Falcon Crest

SERIE • 9 Staffeln • Romantik, Drama • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1981


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Ihre Bewertung

Angela Channing ist Leiterin des Weinguts Falcon Crest. Damit ist sie recht erfolgreich. Doch sie will mehr: Mehr Macht und mehr Geld. Da passt es ihr gar nicht, dass ihr Neffe Chase Gioberti nach dem Tod seines Vaters ebenfalls auf Falcon Crest kommt, um dort sein Erbe anzutreten. Selbst Angelas beiden Töchter, Emma und Julia, sowie ihre Enkel Lance sind für Angela nur ein Mittel zum Zweck. Sie hat stets ihre eigenen Ziele im Kopf – und will diese auch unbedingt durchsetzen. Das bekommen schließlich auch ihre Gegner zu spüren. Fiese Intrigen und Machtspiele beginnen …

Falcon Crest
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Jane Wyman, David Selby, Lorenzo Lamas, Gregory Harrison, Rod Taylor, Kristian Alfonso, Margaret Ladd, Chao Li Chi, Wendy Phillips, Andrea Thompson


1. Staffel 1 (20 Episoden)
Das Haus der Väter
Nach dem tragischen Unfalltod von Jason Gioberti beschließt sein Sohn Chase, mit seiner Familie nach Falcon Crest umzusiedeln, um die Familientradition des Weinanbaus weiterzuführen. Dieser Entschluss wird von Chases Tante Angela Channing missbilligend aufgenommen. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Enkel Lance plant sie, die Familie Gioberti aus Falcon Crest zu vertreiben.
Der Saboteur
Die Familie Gioberti hat sich gut eingelebt in der Weingegend von Tuscany Valley. Plötzlich taucht Paul Salinger, ein alter Kriegskamerad von Chase, auf, um ihn für ein gemeinsames Charterflugunternehmen zu begeistern. Doch Chase hat die Fliegerei aufgegeben; sein Entschluss, Weinbauer zu werden, steht fest. Da Paul vor dem Ruin steht, versucht er mit allen Mitteln, sein Vorhaben durchzusetzen …
Erste Ernte
Die anfängliche Idylle der Giobertis droht zu zerbrechen. Hohe Steuerschulden vermiest der Familie die Stimmung. Rettung naht als Weinkellereibesitzer Carl Reed Chase ein verlockendes Angebot unterbreitet: Er bietet an, den Giobertis die Weinernte abzukaufen und ihnen das Geld für die Steuerschulden vorzustrecken. Als Angela Channing, Chases Tante, von Reeds Angebot erfährt, heckt sie einen Plan aus, um das Geschäft zu verhindern.
Die Lektion
Verägert über die verschwederischen und aggressiven Handlungen ihres Enkels Lance beschließt Angela ihn spüren zu lassen, dass sein Erbe auf dem Spiel steht. Zu diesem Zweck lässt sie Chases Sohn Cole glauben, dass er einmal das gewaltige Erbe antreten wird. Cole fällt auch prompt auf ihre Intrige herein und gerät dadurch in Konflikt mit seinen Eltern.
Tonys Rückkehr
Zwölf Jahre lang war Julias Ehemann Tony verschollen. Als er plötzlich wieder vor der Tür steht, ist die Aufregung groß. Julia spürt, dass sie Tony auch nach all den Jahren noch liebt. Gemeinsam planen die beiden, Falcon Crest zu verlassen, um an einem anderen Ort von vorne zu beginnen. Julias Mutter Angela hält nichts von diesem Plan und versucht alles, um ihre Tochter aufzuhalten.
Verwandte Seelen
Weil Angela beabsichtigt, ihren Landbesitz zu erweitern, reiten Lance, Cole und Chase los, um die verwilderte Gegend nach vorhandenen Wasserressourcen abzusuchen. Unglücklicherweise kommt es zu einem Unfall, bei dem Cole schwer verletzt wird. Während Chase bei seinem Sohn bleibt, holt Lance Hilfe. Doch er wird in eine vermeintliche Affäre verwickelt, die ihn eine Nacht ins Gefängnis bringt. Letztendlich kann das Missverständnis aufgeklärt werden, und ein Rettungstrupp bringt Chase und Cole zurück in die Stadt. Währenddessen wird auf Falcon Crest Emma vermisst.
Der Verführer
Angela kümmert sich besorgt um ihre psychisch kranke Tochter Emma, die indirekt am Unfalltod ihres Onkels Jason beteiligt war. Unter Umständen muss die wahre Unfallursache geheim gehalten werden. Unverhofft taucht Turner Bates, Emmas ehemaliger Freund auf, der an Jasons Tod mitschuldig ist, und Angela muss befürchten, dass das Geheimnis gelüftet wird.
Herr im Haus
Während ihrer Abwesenheit beauftragt Angela ihren Enkel, die Geschäftsangelegenheiten zu regeln. Voller Stolz auf die übertragene Verantwortung will er seine Sache besonders gut machen. Doch er fällt einem Betrüger zu Opfer, und Chase muss ihm aus der Klemme helfen.
Ein dunkler Tag
Die Giobertis haben Probleme mit ihrer 19-jährigen Tochter Vickie. Sie träumt von einer Karriere als Tänzerin und findet das Landleben auf Falcon Crest öde und haut ab. Sie landet prompt in einem zwielichtigen Etablissement. Im Theater trifft Angela ihren alten Freund Arthur Masefield wieder. Zufällig sind auch ihr Ex-Mann Douglas und seine Begleiterin Mara Wingate da …
Erpresser und Opfer
Emmas psychischer Zustand wird immer schlimmer. Sie leidet unter Alpträumen und kann den Tod ihres Geliebten Turner Bates nicht überwinden. Als sich herausstellt, dass sie von Turner Bates schwanger ist, gewinnt sie neuen Lebensmut. Doch dann verliert sie bei einem Sturz ihr ungeborenes Baby.
Liebe oder Geld
Falcon-Crest-Besitzerin Angela Channing hat große Pläne: Sie möchte, dass ihr Enkel Lance die Tochter des reichen Grundbesitzers Agretti heiratet. Lance hat jedoch andere Pläne, denn er hat sich in Lori verliebt. Lance lädt seine Freundin nach Falcon Crest ein, um sie der Familie vorzustellen. Als er seiner Großmutter eröffnet, Lori heiraten zu wollen, ist diese geschockt. Angela lässt nichts unversucht, um die Beziehung zwischen Lance und Lori zu zerstören. Währenddessen wühlt Chase in der Vergangenheit seines Vaters. Dabei macht er eine interessante Entdeckung über Angela.
Die Familienfeier
Die seit Jahren in Frankreich lebende Mutter von Chase, Jacqueline, hat ihren Besuch angekündigt. Angela ist von dieser Nachricht wenig begeistert. Im Verlauf einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen Jacqueline und Angela erfährt Chase, warum seine Mutter vor 30 Jahren seinen Vater und Falcon Crest verlassen hat.
Der Kandidat
Phil Eberhardt hat ein Vorstandsmitglied der Kreisverwaltung erschossen, weil es ihm das Wasser absperren und dadurch seinen Weinberg ruinieren wollte. Chase kandidiert für dieses Amt und verspricht den Weinbauern eine gerechte Verteilung der Wasserversorgung. Angela ist damit nicht einverstanden, weil sie fast alle Wasserreservoirs kontrolliert.
Douglas stimmt zu, dass sein Enkel Lance in seinem Verlag arbeitet. Dieses Unternehmen scheitert aber. Als Angela erfährt, dass Emma zu einem Psychiater gebracht wurde, erzählt sie Julia wütend die Wahrheit über Jasons Tod und Emmas Mitschuld.
Ende einer Party
Chase gibt eine Party, an der auch Julia teilnimmt. Als Emma unerwartet auftaucht, will Julia sie wegschicken. Emma droht, Chase die Wahrheit über Jasons Tod zu sagen. Auf dem Heimweg von der Party verunglücken Freunde Coles mit ihrem Wagen tödlich.
Zwischen Gut und Böse
Nachdem sie von ihren Verwandten unter Druck gesetzt wurden, beschließen Lance und Melissa, zu heiraten. Als Cole davon erfährt, bricht für ihn eine Welt zusammen. Er ist es, der Melissa wirklich liebt. Als Lance am Tag nach der Hochzeit erfährt, dass Melissa schwanger ist, ist ihm bewusst, dass er als Vater nicht in Frage kommt.
Offene Fragen
Die frisch verheirateten Lance und Melissa brechen ihrer Hochzeitsreise vorzeitig ab und kehren nach Falcon Crest zurück. Chase will mehr über den Tod seines Vaters erfahren. Er beauftragt den Staatsanwalt, sich mit dem Fall zu beschäftigen. Als Emma und ihr Vater Douglas bei der Voruntersuchung ankommen, geschieht ein Unglück.
Endgültige Antworten
Emma ist geschockt über den plötzlichen Tod ihres Vaters. Als die Untersuchung über den Unfalltod Jason Giobertis wieder aufgenommen wird, soll auch Emma aussagen. Dies will ihre Mutter Angela Channing jedoch mit allen Mitteln vermeiden. Selbst die Nachricht, dass ihr verstorbener Mann Douglas einen unehelichen Sohn hat, der den Verlag seines Vaters erben soll, ist für Angela im Moment zweitrangig.
Folge 19
Folge 99
2. Staffel 2 (22 Episoden)
Die Herausforderung
Angela Channing ist nicht bereit, ihren Besitz mit Chase zu teilen. Der uneheliche Sohn von Douglas, Richard, ist nach San Francisco gekommen, um sein Erbe anzutreten. Er will allerdings nicht ins Verlagsgeschäft, sondern in die Weinindustrie einsteigen.
Der neue Mann
Richard Channing lässt die Mitarbeiter seiner Zeitung spüren, dass er der neue Mann im Verlagshaus ist. Angela wird nach dem ersten Zusammentreffen mit Richard in ihrer Annahme bestärkt, dass der uneheliche Sohn ihres verstorbenen Mannes ein gefährlicher Gegner werden könnte.
Schmutziges Wasser
Angela Channing versucht, das Recht auf die Wasserversorgung des Tuscany Valley zu behalten und bedient sich dabei auch unlauterer Methoden. Richard bereitet ihr Sorgen, weil er Agrettis Weinberge kaufen will. Cole wird nach einer Auseinandersetzung mit Agretti in dessen Haus gerufen. Dort findet er einen Toten.
Unter Mordverdacht
Carlo Agretti ist ermordet worden. Cole, der ihn aufgefunden hat, wird der Tat verdächtigt und verhaftet. Richard nutzt die Gelegenheit zur Veröffentlichung eines bösen Sensationsartikels. Angela ist besorgt, weil Emma das Weingut heimlich verlassen hat.
Richard Channing setzt auch nach Coles Enthaftung gegen Kaution seine Hetzkampagne fort. Die böswilligen Verdächtigungen in Richards Artikeln veranlassen Cole, auf einem benachbarten Weingut eine Stelle anzunehmen.
Eigene Wege
Cole ist zu Katherine Demery auf das benachbarte Weingut gezogen. Angela versucht mit Hilfe ihres Anwalts Erikson, Emma zu finden. Ein Treffen von Lance mit seiner Ex-Freundin Lori führt zu einer folgenschweren Auseinandersetzung mit Melissa.
Unruhige Nacht
Die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Lance und Melissa erreichen ihren Höhepunkt. Melissa gesteht Cole, dass sie ein Kind von ihm erwartet. Richard Channing schreckt auch vor kriminellen Methoden nicht zurück, um in Tuscany Valley Fuß zu fassen.
Heimlicher Abschied
Cole will ins Ausland flüchten, weil er befürchtet, im Prozess um den Mord an Carlo Agretti seine Schuldlosigkeit nicht beweisen zu können. Chase findet seinen Sohn in letzter Minute und bringt ihn zurück. Tony ist zurückgekehrt und versucht, mit Hilfe von Richard Channing Julia für sich zu gewinnen.
Die Rettung
Während Melissas Baby noch immer in Lebensgefahr schwebt, kauft Angela immer mehr Globe-Aktien, um die Zeitung unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen. In Hollywood findet Maggie in Darryl Clayton überraschend einen Interessenten für ihr Drehbuch.
Doppeltes Spiel
Lance ist fest entschlossen, sich von Melissa scheiden zu lassen. Angela riskiert immer öfter unlautere finanzielle Transaktionen, um Richard auszubooten. Maggie erfährt, dass Cole der Vater von Melissas Baby ist.
Das Dokument
Chases Mutter Jacqueline bringt brisante Unterlagen aus Europa mit, die beweisen, dass Angela illegale Bankgeschäfte getätigt hat. Diese Informationen helfen Chase, seine neue Rebsorte trotz Angelas Widerstand durchzusetzen. Auch die Spannungen zwischen Chase und Richard legt Jacqueline bei. Völlig überraschend lüftet sie das Geheimnis, wer Richards Mutter ist.
Angela gelingt es nicht, Richard bei der Aufsichtsratssitzung des ‚Globe‘ zu entmachten. Kurz darauf bereitet ihr Richard eine empfindliche Niederlage. Bei einer Party erfährt Maggie die Hintergründe von Claytons Filmprojekt. Richard bricht sein Versprechen, die Identität seiner Mutter geheim zu halten.
