vollbringen: den Flug zum Mond.

From the Earth to the Moon
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Tom Hanks, David Clennon


1. Staffel 1 (12 Episoden)
"Ein kleiner Schritt für einen Menschen, aber ein gewaltiger Sprung für die Menschheit": Die komplette Apollo-Mond-Mission als zwölfteilige Dokudramaserie. Von und mit Tom Hanks.
Zeigen wir's ihnen
NASA responds to John F. Kennedy's challenge of landing a man on the moon with a group of new astronauts for the Gemini Program, who work toward the eventual lunar voyage with a series of risky and groundbreaking earth-orbit missions.
The tragic death of Apollo's first three astronauts during a pre-launch test haunts the spacecraft's designers, as they struggle to come to terms with what happened, and find a way to save the moon program.
Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
A documentary film crew follows the final preparations for the first manned Apollo launch. Now behind schedule due to the Apollo 1 fire, astronauts and launch pad personnel bet their lives--and America's space future--on its success.
Der Flug zum Mond
NASA takes its boldest and most controversial step—an attempt to fly men around the moon and back for the first time in history—at the end of one of the most cataclysmic years of the century.
Wettlauf gegen die Zeit
Engineers at Grumman Aviation work with NASA and the Apollo 9 astronauts to design, build, and finally test-fly the world's first true spaceship—a “lunar module” which will hopefully land the first humans on the moon.
Ein gewaltiger Schritt für die Menschheit
The glare of the public eye, conflicts among the crew, disastrous simulations, and a series of harrowing last-minute crises threaten the Apollo 11 astronauts' success at pulling off NASA's crowning achievement—the first lunar landing.
Ein bisschen Spaß muss sein
From the perspective of Astronaut Alan Bean, see how he made an unexpected journey to the moon and his friendship with his Apollo 12 crew mates.
Der Tod reist mit
As the life-threatening consequences of the Apollo 13 accident escalate in real time, so do the tensions among the NASA press corps covering it. Among them, a respected, old-school TV journalist questions the confrontational methods of a younger, slicker colleague.
Golf auf dem Mond
America's first man in space, Alan Shepard, is grounded with an inner ear disorder. A thankless new desk job starts to look permanent, until fate—and surgery—bring him a chance to rescue the space program.
Galileo hatte recht
Geology guru Lee Silver helps Dave Scott and his Apollo 15 crew unravel the moon's mysterious origins by teaching them to become his lunar surrogates, and thus the first fully-trained “field observers” on another world.
Der Preis des Ruhms
A group of young military wives struggle with their new “jobs” handling both the national spotlight and a demanding home front. Meanwhile, their astronaut husbands lose themselves in the pursuit of a national goal alternately competitive, glamorous, and deadly.
Die letzte Reise zum Mond
The bittersweet end of the Apollo program—and the final manned journey to another planet—is juxtaposed with a light-hearted recreation of the first cinematic imagining of such an endeavor, the 1902 French silent classic “Voyage to the Moon.”

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