Die Rivalinnen
Die Familienfehde auf Falcon Crest spitzt sich weiter zu. Nachdem Richard das Geheimnis um seine Mutter gelüftet hat, sind Angela und Jacqueline erbitterte Feindinnen. Angela will sich rächen, weil Jacqueline ein Verhältnis mit ihrem Ex-Mann Douglas hatte. Sie beauftragt ihren Anwalt Philip Erikson, Jacquelines Vergangenheit zu durchleuchten. Lance kann beweisen, dass Joseph nicht sein Sohn ist. Er hofft, dass Angela in seine Scheidung von Melissa einwilligt.
Verdächtige Spuren
Cole wird nach seinem Freispruch in eine Falle gelockt. Ein Unbekannter schlägt ihn nieder und sperrt Cole in eine mit Abgasen verpestete Garage. Es soll wie Selbstmord aussehen. Chase ist entschlossen, die Suche nach Carlo Agrettis Mörder selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Lance betrügt Melissa weiter mit Lori. Gekränkt fängt diese eine Affäre mit Richard an.
Falsche Versprechungen
Melissa setzt Angela unter Druck. Sie will die Agretti-Weinberge an Richard verkaufen, wenn Angela ihre Schulden nicht bezahlt. Cole, der sich angeblich wegen des Mordes an Agretti das Leben nehmen wollte, kann in letzter Minute gerettet werden. Chase engagiert einen Privatdetektiv, weil er bei der Aufklärung des Falles von der Polizei nicht unterstützt wird.
Deutliche Warnung
Richard will sich für ein missglücktes Geschäft rächen und behauptet in einem Zeitungsartikel, Cole sei der Vater von Melissas Kind. Den Beweis hat ihm Lance mit einer Kopie des Vaterschaftstests geliefert. Erbost kündigt Angela an, Lance zu enterben. Melissa geht mit Chase vertrauliche Dokumente von Carlo Agretti durch, um Hinweise auf dessen Mörder zu finden. Dabei stoßen sie auf einen Drohbrief, der von Angela stammt.
Liebe und Gehorsam
Lance verlässt Falcon Crest und zieht zu seiner Freundin Lori. Doch sein großzügiger Lebenswandel lässt sich mit den bescheidenen Mittel des Bürgertums nicht vereinbaren. Richard gelingt es durch den Kauf eines Weingutes, im Tuscany Valley Fuß zu fassen. Zur Einweihungsparty sind lauter angesehene Leute geladen.
Lance und Melissa versöhnen sich überraschend und wollen nun gemeinsam um Falcon Crest kämpfen. In trauter Zweisamkeit spielen sie Angela die glückliche Familie vor. Maggie hat den Sprung nach Hollywood geschafft. Ihr Drehbuch wird verfilmt, doch für die Dreharbeiten fehlt Maggie der nötige Elan. Schuld daran ist Chase. Mit seiner aussichtslosen Suche nach Angrettis Mörder treibt er Maggie auf die Palme.
Die Reise nach Frankreich
Angela fühlt sich durch den Landbesitz Richards bedroht und beschließt, nach Frankreich zu reisen, um in seiner Vergangenheit zu wühlen. Sie hofft, einen wunden Punkt zu finden. Emma knackt Richards Computercode und entdeckt, dass er Carlo Angretti immense Summen überwiesen hat. Ein schrecklicher Verdacht steigt in ihr auf.
Das Ultimatum
Angela hat herausgefunden, dass Richards Stiefvater Henry Denault ein Nazikollaborateur war. Sie besucht ihn in New York und stellt Denault vor die Wahl: Entweder er sorgt dafür, dass Richard aus Californien verschwindet oder sie macht Denaults Vergangenheit öffentlich. Die Ermittlungen um Julias Autounfall haben ergeben, dass jemand mutwillig ihre Bremsleitungen beschädigt hat. Aufgrund eindeutiger Fingerabdrücke gerät Lance unter Tatverdacht
Richard verweigert Sheriff Robbins seine Mithilfe bei der Aufklärung des tödlichen Unfalls seines Stiefvaters. Als er außerdem nicht freiwillig nach New York umsiedeln will, ist die Geduld des Sheriffs zu Ende. Lance lockt seine Mutter unter einem Vorwand nach San Diego. Dort erlebt sie eine bitterböse Überraschung. Maggie hat vom Filmgeschäft die Nase voll. In der Hoffnung, ihre Ehe doch noch zu retten, kehrt sie nach Hause zurück.
Das Geständnis
In New York hat Richard eine unerfreuliche Begegnung mit seiner Mutter. Jacqueline fordert von ihm ein friedfertiges Zusammenleben mit seinem Halbbruder Chase. Ansonsten wird sie all seine Vorhaben gegen Falcon Crest durchkreuzen. Für die Giobertis ist dies ein Tag zum Feiern: Ihre Tochter Vicki heiratet. Auf der Hochzeitsfeier erfahren die Gäste eine brisante Neuigkeit. Charles Fong, ein Hausangestellter Agrettis, entlarvt dessen Mörder.
3. Staffel 3 (28 Episoden)
Dunkles Erwachen
Chase ist bei der Festnahme von Angelas Tochter Julia durch einen Schuss lebensgefährlich verletzt worden. Der Arzt Michael Ranson, der aus Anlass von Jacquelines Beerdigung ins Tuscany Valley gekommen ist, gibt seinem Cousin Chase nur geringe Überlebenschancen. Angela versucht, Julia gegen Kaution freizubekommen.
Bittere Medizin
Chase ist außer Lebensgefahr, aber seine Beine sind gelähmt. Diesen Umstand nutzt Angela Channing für ihre eigenen Zwecke aus. Melissa kann nicht vergessen, dass Lance Mutter ihren Vater erschossen hat. Heimlich trifft sie sich mit Richard Channing, da passiert ein neues Unglück.
Die Verschwörung
Durch das schnelle Eingreifen von Michael Ranson kann Joseph, der gefährliche Tabletten geschluckt hat, gerettet werden. Der Zustand von Chase sorgt für Kopfzerbrechen. Von Tag zu Tag scheint es ihm schlecher zu gehen. Richard Channing hetzt Julia bei einem Besuch im Gefängnis immer mehr gegen ihre Mutter auf.
Maggie gelingt es, Michael Ranson zu überzeugen, dass er die Behandlung von Chase übernimmt. Auf diese Weise können die lebensgefährlichen Machenschaften von Dr. Lantry gestoppt werden. Chase erholt sich zusehends und versucht zu verhindern, dass ihn Angela durch einen Gerichtsbeschluss von der Arbeit auf Falcon Crest ausschließt.
Das Schuldbekenntnis
Obwohl Chase nur mit Krücken laufen kann, versucht er einen Großteil der anstehenden Arbeiten selbst zu erledigen. Lance ist bemüht, ihm Steine in den Weg zu legen. Melissa will um jeden Preis ihren ermordeten Vater rächen. Es gelingt ihr, Julia soweit zu bringen, dass sie sich in der gerichtlichen Voruntersuchung schuldig bekennt.
Das Urteil
Julia beschuldigt sich vor Gericht selbst des zweifachen Mordes. Ihrem Anwalt sind wegen dieses Alleingangs die Hände gebunden. Der Richter, von dem sie die Todesstrafe fordert, verurteilt Julia zu lebenslänglicher Haft. Doch Angela ist fest entschlossen, ihre Tochter aus dem Gefängnis zu holen.
Das Testament
Nachdem sich die beiden Brüder Richard und Chase versöhnt haben, kann Jacquelines Testament geöffnet werden. Niemand weiß, wie groß ihr Vermögen tatsächlich ist. Einen bitteren Nachgeschmack hat die Testamentsvollstreckung vor allem für Richard. Sein Anteil an der Erbschaft soll einem Kloster zufließen, wenn er nicht dauerhaft Frieden mit Chase schließt.
Julia macht im Gefängnis Höllenqualen durch. Die tyrannische Aufseherin und ihre Mitgefangenen schikanieren sie schlimmstens. Unter Mühen versucht Julia, mit ihrer Mutter Kontakt aufzunehmen. Michael Ranson hat die Krankenakte von Chase eingesehen, in der sich viele Beweise für einen Komplott von Dr. Lantry und Angela finden. Wie es aussieht, haben die beiden Chases Gesundheit bewusst aufs Spiel gesetzt.
Nachdem Michael weitere Indizien für die Machenschaften Dr. Lantrys gefunden hat, will er den Fall vor Gericht bringen. Angela befürchtet, in den Skandal verwickelt zu werden. Um von sich abzulenken, lässt sie Dr. Lantry unter Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen verhaften.
Dr. Lantry will nach seiner Festnahme als Kronzeuge gegen Angela aussagen. Angela gelingt es, Lantry gegen Kaution freizubekommen. Um ihn später ins Ausland abschieben zu können, lässt sie Lantry in ein Versteck bringen.
Verraten und verkauft
Lance erfährt, wo Dr. Lantry sich aufhält. Um sich wegen ständiger Demütigungen an seiner Mutter zu rächen, verrät er Chase das Versteck des flüchtigen Arztes. Als Lantry klar wird, dass man ihm auf die Schliche gekommen ist, versucht er sich mit einer Überdosis Morphium das Leben zu nehmen. Richard Channing lässt sich durch den Tod seines Freundes John Osborne nicht einschüchtern und führt seine Bemühungen für eine Pferderennbahn fort.
Der Eklat
Angela kommt in der Krankenhausaffäre straffrei davon. Nach dem Tod von Dr. Lantry, dem einzigen Belastungszeugen, kann Chase ihr keinen Prozess mehr machen. Dennoch gelingt es ihm, Angela empfindlich zu schaden. Durch die Berufung auf eine alte Klausel im Testament seines Großvaters wird ihr die Geschäftsleitung von Falcon Crest entzogen. Julia wird ins Gefängniskrankenhaus eingewiesen, weil sie während der Haft unter Drogen- und Alkoholeinfluss geraten ist.
Nach dem Verlust ihrer Machtstellung auf Falcon Crest, sagt Angela ihrem verhassten Neffen Chase den Kampf an. Notfalls will sie das Weingut ruinieren, nur um Chase zu schaden. Lance und ein gekaufter Brandstifter legen Feuer im Büro des Steuerberaters, damit Chase die Geschäftsbücher nicht einsehen kann. Chase will Richards Rennbahn-Projekt verhindern. Er befürchtet negative Auswirkungen auf die Weinindustrie der gesamten Region.
Die feindlichen Brüder
Richard Channing kann die Bevölkerung von Tuscany Valley für den Bau einer Pferderennbahn begeistern. Um die Giobertis zu provozieren, legt er den Grundstein seines Projekts auf dem Land von Falcon Crest. Als sein Halbbruder Chase sich Richard in den Weg stellt, wird er festgenommen. Julia erleidet einen Nervenzusammenbruch, als sie erfährt, wer der Vater von Mellissas zweitem Kind ist.
Schatten der Vergangenheit
Sheriff Robbins muss operiert werden. Chefarzt Michael Ranson verspricht, den Eingriff persönlich vorzunehmen. Wegen einer traumatischen Erfahrung versagen jedoch seine Kräfte: Michaels Frau ist bei einer von ihm durchgeführten Operation verstorben. Richard Channing bekommt unangenehmen Besuch von einem Mitglied des Kartells, das sich für sein Rennbahn-Projekt interessiert.
Saure Trauben
Melissa möchte ihre Weinernte an Richard verkaufen. Durch einen Trick versucht Angelas Anwalt Philip Erikson, an die begehrte Ware zu kommen. Erikson beruft sich auf ein altes Abkommen zwischen Melissa und Angela Channing. Das Kartell will die Rennbahn übernehmen und greift notfalls zu räuberischen Methoden. Richard weigert sich, die Mitglieder des Kartells zu empfangen und bereut dies bald bitter.
Cole kämpft vor Gericht um das Sorgerecht für seinen Sohn. Mittels einer Intrige versuchen Melissa und Lance, den Prozess zu gewinnen. Sie täuschen eine Auseinandersetzung vor, bei der Lance angeblich von Cole verletzt wurde. Maggie zieht einen kompromittierenden Artikel über Jacqueline zurück. Aus falsch verstandener Wahrheitsliebe gibt Emma das Manuskript aber frei und bringt dadurch Maggie und Richard in Lebensgefahr.
Ein hoher Preis
Angela macht Melissa ein verlockendes Angebot: Wenn sie ihr hilft, Falcon Crest zurückzuwinnen, soll sie Angelas Universalerbin werden. Doch der Preis, den Melissa dafür zahlen muss, ist sehr hoch. Eine Party wird Schauplatz einer heftigen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Michael Ranson und Chase. Terry hatte behauptet, Chase hätte sie bedrängt.
Der Sturz
Linda bringt Melissa nach einer Party nach Hause. Auf der Fahrt geraten die beiden in Streit. Dabei verliert Linda die Kontrolle über den Wagen und verursacht einen Unfall. Während Linda nur wenig passiert, erleidet Melissa eine Fehlgeburt. Bei einer Auseinandersetzung mit ihrer Schwester stürzt Maggie über die Treppe. Bewusstlos bleibt sie am Boden liegen.
Schlimme Nachrichten
Philip hat in Jaquelines Hotel-Suite einen Manschettenknopf mit seinen Initialen verloren. Angela wertet dies als Beweis für eine Affäre zwischen den beiden und lehnt seinen Heiratsantrag ab. Um Terry aus Tuscany Valley zu vertreiben, lässt Angela ihre Vergangenheit im Rotlichtmilieu auffliegen. Auch Maggie muss eine schreckliche Wahrheit hinnehmen: Ein Gehirntumor wird bei ihr entdeckt, der nicht operiert werden kann.
Zu spät
Melissa hat Joseph seinem leiblichen Vater überlassen, um Angela die Rückkehr nach Falcon Crest zu ermöglichen. Nun bereut sie ihre Entscheidung. Doch es ist zu spät, um alles rückgängig zu machen. Julia ist aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen. Mit einer bewegenden Lügengeschichte versucht sie, bei dem Farmer Lucas Crosby unterzuschlüpfen. Terry will sich mit Michael versöhnen. Diesen kann aber nur echte Reue überzeugen.
Finstere Nacht
Die schwer kranke Maggie bekommt beim Abendessen starke Gleichgewichtsstörungen und muss ins Spital eingeliefert werden. Nach einigen Tagen scheint sich ihr Zustand zu bessern, doch dies ist nur kurzzeitig der Fall. Angela ist wieder zur Hälfte an Falcon Crest beteiligt. Als Lance erfährt, dass im Gegenzug Joseph an Cole zurückgegeben wurde, will er um Josephs Rückkehr kämpfen.
Letzte Hoffnung
Maggies Leben hängt an einem seidenen Faden. Nachdem der Tumor bereits zum Verlust ihrer Sehkraft geführt hat, rät Chefarzt Michael Ranson zu einer operativen Entfernung des kranken Gewebes. Doch dies ist mit großen Risken verknüpft. Angela drängt Lance, sich mit Melissa zu versöhnen, damit es einen Erben auf Falcon Crest gibt. Als ihm Melissa die kalte Schulter zeigt, wendet sich sein Zorn gegen Angela.
Bei Maggies Operation treten Komplikationen auf. Nach einem Herzstillstand liegt sie im Koma. Besorgt wacht Chase an ihrem Bett und hofft auf ein baldiges Lebenszeichen. Richard versucht, an das Erbteil seiner Mutter heranzukommen, um den Bau der Pferderennbahn finanzieren zu können. Er ahnt nicht, dass Chase ihr gesamtes Vermögen einer gemeinnützigen Organisation gestiftet hat.
Das große Rennen
Die Mitglieder des Kartells wollen Richard beim großen Eröffnungsrennen der Tuscany-Pferderennbahn ins Jenseits befördern. Richard entdeckt die Bombe jedoch rechtzeitig. Als sein Widersacher Cane sie zünden will, erlebt er eine böse Überraschung. Angela hat sich wieder mit Philip versöhnt und nimmt seinen Heiratsantrag an. Die Unstimmigkeiten zwischen Lance und Melissa bestehen dagegen weiter. Detektive sind Julia dicht auf den Fersen. Ihr bleibt nur wenig Zeit, sich abzusetzen.
Die Hochzeit
Julia ist nach Falcon Crest zurückgekehrt, um sich an ihrer Mutter zu rächen. Mit einer Pistole bewaffnet schleicht sie sich bei Angelas Hochzeitsfeier ein. Durch Zufall kann der kleine Joseph die Tat jedoch verhindern. Als zur gleichen Zeit die Polizei auf Falcon Crest eintrifft, gerät Julia in Panik, schnappt sich Joseph und flüchtet in einem Auto.
Die Abrechnung
Julia hat sich mit dem kleinen Joseph im alten Brunnenhaus versteckt. Obwohl ihre Lage aussichtslos ist, hält sie an ihrer Mordabsicht fest. Nur im Austausch gegen Angela ist Julia bereit, den Jungen wieder freizugeben. Angela stellt sich ihren Forderungen, da sie hofft, Julia die Schusswaffe rechtzeitig abnehmen zu können. Ihr Leben könnte davon abhängen.
Flug in den Wolken
Julia ist im Quellenhaus ums Leben gekommen. In einem Brief an Lance bittet sie um ein Begräbnis in Italien. Richard chartert ein Flugzeug, für das sich Chase als Pilot zur Verfügung stellt. Durch einen Trick gelingt es Melissa, Cole kurz vor dem Start zum Verlassen der Maschine zu bewegen. Wenige Minuten nach dem Abflug setzen aus unerklärlichen Gründen plötzlich die Triebwerke aus.
4. Staffel 4 (30 Episoden)
Das von Chase gesteuerte Flugzeug stürzt auf dem Weg nach Italien ab. Linda, Angelas Mann Philip und Michael Ranson überleben das Unglück nicht. Während Chase Sabotage als Absturzursache vermutet, verdächtigt Richard das Kartell.
Eigenwillige Partner
Chase plagen nach dem Flugzeugabsturz Albträume. Angela macht ihn für das Unglück verantwortlich. Mit Hilfe von Anwalt Greg Reardon versucht sie, Beweise für seine Schuld zu sammeln. Richard will die wahren Ursachen für den Absturz vertuschen, um seine Beziehungen zum Kartell geheim zu halten. Währenddessen kommt es unter den Chefs des Kartells zu einem tödlichen Streit.
Die Champagnerparty
Bei einer Party anlässlich der Präsentation eines neuen Champagners lüftet Angela ein dunkles Familiengeheimnis: Vor aller Augen verrät sie, dass Maggie ein Adoptivkind ist. Eng wird es um Chase. Ein Mechaniker, der das abgestürzte Flugzeug gewartet hat, belastet ihn mit einer Falschaussage.
Richard verliert nach einer Intervention von Angelas Anwalt seine Position im ‚Globe‘. Scheinbar souverän nimmt er seinen Hut und geht. In der darauffolgenden Nacht betritt ein Unbekannter Richards Schlafzimmer und feuert zwei Schüsse ab. Angela erreicht, dass Chase die Fluglizenz entzogen wird. Dieser will nun um seine Rehabilitierung kämpfen.
Maggie wird auf dem Parkplatz der Pferderennbahn von einem Unbekannten überfallen. Nichtsahnend stellt Chase ausgerechnet diesen Mann als neuen Transport-Vorarbeiter auf dem Weingut ein. Es ist Terrys Ehemann Joel McCarthy. Lance wird zum Missfallen der Belegschaft neuer Herausgeber des ‚Globe‘. Mit einer ungewöhnlichen Aktion versucht er die Sympathie seiner Mitarbeiter zu gewinnen.
Die Stieftochter
Richard erhält überraschend Besuch von seiner Stieftochter Lorraine, die gerade ihre Journalistenausbildung abgeschlossen hat. Ihr Auftauchen kommt wie gerufen. Nach seiner Entmachtung im ‚Globe‘ hat Richard einen Rundfunksender gekauft, den er zu einem führenden Medium ausbauen will, und dafür braucht er Leute aus der Branche. Pamela fühlt sich durch Lorraines Erscheinen vor den Kopf gestoßen.
Angela bekommt überraschend Besuch aus Italien. Ihre Verwandte Francesca Gioberti steckt nach einer schlechten Weinernte in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten und erhofft sich Hilfe von Angela. Ungebetenen Besuch erhält auch Richard. Seine Ex-Frau Stephanie kommt in die Stadt und warnt Lorraine davor, sich von Richard ausnutzen zu lassen. Maggie nimmt einen Job als Redakteurin in Richards Rundfunkstation an. Im Gegenzug hilft er ihr bei der Suche nach ihren leiblichen Eltern.
Francesca teilt Angela eine überraschende Neuigkeit mit: Sie ist ihre Halbschwester und hat deshalb Anspruch auf ein Drittel von Falcon Crest. Nach einer Schrecksekunde versucht Angela, sich die veränderte Situation zunutze zu machen. Julia ist der ständigen Flucht überdrüssig und stellt sich der Polizei. Doch niemand glaubt ihr, dass sie die totgeglaubte Julia Cumson ist.
Die Trumpfkarte
Chase fährt nach Washington zu Senator Silverlake. Mit Beweisen über Schmiergeldzahlungen will er erreichen, dass das Verfahren über den Flugzeugabsturz neu aufgerollt wird. Maggies Nachforschungen über ihre leiblichen Eltern enden mit einer Enttäuschung. Ihr Vater ist im Zweiten Weltkrieg gefallen. Francesca verpflichtet sich vertraglich, ihren Falcon Crest-Anteil an Angela abzutreten. Angela hat damit wieder das Mehrheitsrecht auf dem Weingut.
Francesca ist enttäuscht von ihren amerikanischen Verwandten. Bei ihrer Abschiedsparty wirft sie den Giobertis Habgier und Hass vor. Gustav Riebmann hilft Francesca, ihren mit Angela geschlossenen Vertrag wiederzubekommen. In derselben Nacht wird Julia von Riebmanns Leuten entführt.
Das höchste Gebot
Francesca versteigert ihren Erbanteil an Falcon Crest. Richard versucht Geld aufzutreiben, um mitbieten zu können. Dies will Angela um jeden Preis verhindern. Julia, die von Riebmanns Leuten entführt wurde, wird weiterhin vom Kartell festgehalten. Riebmann macht Julia glauben, dass Angela die Schuld an ihrer Lage trägt
Das Triumvirat
Richard, dem nun ein Drittel von Falcon Crest gehört, will dem Weingut sofort seinen Stempel aufdrücken. Er schlägt vor, eine computergesteuerte Weinkellerei zu errichten, um Tafelwein zu erzeugen. Chase und Angela sind dagegen. Terry wird von ihrem drogensüchtigen Ex-Ehemann erpresst. Richard verspricht, ihr zu helfen, wenn sie ihm ihre Ernte verkauft. Für die Realisierung seines Tafelwein-Projekts braucht er viele Trauben.
Lance und Joel kämpfen bei einem Autorennen beinhart um den Sieg. Durch gewagte Überholmanöver kann sich Lance an die Spitze setzen, doch Joel hält sich nicht an die Spielregeln. Angela versucht sich gegen Richard zur Wehr zu setzen. Seit er Miteigentümer ist, hat Angela Probleme, ihre Interessen auf Falcon Crest zu wahren. Richards Hypothek wurde von seinem alten Feind Riebmann gekauft, der sich rächen will.
Tödliche Falle
Angela hat Melissa aus dem Testament gestrichen, das scheint sich nun aber bitter zu rächen. In Melissas Auftrag arrangiert Joel einen Autounfall zwischen Angela und Lance, an den die beiden noch lange denken werden. Angela macht Richard ein verlockendes Angebot: Sie will sein Tafelwein-Projekt unterstützen, wenn er ihr dabei hilft, Chase aus Falcon Crest zu vertreiben.
Lance sitzt nach einer bösen Intrige im Gefängnis. Die Sache ist so gut eingefädelt, dass selbst Angela an die Schuld ihres Neffen glaubt. Terry wird mit Richards Hilfe endlich auch offiziell von Joel geschieden. Dieser gerät daraufhin in Panik. Mit der Aussicht auf eine Entziehungskur kann Richard ihn beruhigen. Auf der Fahrt zu einem Drogenrehabilitationszentrum legt Joel eine Beichte ab.
Schweigen ist teuer
Lance sitzt für ein Verbrechen im Gefängnis, das Melissa in Auftrag gegeben hat. Richard, von Joel in die wahren Begebenheiten eingeweiht, verlangt für sein Stillschweigen einen hohen Preis. Charlotte hat ihrer Tochter Maggie eine wertvolle Perlenkette gestohlen, um ihre Spielleidenschaft finanzieren zu können. Heimlich verlässt sie das Tal, als Maggie den Diebstahl bemerkt.
Die Champagner-Produktion von Chase gerät in Misskredit. Einem anonymen Hinweis zufolge sind mehrere Flaschen das edlen Getränks vergiftet. Um kein Risiko einzugehen, muss Chase den gesamten Bestand vernichten. Durch den Skandal um Lance sinkt die Auflage des ‚New Globe‘. Richard versucht, die Affäre für seinen Radiosender auszuschlachten. Obwohl er genau weiß, dass Lance unschuldig ist, stempelt er ihn als Täter ab.
Die Kraftprobe
Richards erster mit Wein beladener LKW wird überfallen und leer getankt. Erst nach und nach kommen er und Chase dahinter, wer der Drahtzieher des Anschlags war. Als Gustav Riebmann merkt, dass man ihm auf die Schliche kommt, ergreift er Gegenmaßnahmen.
Die Vergeltung
Riebmann hält Angela und Julia in seinem Haus fest. Beim Versuch, die beiden zu befreien, werden auch Chase und Angelas Anwalt Greg Rearden gefangen genommen. Angela macht Riebmann, den eigentlich nur der von seinem Vater versteckte Schatz interessiert, auf eine alte Goldmine aufmerksam, die sich auf Falcon Crest befindet. Dort entdeckt er tatsächlich den Schatz. Inzwischen hat Richard jedoch Riebmanns Aufenthaltsort ausgekundschaftet. Mit gezogener Waffe versucht er, den Verbrecher in der Mine zu stellen.
Der letzte Tag der Freiheit
Julia kann ihr Leben in Freiheit nur kurz genießen. Da sie aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen ist, muss sie noch eine Haftstrafe verbüßen. Um Julia die Rückkehr ins Gefängnis zu ersparen, versucht Angela, ihre Haftstrafe in einen Klosteraufenthalt umzuwandeln. Cole und Melissa wollen sich das Ja-Wort geben. Kurz vor ihrer Hochzeit lüftet Angela ein streng gehütetes Geheimnis von Melissa, das Cole bisher nicht bekannt gewesen ist.
Die Versöhnung
Cole und Melissa beschließen nach einer Aussprache, nun doch zu heiraten. Allerdings findet die Hochzeit diesmal in bescheidenem Rahmen statt. Nur die engsten Familienmitglieder sind geladen. Den Bund fürs Leben wollen auch Lance und Lorraine schließen. Als Richard erfährt, mit wem seine Tochter sich heimlich verlobt hat, kommt es zu einem großen Krach.
Verschlossene Türen
Richard weigert sich beharrlich, seiner Tochter die Hand zur Versöhnung zu reichen. So bleibt Lorraine nichts anderes übrig, als auf Falcon Crest zu bleiben. Es fällt ihr jedoch schwer, sich an die strengen Regeln in Angelas Haus zu gewöhnen. Schlechte Nachrichten gibt es auch für Lance. Sein Antrag auf eine Aufschiebung des Verfahrens wurde abgelehnt. Schon in den nächsten Tagen soll sein Prozess beginnen.
Der Prozess
Lance muss vor Gericht beweisen, dass er seine Großmutter nicht umbringen wollte. Obwohl alle Familienmitglieder wissen, dass er unschuldig ist, stehen seine Chancen schlecht. Der Richter handelt im Auftrag von Richard. Melissa kann das Kind nicht austragen, das sie erwartet. Sie und Cole überlegen, ob sie eine Leihmutter nehmen, die das Kind an ihrer Stelle zur Welt bringt.
Im Prozess gegen Lance wird das Urteil verkündet. Richter Holder setzt eine Haftstrafe von sieben Jahren fest. Angela, die sich einen Freispruch erhofft hatte, will in die Berufung gehen. Maggie hat den Verdacht, dass beim Prozess nicht alles mit rechten Dingen zugegangen ist. Sie vermutet, dass Richard seine Hand im Spiel hatte
Ein teuflischer Plan
Angela nutzt die Verurteilung von Lance sofort zu ihrem Vorteil aus. Auch für die Wiedererlangung des alleinigen Besitzrechtes an Falcon Crest hat sie schon einen Plan. Bis zur Berufungsverhandlung wird Lance auf freien Fuss gesetzt. Obwohl er sich vorgenommen hat, von nun an ein vorbildliches Leben zu führen, wird er straffällig. Kurzentschlossen ergreift Angela die Initiative und bringt Lance in ein Versteck.
Melissa muss befürchten, als Urheberin für Angelas Unfall entlarvt zu werden. Pamela will sie an die Staatsanwaltschaft ausliefern, wenn ihr Melissa kein Schweigegeld zahlt. Währenddessen lebt Lance in seinem Versteck in Chinatown wie ein Gefangener. Seine Freundin Lorraine ist Angela dicht auf den Fersen. Sie hofft, von ihr zum Fluchtort von Lance geführt zu werden.
Angela möchte, dass sich Lance nach Italien absetzt, da Chinatown kein sicherer Ort für ihn ist. Dort soll er solange untertauchen, bis sie seinen Freispruch erwirkt hat. Lance ist einverstanden, möchte aber, dass Lorraine mit ihm kommt. Am Morgen des Fluchttages bricht Richard mit dem Sheriff nach Chinatown auf, um Lance gefangen zu nehmen. Während dieser schon am Pier steht, hat Lorraine beim Versuch, der Polizei auszuweichen, einen schrecklichen Unfall.
Traurige Nachrichten
Lorraine ist bei einem missglückten Fluchtversuch schwer verletzt worden. Trotz der Gewissheit, verhaftet zu werden, schleicht sich Lance zu ihr ins Krankenhaus. Der Zustand seiner Freundin ist kritisch. Nach Tagen der Bewusstlosigkeit erwacht Lorraine und erfährt, dass ihr ungeborenes Kind den Sturz von der Treppe nicht überlebt hat.
Späte Reue
Um Melissa wird es eng. Greg Reardon kann nachweisen, dass sie Angelas Unfall verursacht hat. Da ihr keine Wahl bleibt, stellt sich Melissa der Polizei. Unterdessen fällt Angela weiteres Beweismaterial in die Hände. Richards Ex-Geliebte Pamela erleichtert ihr Gewissen, bevor sie Tuscany Valley verlässt und übergibt Angela ein Dokument, aus dem eindeutig hervorgeht, dass Lance unschuldig ist.
Der Racheengel
Beim Versuch, Richard und Chase auf hinterhältige Weise in die Pleite zu treiben, wird Angela ausgetrickst. Mit Entsetzen muss sie erkennen, dass sie in eine Falle gelaufen ist. Connie Giannini bietet Chase an, das Weingut ihres Vaters gemeinsam zu betreiben. Als sie ihr Geschäft mit einer herzlichen Umarmung besiegeln, werden sie von Maggie überrascht. Wutentbrannt flieht Maggie in das Haus ihres Schwagers Richard. Kurz darauf explodiert eine Bombe, und Richards Haus fliegt in die Luft.
5. Staffel 5 (29 Episoden)
Phönix aus der Asche
Cassandra Wilder ist es gelungen, sich an die Spitze von Falcon Crest zu setzen. Um ihr Imperium zu retten, sieht Angela sich gezwungen, ein seit vielen Jahren gehütetes Geheimnis zu lüften. Richard und Maggie haben die Explosion überlebt, doch Maggie leidet seitdem an einer Amnesie. Ihr Zustand bringt Chase zur Verzweiflung.
Fremd im eigenen Haus
Cassandra will aus Falcon Crest eine Ferienwohnanlage machen. Als Angela erfährt, dass Cassandra für ihr verhasstes Projekt noch einen Kapitalanleger sucht, nimmt sie Kontakt zu ihrem alten Freund Peter Stavros auf. Argwöhnisch beobachtet Melissa das Naheverhältnis zwischen ihrer Kusine Robin und Cole. Obwohl sie damit einverstanden war, dass Robin ein Kind von Cole austrägt, belastet sie nun diese Situation.
In a frantic effort to save her empire, Angela Channing calls on the expertise, wealth and influence of an old friend, Peter Stavros. After Maggie questions Richard Channing about their relationship before the explosion, she moves to an isolated cabin to reassemble her life. Father Christopher takes interest in the vineyards' field workers, which antagonizes Melissa and distresses Angela. Melissa later has to turn to him when her home life proves unbearable. In a meeting with Cassandra and Anna, Peter Stavros makes them his first offer for the purchase of Falcon Crest. Angela is forced into telling Father Christopher the truth about his background.
Licht in der Dunkelheit
When Chase tries to help Maggie regain her memory, she rebuffs his advances, reminding him that she doesn't remember him or their marriage. Peter Stavros asks Angela to marry him, but she can only think about saving Falcon Crest at the moment. As Father Christopher gets to know his family, Angela and Greg use him as proof that Anna had a motive to kill Dominic. Unnerved, Anna sneaks into Angela's bedroom and sets it ablaze. When Richard is shot at, he escapes injury because he wears a bulletproof vest. Jordan and Richard create a plan with Richard as the target that will draw out the assailant. Lance continues his reckless and despondent behavior.
When the manor house is torched, Lance saves Angela and Emma. Cassandra realizes her mother is the culprit in both fires. Because Maggie still suffers from amnesia, Chase suggests they renew their marriage vows with a second wedding. On the big day, Angela pours her own brand of vitriol on the ceremony by mentioning Chase's relationship with Connie Giannini. As Richard's would-be assassin tries again, he is caught. Father Christopher discovers some hard facts of life from Lance and Melissa. When Lance rescues a cocktail hostess, he learns that she is an aspiring singer and offers to help her career. Not realizing that Peter and Angela are intimately involved, Cassandra sells Falcon Crest to Peter.
Köder und Fußangeln
Lance finances Apollonia's demo record and then takes her and her friends to Falcon Crest after an all-night recording session. When Lance's grandmother strongly disapproves of his involvement with Apollonia, he insists that she is his business partner. He then outwits Angela by reclaiming the publisher's position at The New Globe, which serves as the first step in obtaining his goals for Apollonia's career. When Maggie and Chase fight over Connie, it triggers old memories for Maggie, much to Angela's discomfort. Desperate for financing, Richard Channing takes a chance at his racetrack. Stavros blackmails Angela into agreeing to marry him. When Robin thwarts Melissa and Cole again, Melissa seeks solace with Father Christopher.
Without Angela's knowledge, Lance trades his interest in The New Globe for Richard Channing's radio station to have a showcase for Apollonia's singing career. Angela tries unsuccessfully to buy Terry's land and in retaliation goads Terry into investing in Tuscany Downs. Angela then persuades the Board of Supervisors to approve a new irrigation system, which would place the land on which Chase is working under water. As Maggie is recovering, she tells Angela off. In the meantime, Peter pushes Angela to set a date for their wedding. Father Christopher makes peace between Melissa, Cole and Robin, but Melissa gives him reason to worry when she tells him she doesn't love Cole anymore. At a honky-tonk, where Lance has arranged for Apollonia to demonstrate her singing, Emma meets a dashing truck driver named Dwayne.
When Angela discovers that Lance has shifted from publisher to rock radio impresario, she expels him from the mansion. After an all-night tryst in Dwayne's truck, Emma returns home to Angela. Peter's attentions finally make an impression on Angela, and she begins to take his marriage proposal seriously. Although Richard Channing and Cassandra Wilder mistrust one another, they plan a new beginning. Melissa tries to tell Father Christopher about her feelings for him. In a plan to save their land, Chase and Maggie enlist the help of Sheriff Gilmore, Terry and Wicker.
Die Verlobung
At the party announcing her engagement to Peter Stavros, Angela shocks the gathered guests by revealing that Cole is the father of Robin's baby. Still smarting from having been outmaneuvered by Chase on the valley's water conservation project, Angela prepares an unusual method of revenge. Moreover, she sues Lance and Richard over their newspaper and radio station swap. In order to showcase Apollonia's songs, Lance changes his station from all-talk to all-rock. After Melissa receives her annulment from Lance, Father Christopher urges her and Cole to sanctify their marriage in the eyes of the church. Richard questions Jordan about her past and is puzzled by her reaction.
Rätselhafte Begegnungen
Although Angela is reluctant to change her name to Stavros and relinquish running her wine empire to marry Peter, they finally set the date. Refusing to lose Dwayne, Emma asks him to marry her. Richard proposes to Cassandra, believing he can only trust her if they are married. Cole and Melissa agree to a church wedding, but the bride becomes distraught when Father Christopher must perform the ceremony. Greg's persistence pays off when Jordan agrees to a date with him. Maggie receives an advance check for a novel she doesn't remember writing. A man from Apollonia's past re-enters her life and his actions disturb Lance. Angela loses her court battle to override Lance's exchange with Richard for the radio station.
Gestörte Beziehungen
With Emma's love-life flourishing, Lance defying her and Chase stealing her distributors, Angela's life continues to be rife with challenges. When Angela's attempt to bribe Dwayne to leave her daughter fails, Angela offers her blessing for their marriage if he sells his trucking business. However, Emma shows an amazing ability to cope with her mother and her demands. To shut Chase down, Angela blackmails the valley's agriculture inspector to get Chase's vineyards quarantined. Reardon makes Angela honor her promise to help him enter politics. Lance is able to show Apollonia the real Walker McDowell. Richard jilts Cassandra, who is pregnant, while Robin is about to give birth.
Falsche Hoffnungen
Chase ignores his new grandchild until the baby needs an operation, then rallies to support Cole and Melissa. When Maggie's novel, ""Sudden Friends,"" debuts in The New Globe, Angela prepares to sue. After Chase loses the distributor for his wine, he makes an offer to Dwayne. Apollonia stars in a video and is offered a long tour, but Lance refuses to accompany her. Reardon stands by while J.J. Roberts announces his candidacy for election, much to Jordan's distress. Confused about his feelings for Melissa, Father Christopher wants to resign from the priesthood. Terry questions Richard Channing about her share of the profits from Tuscany Downs. After she orders a secret audit, she discovers Richard's skimming scheme and confronts him with her findings.
Dichtung und Wahrheit
After Father Christopher moves into the mansion, Angela points out to Lance that it could significantly affect his inheritance if his half brother leaves the priesthood. Lance changes his mind about allowing Apollonia to go on tour without him, but reconsiders again when Father Christopher threatens his place in Angela's household. When Father Christopher tells Melissa that he is on leave from his duties, he crushes her expectations when he reminds her that she is a married woman. Robin's maternal instincts worry Cole and Melissa when they bring the baby home from the hospital. Emma provides Maggie a clue to the identity of the mysterious stranger in her book. Greg Reardon and Richard Channing each try to discover the secret in Jordan Roberts's life. Angela is curious about Peter Stavros's disappearance when she discovers he left his briefcase at Falcon Crest. Richard decides that marrying Terry will provoke Angela the most.
When Angela directs Lance to bribe the pickers not to pick Chase's grapes, Lance takes Father Christopher along to show him how deviously their grandmother Angela operates. Disgusted with her tactics, Christopher confronts her. After Chase discovers Angela's ruse in time to save his own harvest, he turns the tables on Angela. After signing a pre-nuptial agreement, which gives the groom the advantage, Richard Channing and Terry are married. As Apollonia embarks on her tour, Emma persuades Lance to follow her. The J.J Roberts fund-raiser at Falcon Crest is a huge success. Afterward, Jordan's mother uncovers the reason Jordan despises her father when Greg discovers Jordan working at a halfway house for abused girls. Peter Stavros's daughter tries to retrieve her father's briefcase from Angela. After Cole and Melissa pay Robin her money, Robin disappears with the baby.
Macht und Einfluss
In an effort to bring tranquility to her family, Angela takes Julia home for a visit, but her efforts to have her daughter influence Father Christopher backfire when Julia defies her mother. A state-wide search for Robin and the baby, Hope, is fruitless, until Robin calls Maggie for money and reveals that the baby is not Cole's. When Richard Channing makes plans to bleed his new wife of her assets, he learns that Terry is not as gullible as he had thought. Dwayne wants to elope with Emma, who invites him to dinner with the family, much to Angela's displeasure. Richard tries to combine forces with Chase to crush Angela. Jordan has a confrontation with her father. Melissa reveals how much her family means to her to Father Christopher. However, Angela misunderstands when she discovers them together.
Maggie brings Robin and Hope back, but Robin still refuses to relinquish the baby. After Angela tells Cole that she saw Melissa and Christopher embracing, she asks Cole to keep Melissa away from her grandson. After Melissa and Christopher deny Cole's accusation, Cole warns Melissa that she will have to stop acting like a tramp if she wants to keep the baby from Robin. When Robin tries to convince Cole that he is not Hope's father, he says a paternity test will prove that he is. Tired of watching Jordan destroy herself, Greg demands some answers from Jordan, who bursts into tears as she reveals that her father had molested her as a child. When Jordan confronts her father, J.J. crumbles under the weight of the truth and commits suicide.
Zerbrochene Träume
When the guilt from her father's death creates strange nightmares for Jordan Roberts, she looks to Greg Reardon for solace, but develops a split personality to hide from reality. Dwayne brings Emma home from the hospital and baits Angela. Lance leaves for Europe to continue his search for Peter Stavros. When Robin consults Angela for help in keeping her daughter, Angela is delighted at the opportunity to strike back at Melissa. Chase and Richard Channing make an agreement to work together and challenge Angela by opening Terry's winery.
Gewinner und Verlierer
Passing himself off as a playboy gambler in Monte Carlo, Lance is invited to a high-stakes game at a chateau where he discovers Peter Stavros to be a prisoner. However, Lance's attempt to free Peter, who is being held by his own daughter and Phillippe Hubbert, only succeeds in jeopardizing him. At a wine-tasting symposium in Hawaii, after Chase's wine defeats Angela's, Chase announces his partnership with Richard Channing during his acceptance speech. Paternity tests prove that Cole is the father of Robin's baby. Jordan is puzzled when she can't remember some of her evening activities, but Terry may have a clue for her.
Gesucht und gefunden
Sofia's attempt to reason with Phillippe about her father and Lance's imprisonment places her in the same predicament. However, a shootout at the chalet frees them all. After Lance fails to report to her at Falcon Crest, Angela flies to Europe with Reardon to find him, but they arrive too late to do any good. In the meantime, Emma and Dwayne find Ursula in Mexico and rescue her with the help of a flirtatious police captain. In order to even the score with Angela, Chase devises a ruse for one of the valley's vineyard owners. Jordan worries about her memory lapses, but begins to find rather unnerving clues to her behavior. Chase approves of Maggie's tour to promote her book. Joseph violently reacts to Melissa and Cole's continual disputes.
Der Verzicht
Peter Stavros's children pay him a surprise visit at Falcon Crest, while Angela's success at healing the rift between Sofia and her father results in new wedding plans for Peter and Angela. Maggie's publicity tour for her book takes her to New York, where she meets an admiring press agent, Jeff Wainright, who takes her under his wing. Terry spies on Jordan and discovers her evening activities. When Terry interferes with Richard's detectives, who are trying to locate Cassandra, Richard becomes angry, but his wrath soon turns to seduction. Chase takes drastic measures to retrieve his wine. Melissa and Cole's custody battle with Robin takes a turn when Cole admits they have a weak marriage and are not fit to be parents.
Gesetz und Moral
Before Sheriff Gilmore can serve a warrant for Angela's arrest, she disappears. Dwayne, concerned for Emma, alerts the Falcon Crest residents that Angela is about to be arrested for planning the hijacking of Chase's wine shipment. When the Sheriff arrives, he cannot find Angela and Peter. After Robin takes Hope from Melissa and Cole, Cole moves home. Jeff pursues Maggie across the country. Richard and Chase disagree on methods of acquiring more vineyards. After Jordan requests Greg's help, Terry hires a detective to spy on her. Peter returns with Angela's power of attorney to run Falcon Crest and Lance makes a discovery about his grandmother's disappearance.
Versteckte Absichten
Reasoning that Angela would never give control of Falcon Crest to an outsider, Lance is convinced that Peter is hiding something from the rest of the family. At the winery, Emma reconciles with Dwayne. After Maggie rejects Jeff's advances, he continues to fantasize about her. After Jordan provides Terry information about Richard and Chase's secret business plans, Richard hires a detective to check on Jordan. Eric begins to enjoy the campaign to secure Melissa's grapes for Falcon Crest when he takes her dancing. Reardon is fired after he refuses to obey Peter's order to withdraw $30 million of Falcon Crest funds for him.
In Abwesenheit
When Angela returns and discovers the havoc Peter has wrought during her absence, she vows to take vengeance on him. Before Angela's return, Reardon gets a temporary injunction to stay Peter's hand at Falcon Crest, but it is too late. Peter has disappeared, and so has Angela's $30 million. Richard not only discovers that Jordan has been revealing his financial problems to Terry, but also that Peter Stavros has purchased the mortgage on Tuscany Downs. Determined to win Maggie's attention, Jeff follows her to the Tuscany Valley after her tour concludes. In order to avoid being forced into selling her wine harvest to Falcon Crest, Melissa tries to convince Eric to form a partnership with her.
Die einzige Zeugin
Angela marries Peter after discovering he took her $30 million to keep her from being prosecuted for arranging the hijacking of Chase's wine. Although Angela turns herself in to Sheriff Gilmore, she has to serve time in jail until the $50,000 bail can be paid. While Jordan seeks help for Maggie's problem but refuses to continue with her therapy, Jeff's appearance in the valley disturbs Maggie. Angela discovers that Peter has made her Richard Channing's partner in Tuscany Downs. Angela is not only dismayed to find that Dwayne has moved into her house, but also finds Lance and Jordan sharing a bed at Falcon Crest.
While Maggie learns some distressing facts about her suitor, Angela maneuvers Chase and Jeff into a confrontation. Furthermore, Jeff has purchased a powerful deer rifle. While Greg discovers Jordan's escapade with Lance, he becomes more distressed when he meets ""Monica,"" Jordan's second personality. Seeking employment, Jordan goes to Richard, who offers her the opportunity to defend Julia at her retrial. Chao-Li is surprised when the daughter he has never seen arrives at Falcon Crest. In order to maintain some privacy, Emma and Dwayne hunt for a house for sale. As Angela tries to make a deal with Richard for The New Globe, Melissa and her new partner have difficulty in keeping their minds on business.
Die Voraussagung
Although Sheriff Gilmore can find no grounds to arrest Jeff, Chase manages to get an order barring Jeff from having any direct contact with Maggie. However, when Maggie finds notes from Jeff, she realizes that he is still constantly spying on her from a distance. Melissa and Eric hold a groundbreaking ceremony for their new winery. By accusing Eric of treachery and ordering him out of the house, Angela angers Peter. Jordan begs for Greg's understanding. Dwayne finds a honeymoon cottage for Emma, much to her dismay. When Cole catches Li-Ying trespassing and surveying for earthquakes on the Gioberti's land, he confronts her. Chase asks B. Riley Wicker to investigate the financing of Tuscany Downs, which makes Richard nervous.
After Jeff penetrates the security surrounding Maggie, he imprisons her in his cabin in the hills. At his hideaway, Jeff reads aloud the grim last chapter of his novel to Maggie in which she figures. When Emma finds a solution for her and Dwayne's housing dilemma, Angela objects to their marriage and the couple heads for Reno with Angela in pursuit. Jordan resists help from her mother until Julia makes her identify with her family problems. Chase corners Terry into admitting Richard's association with Miss Jones. Although Li-Ying's earthquake studies lead to an ominous prediction, she decides she wants to stay in America.
Die Befreiung
When Chase and Cole locate the cabin where Jeff is holding Maggie, they interrupt Maggie's escape attempt, which backfires on Chase. Angela interrupts Emma and Dwayne's elopement with the promise of a proper wedding at Falcon Crest. Emma's advice to Li-Ying changes her mind about staying in America, even after her prediction of an earthquake in the Tuscany Valley proves accurate. Angela sends Lance to break up the Melissa-Eric alliance. Jordan files for a new trial for Julia, while her own problems lead to her arrest.
Das Erdbeben
After Chase is shot, he begins to hemorrhage and is wheeled into surgery. Angela and Lance close down the winery and break Eric and Melissa's alliance by forging Melissa's signature. After Greg and Harriet Roberts bail Jordan out of jail, they discover that Jordan's split personality, Monica, is in control. Dr. Kramer and Harriet help Jordan face the personality behind which she has hidden all her suffering. In his search for Cassandra, Richard arrives at her grave in England. According to Wilkins, Cassandra died while giving birth and Damon Rossini disappeared with her baby boy. Later, Sabrina Cross shows up with his son, Michael. In the finale, an earthquake ripples through the Tuscany Valley, leaving many injured in its wake at Falcon Crest.
6. Staffel 6 (28 Episoden)
Überlebende und Opfer
In the aftermath of the earthquake, aftershocks rock the region and the people of the Tuscany Valley struggle to cope with the loss of property and loved ones. Father Bob transforms his church into a field hospital for the earthquake victims and as an information center for concerned friends and relatives. As the death toll mounts in the valley, Maggie and Cole wait in a San Francisco hospital for the doctor's prognosis of Chase's gunshot wound.
After the specter of Jeff Wainwright haunts Maggie, she overcomes her intrinisic fear of firearms and purchases a gun for protection. When Maggie's daughter Vickie returns home, she admits that not only has she has gone through two divorces, but that she lied about being a famous ballet dancer. Despite the ballistics test results, Maggie refuses to believe that a member could be responsible for shooting Chase. At Falcon Crest, Angela considers a foreclosure. In spite of a few close calls, Kit succeeds in hiding her past from Peter.
Unerwünschter Besuch
Upon his return to the Tuscany Valley, Wainwright, already keenly interested with the Giobertis, also becomes interested in Vicky. Angela's suspicion and the arrival of a detective jeopardize Kit Marlowe's masquerade. When Angela adds the valley's plush spa to her holdings, she learns that an unexpected source threatens her anticipated hold on the Agretti grape harvest. When Tony Cumson returns to the valley, he is appalled at the condition of his former wife, Julia, as Angela moves quickly to keep him out of the family.
Das Kurhotel
While Maggie confesses the reasons for her distress to Chase, Wainwright changes his tactics to ingratiate himself with their daughter, Vicky. When Richard Channing discovers Kit's secret, he is able to use it to his advantage. Lance and Melissa find a common bond. Tony Cumson tries to reconcile his father-son relationship with Lance, but the wounds are too deep. Angela hosts a party for the opening of her spa.
Gefährlicher Reiz
As Chase hires a private detective to protect Maggie, he is unaware that his daughter also needs protection. Troubled by Kit's denunciation of Fixx, Lance fires Kit, while Angela plans to pit Lance against Fixx. Julia informs the family about an unexpected decision. Miss Jones falls for Richard's scheme and both fishermen think they have caught the big one. Richard also snares Angela to bail him out of their racetrack. Lance and Melissa return from their wedding and Fixx becomes suspicious of Kit's mysterious activities. Wainwright gets Vicky under his control.
Flammen am Horizont
A newspaper article alerts Vicky to the danger she's in with Wainwright, but, when he realizes she knows the truth about him, he terrorizes her and forces her to masquerade as her mother. Lance and Melissa have a wedding reception, which Angela reluctantly hosts, bringing forth mixed emotions from the guests. Chase and Melissa disagree about Joseph. Lance tries to persuade his father to finance his partnership in Melissa's winery, but Tony accepts Chase's offer. Emma's date, Richard, informs Angela that Tuscany Downs is being condemned. Peter and Angela argue over her stolen checks. When Maggie confronts Richard over his article on Wainwright, Chase approaches with fists flying.
Reise ohne Wiederkehr
After Vicky slips from his grasp, Wainwright returns to the valley and forces his way into the Agretti's house, attacking Chase in his pursuit of Maggie. When Lance can no longer compete with Angela's preoccupation with Dan Fixx, he surprises his grandmother with a new venture. Angela explains to Peter why she is taking such care of Dan, even after The New Globe reveals him as an ex-convict. At the last minute, Richard springs his trap on Miss Jones to save Chase's life. Cole disapproves of his father's new partnership with Tony Cumson. Kit tries to intercede in the matter of Angela's stolen checks because of the pain it is causing Peter.
After Angela, who is annoyed at Lance's defection to Richard's New Globe, continues her patronage of Dan Fixx, Emma seeks guidance from a storefront psychic. Kit appeals to Richard for help from Fixx, giving Richard a weapon to use against Angela. Cole is disenchanted with his father's partnership with Tony as Maggie is unable to help her troubled son or herself mend their relationships with Chase. Angela provides Miss Jones' sister with the nanny job in Richard's house. Richard dumps waste near Chase and Tony's vineyard.
Stimmen aus dem Jenseits
While Chase buries himself in his business deals and his political campaign, Maggie agonizes over the problems of her children, but mostly about her baby. While Cole takes his unhappiness out on his family, Vicky grows closer to Dan Fixx. With her paternity tests inconclusive, Maggie's fears increase along with her determination. Chase and Tony discover that their vines are withering. Angela and Lance fight over his association with The Globe and her obsession with Dan Fixx. Meredith starts her seduction of Richard Channing. Lance conspires with Karlotti to take over Emma's stock certificates in The New Globe. A hit man sees through Kit's disguise.
Mit vollen Segeln
Maggie's determination to keep her baby, regardless of the consequences, further alienates her from her family. Cole is adamant about leading his life away from the family, and Maggie has no choice but to give him her blessing. Vicki goes to see Dan Fixx, whom her parents disapprove. Chase accepts his wife's views on her upcoming motherhood. Angela attends Karlotti's seance, which is instrumental in giving Lance control of Emma's holdings. Chase and Tony discover vineyards contaminated from the dumping at Tuscany Downs, with evidence pointing to Angela's conspiracy to ruin her rivals. Fixx confides in Vicky. Lance moves to take over The Globe.
In der Klemme
As Maggie fights her loneliness, Chase struggles to save his vineyards, and Angela strives for her freedom. Vicky allows her parent's problems to affect her relationship with Dan Fixx. As Chase's marital problems reflect on his campaign for county supervisor, he and Maggie face the facts about their troubled marriage. Even though Peter is troubled over Angela's innocence or guilt, he loyally stands by her. Richard is determined to defeat Lance's attempt at a takeover of The New Globe as the specter of Miss Jones begins to haunt him. Kit succumbs to Tony's charm, but is terrorized by Stafford.
Auf der falschen Seite
Due to his past manipulations of Melissa's life, Lance's attempt to win control of The New Globe backfires. Richard overcomes Lance's ploy to control The New Globe by producing the man who framed Melissa, who demands that Lance move out. Emma brings Karlotti home to trace Wayne's spirit and begins to transfer her affections to the medium. Angela begins to believe that Lance framed her. Kit is reluctant to leave Tony for Guy and his plans of a fake suicide. Dan is able to break through Vicky's defenses. Maggie observes Chase's victory kiss from Gwen and has complications with her pregnancy.
Verpasste Anschlüsse
Preparing to disappear, Kit, with Stafford advising her, lays the groundwork to make her fake suicide plausible and realizes that she will sever many important ties. Angela has a dinner party for Peter's birthday. Seeking help for her troubled marriage, Melissa looks in the wrong places. Maggie discovers that her baby may be born with problems and turns Chase away when he fails to understand her feelings. Meredith hires her former supervisor to rescue Erin Jones, while Angela offers Vicky a new job at the spa.
Die Entführung
When Skyler's disappearance and apparent suicide casts a pall over the mansion, Peter blames himself for not recognizing her distress. Peter's guilt drives him away, but Skyler's tragedy makes Emma finally realize that Dwayne is gone forever, and Angela is at last able to comfort her daughter. Tony learns the truth about Skyler (Kit). When Richard's son is kidnapped, he feels lost. Chase faces the fact that, of the two people in the valley he most despises, Richard and Angela, one is taking flowers to his wife and the other is trying to get closer to his daughter. Lance calls for his father's help when Melissa has a nervous breakdown.
In addition to a huge ransom, the kidnappers demand that Meredith, the only one who can identify them, be handed over to them in exchange for Richard's son. Richard learns that Angela was responsible for putting Meredith in his household and vows that she will pay for what she has done to him. Concerned about Vicky's relationship with Dan Fixx, Chase travels to Oklahoma to determine for himself the type of man his daughter is involved with, and is then beaten up by the small town's corrupt chief of police and his henchmen. Lance refuses to declare Melissa mentally incompetent after her breakdown. After selling his winery to Lance, Eric talks Angela into letting him manage the spa. Emma discovers that she is not pregnant with Dwayne's child and now wants to have a baby with Karlotti.
Eine Stadt in Angst
Rushing to protect Chase, Dan Fixx lands in jail, and Chase has to try to rescue him, as well as himself, from corrupt officers. Angela rejects Peter's proposal to join him in Monte Carlo and is shocked at his response. Richard happily tells Maggie news of his son and Vicky misunderstands the kiss her mother gives him. Emma learns the truth about Karlotti, but she doesn't change her feelings about him. Peter summons Tony to Monte Carlo to discuss Skyler. Angela and Richard confront each other. Lance is concerned over Melissa's reactions.
Tanz auf dem Vulkan
Due to Melissa's peculiar behavior, Lance loses his chance to join an exclusive club, which alienates him from Joseph. After Richard becomes the new distributor for Angela's wines, Angela hires a new lawyer. Vicky and Angela become concerned about Dan's preoccupation with Suzanne. Richard tries to recruit Peter in his vendetta against Angela. Lance enlists Chase and Maggie to help him with Joseph.
Freunde und Helfer
Angela interferes in the lives of Chase, Richard, Maggie, Vickie and Dan. Vickie and Dan's romance is complicated by Angela's peculiar moral code. When Angela accuses Richard of fathering Maggie's expected child, her manipulations make Chase's altruistic defense of troubled vineyard owners seem like a play for personal gain, which puts a wedge in his relationship with Gabrielle. Melissa's troubled behavior brings a closer understanding between Lance and Tony. Peter plans to win Angela back and break Richard at the same time, while Richard thinks Kit Marlowe can be played to bring Peter to his side.
Die Geburt
When Maggie prematurely gives birth to her baby at Falcon Crest, Angela conspires with rich newcomer Roland Saunders in her plans to destroy Richard. Angela finds a kindred spirit in Saunders, ""the rudest billionaire in the Fortune 500."" When Richard offers to sign the birth certificate of Maggie's baby, Chase surprises them by signing it himself. The idea of the new baby troubles Emma. Lance questions his father about Kolinski, while Tony has to lie to his son to protect Kit. During Angela's international wine show at the spa, the matron of Falcon Crest arrives with Saunders, and Peter disapproves.
Faule Tricks
When Maggie prematurely gives birth to her baby at Falcon Crest, Angela conspires with rich newcomer Roland Saunders in her plans to destroy Richard. Angela finds a kindred spirit in Saunders, ""the rudest billionaire in the Fortune 500."" When Richard offers to sign the birth certificate of Maggie's baby, Chase surprises them by signing it himself. The idea of the new baby troubles Emma. Lance questions his father about Kolinski, while Tony has to lie to his son to protect Kit. During Angela's international wine show at the spa, the matron of Falcon Crest arrives with Saunders, and Peter disapproves.
Peter threatens Angela and Roland Saunders as he tries to discover their connection to Kit Marlowe. Due to Angela's interest in Maggie's baby, Maggie concludes that she must give the baby up for adoption if the child is to lead a decent life. After Maggie refuses to allow Emma and Karlotti have her child, the two instead apply to adopt a child. While Angela plans Dan and Vickie's engagement party, she promises to give them a vineyard. Peter forces Tony to tell him about Kit. After Chase makes Gabrielle a proposition, he offers Lance a partnership with him and Tony. Angela plans to solve the mystery of Kit Marlowe.
Ohne Ausweg
At Angela's engagement party for them, Vicky and Dan set the tone of the party by trying to avoid it. After Kit demonstrates a need to tell Tony good-bye, both Richard and Peter confront Saunders. Maggie arrives looking for her baby, which she now knows is Chase's. After Emma confounds Angela by introducing her adopted son, one of the guests is found dead in the winery.
Falsches Alibi
Tony and Lance assist each other as circumstantial evidence implicates them in murder, but it is to no avail when Angela goes back on her word. Angela breaks her promise to Lance when she realizes that it is more important to protect her grandson than his father. Vickie and Eric's actions at the party make Dan face a dilemma. Francine Hope is able to help Maggie and Chase, who are then able to contact the lawyer who arranged the adoption of their baby. Richard is finally able to realize his revenge on Angela. When Melissa entertains as ""Veronique, the Slumming Socialite"" on amateur night at a San Francisco nightclub, she becomes all the rage.
District Attorney Wilkinson is highly pleased when Angela suggests he campaign for attorney general, with her help, if he agrees to convict her ex-son-in-law, Tony, of murder. Wilkinson digs until he makes sure that he can nail Tony. Angry at Peter for his involvement with Richard, Angela seeks a divorce. When Maggie and Chase are unable to find the adoptive parents of their child, Maggie pleads a mother's appeal in the media while Chase offers a reward. Gabrielle accepts Chase's offer to be in charge of his wine operations. Vicky has no one to turn to except Eric. Melissa continues her double life as a chanteuse.
Unglaubliche Geschichten
As Tony begins to mistrust Kit, Angela ensnares Melissa, and Richard attempts to console Maggie. Richard plans a trip for Maggie to overcome her melancholy, but a ghost from the past interrupts. Melissa's secret world tumbles when Angela finds out about it. Chase decides to file for a divorce. Tony suspects that Kit Marlowe may have used him in order to remove suspicion from her. Angela offers Dan a new job. Lance offers hope to Chao-Li. Although Emma traps Karlotti with plans for a church wedding, her offer of community property turns him from a man in hot water to one who has just struck the mother lode.
Der Vielgeliebte
When Emma and Karlotti's church wedding concludes, Emma discovers how great her husband really is. As the couple stands up before Father Bob for their nuptials, Karlotti's reputation as a lover is enhanced. In her attempts to bring Lance back home, Angela humiliates Melissa in front of Lance, Richard and Dan. Maggie and Chase search for clues to find their baby in Boston. When Lance discovers Kit's whereabouts, he plans to intercept her in his quest to help his father. Wilkerson reports to Angela that he has Tony ""nailed to the wall."" Vickie and Eric return from their escapade.
When Kit comes to Tony's defense, the gesture proves worthless. Tony's trial proceeds as if D.A. Wilkinson had scripted it, until Kit arrives at the courtroom. After Chase uncovers evidence that Melissa had engineered the botched paternity test, he is too late to intercept her due to Angela's threats. Chao-Li loses face because Angela and Lance stay up all night to take care of him. After Chase and Maggie decide on a quick divorce, Richard sees his chance for happiness.
Melissa's desperate attempts to keep the baby result in a car chase that ends when the car carrying her, Chase, Maggie, Richard and Dan plunges into San Francisco Bay. Angela discovers that her child, whom she previously believed to have died in childbirth, is alive and ready to return to haunt her. When Angela and Peter reconcile and she tries to buy Peter's freedom, Peter, facing murder charges, flees with Kit.
7. Staffel 7 (28 Episoden)
Angela learns the truth about her supposedly deceased child. The car chase has endangered Melissa, Chase, Richard, Dan and Maggie's lives. After taking a disastrous fall, Chao-Li lies at the foot of the stairs. Emma, frustrated with her mother's meddling, stands high above Falcon Crest and threatens to jump.
Verstoßen und vergessen
A French woman and a mercenary soldier from Chase's past intrude on the lives of Angela and Maggie and force them to face unpleasant consequences. Angela's wiles work on Chao-Li. Emma believes she is embarking on a new life as a businesswoman. After Lance moves in with Dina amid Melissa's accusations that he cares more for his car than he does for her, Melissa attempts to make peace with Lance.
Unsuccessful in luring Lance back to her side, Angela turns to Dan to manage her winery and find someone new to run the spa. However, when Dan assigns Melissa to manage the spa, Melissa, to Angela's consternation, creates a successful nightclub for the Del Oro. On the turn of a card, Richard wins Eric's Nevada land and plans to create a town called Channing. While Maggie agrees not to press charges against Melissa, Nicole continues to harass Maggie until Angela enters the fray.
Die Explosion
When Richard Channing and John Remick offer to help Maggie pay off Angela, each plays dirty to make sure that he will be the one to whom she is indebted. When Angela sends Lance and Dan to investigate Emma's new job, she is too late. Vickie not only tells Maggie that she is pregnant, but also confesses Eric's gambling mania. Dina is seriously injured in a car accident with Lance. While Maggie and Richard visit his new Nevada property, they are unaware that they are under surveillance. Consequently, they return home to face Angela's demand for payment.
After Angela and Richard individually maneuver to meet the man behind the mysterious activity in the Tuscany Valley, they are both placed in precarious positions. Maggie can't understand Richard's reluctance to rely on the police. Angela forces Wilkinson to reveal Richard's ownership of lake property in Nevada. Emma, agreeing to write her autobiography, acquires a ghostwriter and personal manager, and heads for Hollywood. While Lance discovers that someone sabotaged his car, Vickie finds herself among the homeless. In conclusion, an explosion destroys the Gioberti home.
Alte Liebe
After Angela and Richard meet the mysterious Carlton Travis, Angela conspires with Carlton to destroy Richard. Richard realizes that although Carlton is a man who won't listen to reason, he will listen to Angela. With all the trimmings Hollywood offers, Emma works on her screenplay. Melissa takes Dan to Australia to visit Cole and her son. With Frank Starr's assistance, Dina's nurse works on her patient to discredit Lance. Angela and Travis discover that they have a history.
Rache ist süß
After Richard rejects Carlton Travis's offer of a truce, Travis kidnaps him and Angela. After Maggie hires an old friend to plan a birthday party for Richard's son, Angela brings a puppy as a gift to the party. Melissa spirits her son away for a picnic and becomes lost in the Australian bush. Dina's nurse gets her to sign Lance's half-million-dollar check over to her. Lance suspects that Frank Starr tampered with his car.
After Angela digs into the past to save Richard from Carlton Travis, she must open old wounds. Angela goes to the wife of a Supreme Court justice and one of Washington's most celebrated hostesses to recruit help in rescuing her son. When Lance is arrested for murder, Melissa comes to his aid. A man who Dan suspects is a thief turns out to be his father. While asleep, Lance is injected with a toxin that will kill him within 24 hours.
Wettlauf mit der Zeit
Lance's determination to clear himself and bring the real murderer to justice endangers his own life. Tony insists that Lance, who is very sick, check into a hospital. However, Lance, despite the poison coursing through his veins, brings Nurse Chadway to justice. Richard assists the daughter of an old friend and becomes involved in helping her save her ball team. Angela tries to destroy Melissa's new vineyards. Richard asks Maggie to marry him.
Freunde und Liebhaber
Upset with Richard's involvement with Liz and unable to make a decision about his proposal, Maggie leaves the Tuscany Valley to join Vicky in Monte Carlo. While a mysterious and eerie assassin figure stalks Liz, Maggie resents her reliance on Richard's protection. After Melissa gets even with Angela, Angela retaliates with a scheme that boomerangs. Maggie enters her new wine in a contest and wins second place. Angela discovers that Dan's father has a second family. After Lance rescues Emma from her would-be producers, she starts writing an advice column for The New Globe.
When Maggie returns to the valley with Vickie and Eric, she learns that Richard and Liz have been traveling together. Eric realizes that his gambling debts are following him and that he must pay more than money to escape them. When Melissa starts to experience strange phenomena due to Angela's hired illusionist Foster Glenn, Melissa's world begins to fall apart. Emma's success as a columnist disturbs Angela, who goes to Father Bob for advice about her family.
Schwarz und weiß
After discovering that Maggie has finally accepted Richard, Emma and Angela throw a surprise engagement party. During the party, Melissa makes her entrance dressed only in a bathrobe. Lance discovers that the charming stranger he has befriended knows secrets that could directly impact him. Liz makes an announcement that infuriates Angela but delights Maggie. Melissa overhears Angela talking about her plan to drive Melissa insane and have her committed. Richard saves Eric from making a terrible mistake.
Unsaubere Methoden
After Vicky vanishes from Angela's party, Richard and Eric frantically search for her. After Dan is surprised by the arrival of a half-sister whom he didn't know he had, he puts her to work in the grape fields. Shannon tries to leave the valley after Lance questions her. Melissa is able to deflect Angela's scheme to get her committed so that Angela instead loses her hold on Dan. Angela succeeds in prying into Maggie's affairs.
Das Wespennest
Angela takes advantage of Richard's absence to get closer to her grandson and Maggie, while Richard and Eric search for Vickie overseas. Richard seeks the help of a beautiful party leader to help him rescue Vicky, but must use strong tactics and blackmail to get her cooperation. When Dan tries to help Carly, Melissa lacks the patience to deal with the wild young woman who could threaten her happiness. Emma's kindness makes her prey for a scheming couple. Shannon thinks she might find happiness with Lance, but her past again interferes. Angela anticipates that all of her own wishes will soon come true.
In spite of Emma's well-laid plans for a beautiful affair, fate makes a travesty of Maggie and Richard's wedding day. After Maggie finds the perfect house, Richard agrees to have the wedding in the garden. Tempers erupt when Eric creates an unpleasant situation at Richard's bachelor party. When Melissa shows up at Maggie's bridal shower, the two finally reconcile. While Eric is able to perform an errand for Richard that could affect Maggie's future, Carly runs an errand for Angela, which does affect Melissa's future. Lance and Tony fight over Shannon.
Eine harte Nuss
Maggie and Richard decide to try again, while Angela proves uncharacteristically supportive. When Lance moves back into the manor house, Angela joyfully greets him with the news that Carly will be staying for a few days. In a misguided attempt to help Emma, Curtis digs dirt on Richard. At Lance's instigation, Melissa enters into an elaborate masquerade to rescue Emma. In his effort to break the codicil to Chase's will, Richard enrolls some dangerous assistance. When Gabrielle returns to the valley on the anniversary of Chase's death, she gives Maggie some hopeful news.
When Maggie and Richard spend their wedding night at Falcon Crest, they are trapped in a house with no food, no phone, a murderer, and no way out, while Angela listens at every keyhole. A storm forces Angela to be the unwilling hostess for Maggie, Richard, Dan, Melissa, Vicky, Eric, Garth, Curtis and Sheriff Buckman. In order to keep the uninvited guests, Lance, Carly, Chao-Li and her mother occupied during their forced hibernation, Emma organizes a game of murder. However, when the game turns into reality at midnight, Richard is the prime suspect.
Melissa rejects her long-lost Uncle Frank, who turns to Angela to help him heal the family rift with his only living relative. After Maggie turns the reins of her Gioberti winery over to Angela, she and Richard start their delayed honeymoon in the Caribbean, which proves not to be the idyllic getaway for which she had hoped. Emma blames Richard for her friend's death and seeks revenge. When Dan's former wife tries to meet with him, Melissa interferes. Before Richard can seek revenge for Eric's disloyalty, Eric makes plans to take Vickie and escape from the valley.
Shortly after Richard carries Maggie across the threshold of their new home, he is perturbed by the news that Eric and Vickie have left for Europe and that someone has broken into his wall safe. Also, the key to his Swiss bank safe-deposit box has been copied in wax. In Geneva, Eric and Vickie put their plan into motion, getting a wax mold of the key that will admit them to the bank vault. Melissa will not warm up to her uncle Frank and Angela frankly doesn't know why he even bothers trying to win her over. Frank Agretti then tells Angela that he's not sure what his heirloom is, but he has to pass it on before he dies. Angela learns he has six months to two years to live. To help Emma figure out why Curtis Estabrook was murdered, Lance goes to Las Vegas to speak with George Wescott, a man who tells him about John Remick's connection to the murder. Maggie is shocked to hear him report that whatever Curtis knew about Remick resulted in his death. Also, Richard is involved in this somehow
Channing gegen Channing
Maggie recovers from her drunken fall and decides to throw away all of the alcohol in the house so she won't be tempted to drink again. Lance continues to investigate Curtis's allegations about Richard's underworld activity. Richard finds him rifling through Emma's office at the New Globe and warns him to stay away from Maggie. Lance tries in vain to enlist Maggie's support, but she denies Lance's accusations and tells him to stop before anyone else gets hurt. Frank and Melissa ride out to Hobart, California using Frank's antiquated map. Melissa accuses him of selfish motives, but when Frank raises his gun and shoots a rattler lying close to her, Melissa is embarrassed into silence. Frank tells her that he is dying and has no desire of cheating her out of her legacy. When they get to Hobart, all they find are abandoned buildings from an old mining community. On further inspection of a shack, Melissa falls through the crumbling flooring into a hole below. Frank attempts to rescue Meliss
The Justice Department is hardly all ears to Lance's plea for help in nailing Richard. An associate of the department, one Kathryn Anderson, offers her help. She makes an appointment to meet him with a lead on Richard. Lance shows up first and narrowly misses getting hit by a car. Kathryn is an employee of the thirteen. Rosemont instructs her on how to handle Lance Cumson. If she cannot scare Lance off Richard's case, Rosemont suggests that she may have to kill him. Angela takes Michael out to the toy store, but soon she discovers he's missing. An hour passes and Maggie appears. She berates Angela for losing her son. The store manager finds Michael in a back room; Garth has been hiding him in order to discredit Angela. Maggie leaves with Michael and Angela suspects foul play. Angela arrives home to find herself in the midst of a surprise party thrown by Carly, who has managed to invite most of Tuscany and then some. Angela is delighted and moved by her gesture, but the party mood chang
Der Pakt mit dem Teufel
John Remick is alive. At least Lance and Kathryn know that much. Back in the Tuscany Valley, Kathryn thinks she can convince Rosemont that Lance believes Remick is dead. Rosemont is correct in thinking his decoy has fallen for the Tuscany Valley stud and makes a telephone call to have her eliminated. Although Kathryn has confided her knowledge of The Thirteen to Lance, he has not told her about the note he found hidden in his passport. Now that Angela has bought the little town of Hobart, California and put up a fence around it, Melissa is going to have trouble looking for the Agretti heirloom. The grape queen claims she is keeping the property safe until Frank comes out of his coma. Lucky for Melissa, it turns out that Hobart is just across the state line from Channing, Nevada, Richard's town. She wants to tunnel through to Hobart starting in Channing to a mine where her heritage supposedly waits for her. Playing on her former involvement years ago with Richard, Melissa meets him a
Nightmares have Maggie sleepwalking. She dreams that Vickie and all the people she loves are leaving her. Richard finds her and pulls her from her reverie. He has proof that Nellie Maxwell, their housekeeper, is a spy working for Angela in her determination to find evidence that will enable her to win custody of Michael Channing. Maggie gives Nellie the boot. Frustrated, Angela joins Lance in his investigation of Richard's association with The Thirteen. Coma-bound Frank Agretti needs an operation to save his life. But Dr. Huston informs Angela that Melissa, as his next of kin, has to grant permission. The Tuscany spitfire has a tough time with this one, although Angela begs her to sign the consent form. Dan Fixx's first delivery with his new trucking company is no piece of cake. It's a shipment of nitroglycerin. He won't tell Melissa exactly what he is transporting in his truck, which he has named ""Wendi"", but she eventually finds out and they argue. Carly wants to ride with Dan. He re
Der Schlüssel zu Angela
Richard sends the children to Emma while Maggie dries out. He's mulling over what to do about Melissa's plan to get into Hobart now that she's decided not to spy on Lance for him. He takes turns with Emma watching over Maggie, who painfully weans herself of alcohol- until she gets a letter from Vickie, delivered by Emma. Maggie is shocked to find that her daughter is in jail in Switzerland and that her husband is responsible. She goes to call Geneva but finds that the telephones have been removed. Furious and frustrated and feeling totally deceived by her husband, Maggie reaches for a hidden bottle of brandy and pours herself a drink. Richard comes home and finds Maggie seated with a glass of brandy. She tells him she knows where Vickie is and what he has done to put her there. He begs Maggie not to take the drink. The smell of it alone makes her sick, Maggie tells him. She pours the brandy into a nearby planter and says, ""A toast to my daughter in Switzerland."" Richard can't find a th
At Falcon Crest, Maggie has a premonition of her husband surrounded by a sinister group of men. Richard is awakened in his home by a contingent of FBI men who have come to question him after the collapse of three foreign banks. Looks like The Thirteen's plan to destroy the world economy is beginning to take shape. Richard tells the Feds The Thirteen is out to drive the stock market into another crash. He can't prove it, though. Richard is chagrined to find the files in his office missing and his secretary replaced. Taking the FBI to The Thirteen's headquarters in New York, Richard finds that the elevator only goes to the twelfth floor. He takes them to the nearest conference room, but it's filled with toy salespeople. On a flight back to the U.S., Vickie barks at the attendants when she finds that her husband isn't with her. Eric doesn't seem to miss Vickie. He's detained in Geneva with Madame Malec, Richard's Communist buddy from Yugoslavia who helped him find Vickie when Dimitrov kid
Das Verhör
The Thirteen withdraws fifty billion dollars- their net worth- out of the stock market and the Dow Jones average plummets. They plan to buy back devalued stocks under one of the companies Richard Channing has bought with their assistance, implicating him in their plot. Angela receives her subpoena to testify against her son in front of the Senate Select Committee. Emma is dying to ruin her brother but hasn't received a subpoena. Angela dreads having her family's affairs publicized. Maggie packs up the car and the kids and gets a flat tire shortly after leaving Falcon Crest. A police car appears to assist her, but it's driven by a decoy for The Thirteen. Maggie's spare tire is missing. The cop calls for a tow truck and checks in with Rosemont. Garth finds Maggie's car, abandoned, just as Rosemont drops into Richard's office at The New Globe to offer him yet another deal: testify our way and spend the rest of your life on Easy Street. Maggie eventually calls Richard, and he reveals his c
Unzureichende Beweise
Maggie creeps out of bed early to meet with Senator Ryder in hopes of getting Richard granted immunity for the remainder of the hearing. Alone in bed, Richard is drugged by a gloved hand. He regains consciousness to find the dead body of Madame Malec next to him. Richard shudders. It could have been Maggie. Maggie meets with Senator Ryder and wins immunity for her husband. Meanwhile, Richard has given up trying to convince anyone in Washington that The Thirteen exists and is responsible for Madame Malec's murder. Maggie persuades vitriolic Vickie to keep her trap shut about Richard at the hearing. Later Vickie blows off her husband outside the hearing room. She's helping her mother now, the brat tells Eric. With Frank out of the hospital, Melissa attempts to convince Angela to let her into Hobart to look for her heirloom. Angela is opposed to the idea. Frank tells his niece to stay put. Next, Melissa enlists Lance in her scheme to get into the fenced-in ghost town from Richard's proper
Es war einmal
Frustrated that he has been unable to prove that Senator Horton is a mole for The Thirteen, Richard leaves Washington for home with Maggie and Garth. As they cross that state border, two gunmen open fire on their limo. Garth's expert driving saves them. The limo is bullet-ridden and the passengers are not hurt, but in another part of town Rosemont and Gray Suit watch as Eric Stavros is pumped full of chemicals. The Thirteen is going to turn him into a killing machine. Angela comes home accompanied by Richard's security men. She's off again once she learns that Melissa and Lance are trapped in that underground bank vault in Hobart. At the drill site, Frank Agretti conducts the rescue mission. Underground, Melissa is delirious over her deed: Falcon Crest might actually belong to her. Above ground, several rescue workers resurface coughing up hydrogen sulfide fumes. Frank realizes his efforts may be in vain. Dan Fixx arrives and volunteers his help. Mr. Gray Suit shows up for his regular
8. Staffel 8 (22 Episoden)
Veränderte Zeiten
As Maggie is haunted by nightmares over her husband Richard's death, Angela surprises her friends and family with her calm resignation over losing control of the winery empire, while Melissa mercilessly wields her newfound power over everyone within her domain, down to the field hands and household help. As Maggie must take control over Richard's vast financial empire, she tries to cope with the agony of his murder by the underground group, The Thirteen. After leaving years ago after a dispute with her family, Pilar Ortega, not only the daughter of the vineyard foreman at Falcon Crest but also now a bank vice president, returns and provokes intense curiosity throughout the valley.
Lebewohl und Auf Wiedersehen
While Maggie is stunned by the return of her supposedly deceased husband Richard, Angela Channing decides to remain in the Tuscany Valley and fight for her family's land. While Richard reveals startling news about The Thirteen, the underground group which had supposedly killed him and which included the son of Peter Stavros, Maggie can't understand why she wasn't allowed to know that Richard was still alive. Meanwhile, Angela launches a new legal attack on Melissa for control of the Falcon Crest vineyards. Melissa's erratic behavior worries those around her. As Emma begins work on an article about an enigmatic mystery writer, Carly decides to leave the Tuscany Valley.
Rauchende Trümmer
As the Falcon Crest mansion is engulfed in flames, Lance plunges desperately into the inferno to try to save Melissa, who is trapped inside. The aftermath of the fire has surprising repercussions for the residents of Tuscany Valley. Meanwhile, Angela secretly arranges a meeting between Frank Agretti and his long-estranged son, Nick. Richard anxiously launches a search to discover who was behind the assassination of The Thirteen. In pursuit of an exclusive story, Emma obtains a job typing for a reclusive writer, R.D. Young, and soon meets his assistant, Cabot.
Schuldig oder nicht schuldig
Senator Ryder is intent on killing Richard and kidnapping Maggie. Convinced that Senator Ryder's brother John is responsible for the killing of The Thirteen, Richard discovers the secret method by which Ryder and John contact each other. As Richard waits in a park for John, he doesn't know that the senator has already killed his brother and is at Richard's house.
When Angela offers District Attorney Fields her support for the governorship in exchange for dropping the murder charges against Lance, he indignantly refuses; however, when Richard offers to hire Field's leukemic son to join the staff of The New Globe, Fields agrees to the deal. Lance, on the other hand, is not grateful; he wanted to prove his innocence in court. Although not charged with any crime, Maggie is guilt-ridden by the fact that she killed Senator Ryder, even though she did it in order to save Richard's life. After Nick Agretti is enraptured when he witnesses Pilar swimming nude, Angela informs him that she has learned some information he cannot release, revealing that the price for keeping the secret is Falcon Crest itself.
Alte und neue Lügen
After Angela blackmails Nick with incriminating information about his past, Nick surrenders Falcon Crest to Angela. While Angela makes plans to rebuild the house, Nick regrets his deference to her and warns that he will not bend in the future. Nick decides to tell Ben the truth about his mother, which enrages the young man. Richard's newspaper prints the fact that Melissa had placed a phone call after Lance's departure, proving that Lance is innocent of her death. Richard warns Pilar not to let her affair with Lance interfere with Richard's takeover of the valley. When Frank's old friend Libby appears, Nick and Ben are surprised. Libby requests Frank to join her in Columbia to mine emeralds, which is an offer that disturbs Angela. As Emma and Cabot begin an intimate relationship, Cabot questions her true identity.
Väter und Söhne
As Christmas arrives in Tuscany Valley, Frank agonizes over whether or not to leave his family to mine emeralds with Libby. Ben turns against Nick for lying to him about his mother. Unaware of Richard's assistance, Maggie is delighted with the overwhelming response to her special advertising offer. Richard offers to back Pilar's failing consortium through a blind company for a controlling interest. When Daniel Cabot discovers Emma's true identity, he abandons her. Although Angela celebrates the holiday by surrounding herself with family, Pilar's holiday is spoiled when she spots her brothers Tommy and Paco being chased by security officers. However, Christmas dinner at Pilar's home brings Nick and Ben closer together and Nick to admit his love for his father.
Die falsche Wahl
Mercedes and her husband pressure Pilar to sign papers allowing them to adopt Lisa. Although Pilar realizes that Mercedes is the only mother the child has ever known, the thought of a final, legal adoption is more than Pilar can bear. When Pilar goes to Lance for consolation, she discovers him with an attractive young woman. After Angela is outmaneuvered for the purchase of a bottling company, she is determined to learn who is behind the consortium. After Maggie's newspaper office is mysteriously trashed a few days before the first edition, Emma discovers that Cabot has been lying to her about his true identity.
Angela is delighted when Emma announces her intention to marry the famous writer, R.D. Young, but her plans for the wedding conflict with Young's passion for privacy. Hurt by Lance's involvement with Cookie Nash, Pilar turns to Nick for consolation. Moreover, Angela discovers that it was Pilar who organized the consortium with Richard. When Maggie discovers that Tommy was present when her newspaper office was trashed, she must decide whether to give him a second chance.
Die Braut ist fort
Angela's hands-on approach to Emma's forthcoming wedding may prove futile when the bride and groom call the festivities off. After Emma breaks the news to Angela that the wedding is off, her prospective bridegroom, R.D. Young, apologizes for his behavior and announces that the wedding is on schedule again. During the wedding rehearsals, Young's nervousness escalates and he convinces Emma to elope. After Pilar accepts Lance's apology about Cookie Nash, their romance resumes. Nick fails to persuade Ben to curtail his relations with the Cellini family, despite his warning that the family is dangerous. An unannounced visitor adds turmoil to Tuscany Valley.
In the continuing battle to keep Angela off balance, Pilar placates her about the consortium, while continuing to plot with Richard. Despite the stir created by her return from Italy, Anna Cellini is delighted to be reunited with Ben, but afraid that her father will ruin everything by insisting that his only surviving grandchild and heir be brought to Italy. When Richard tells Maggie he is in New York, he is really in Chicago with Pilar for meetings with financier Malcolm Sinclair. Cookie reveals to Lance that she is pregnant with his child.
Ein Baby zuviel
As Angela continues to press for information on the consortium, Pilar divulges surprising news to Lance. After Angela follows the paper trail leading from the consortium to Richard's company, she confronts Richard. Making peace, Nick and Anna reach an accord about Ben. In conclusion, Pilar drops a bombshell piece of news on Lance: he is Lisa's father.
Einladung zum Dinner
Despite pressure from Angela, Lance refuses to marry Cookie, but he offers her full financial support. Angela inadvertently uncovers Richard's duplicity in the Troilus affair. As Anna and Nick rekindle their love, happiness seems assured for the reunited family. However, Anna continues to hide the facts of her fatal illness and Ben receives a card from Frank telling him that the emerald mine is coming through. Pilar makes it very clear to both Sinclair and Richard that she will side with whomever makes it most worth her while. Sinclair's marriage proposal comes three years too late for Pilar, who turns it down. However, she gladly accepts Lance's proposal to become his wife.
Drohendes Unheil
Despite Angela's obvious opposition, Lance and Pilar decide to marry. Maggie, appalled at Richard's plans for the valley, leaves him. Hoping to prevent Lance and Pilar's marriage, Angela, who has made a deal with Sinclair, tells Lance that Pilar was well aware of Richard's business dealings; however, Pilar convinces him otherwise, and the wedding is definitely on. After Nick learns the seriousness of Anna's condition, he convinces her to allow him and Ben to care for her, provided that Ben not be told of her illness. After Raoul and his gang run Ben and Gabriel off the road, the gang leaves them unconscious on the roadside.
Das lange Warten
Maggie's rebuff of Richard's attempts at reconciliation cause unexpected results. Upon hearing news of the car accident, Lance and Pilar immediately return home. With Ben and Gabriel in serious condition, Anna feels guilty over having given Ben the car. While the hospital staff quibbles about accepting Gabriel, he goes into convulsions, requiring immediate surgery. Angela, though not approving of the marriage, invites the newlyweds to make their home at Falcon Crest. In response to Maggie's rebuff, Richard pressures a judge for a court order that transfers custody of the boys to him. Accompanied by the Sheriff, Richard removes the children from Falcon Crest.
Der tiefe Brunnen
Michael, despondent at his mother's continued absence, runs away. Richard moves to block Angela's latest power play, while Frank Agretti returns to the Tuscany Valley. While Angela is prepared to help Maggie wrest custody of the children from Richard, Richard prepares to clip Angela's wings decisively in the matter of Glenbraddoch. Meanwhile, Michael's disappearance causes concern. Learning of Ben's accident, Frank Agretti returns to the valley, while Pilar and Lance agree to try to make their home at Falcon Crest.
Die Doppelgängerin
As Anna grows increasingly weaker, she desperately tries to convince Frank and Nick to help end her pain. After Maggie dissolves in tears after a phone conversation with Michael, Tommy consoles her, revealing his true feelings for her. On a business trip to Chicago, Richard encounters a glamorous woman who is a dead ringer for Melissa. Pretending that it will help his ill mother, Richard convinces his new conquest, Samantha Ross, to return to San Francisco and impersonate Melissa. After Richard agrees to Samantha's hefty price, the deal is cemented.
Zwischen den Fronten
As Pilar and Sinclair plot against Richard, Samantha and Richard continue to scheme against Angela, while Nick Agretti investigates the background of a forged document. When Lance discovers one deed too many in Angela's safe and burns the document, he is unaware that he has been observed by Pilar, who has joined forces with Sinclair to undermine Richard in his upcoming investigation by the S.E.C. Richard misunderstands Tommy's presence in Maggie's hotel suite. Samantha helps Angela to escape from one of Richard's ploys.
Wahn und Wirklichkeit
Having escaped with Samantha's help, Angela finds her family doubting her kidnapping story, but Pilar gains Angela's confidence with her plan to help her regain control of the Glenbraddoch stock. At the court hearing, Richard wins custody of the children. Angela agrees to protect Samantha from Richard's wrath and calls Lance to pick her up in San Francisco. However, Samantha disappears before he arrives. When Richard warns Pilar about opposing him, he plays a tape that has been edited to indict both her and Sinclair and which will exonerate Richard. Richard also obtains a warrant ordering Angela into custody for a psychiatric evaluation to determine her mental competency.
While undergoing observation in the psychiatric ward, Angela is harassed by other patients. Richard emerges triumphant in winning custody of the children but begins to have qualms about his relationship with Samantha, while Ben becomes increasingly despondent after the death of Anna. Maggie exposes the hospital's negligent treatment of Gabriel, while Nick continues his drive to regain Falcon Crest. Richard dupes Samantha into leaving for Paris. At her judicial review, Angela creates a scene that could prove detrimental to her case.
Wer zuletzt lacht …
As Angela's competency hearing proceeds, it becomes obvious that her case is weak, and Maggie's reputation begins to slide because of rumors about her relationship with Tommy. When Frank discovers that the feud between the Agrettis and the Giobertis had begun when the title to Falcon Crest changed hands during a crooked card game, he tries to convince Nick to let sleeping dogs lie. After selling some of her recently acquired Glenbraddoch stock to Lance, Pilar proposes to establish a trauma center in the Ortega name, with her terms including banishment for everyone involved in Gabriel's case. When the court declares Angela mentally incompetent, Angela rocks the court with a startling revelation.
Der Untergang
Having successfully frustrated Richard's plans by marrying Frank Agretti, Angela returns to Falcon Crest, where her family rallies to her side and plans are devised for Richard's total downfall. When Samantha returns to Chicago from Paris, Richard tells her to forget their association or she will have to pay consequences. Nonetheless, when Samantha arrives at Falcon Crest, she provides evidence that Richard was involved in Angela's kidnapping. Consequently, Pilar and Angela work with the S.E.C. to facilitate Richard's financial ruin.
9. Staffel 9 (22 Episoden)
Der Preis der Freiheit
As Angela prepares to travel to Greece, she leaves her grandson Lance in charge, though under the strict supervision of her reliable foreman, Frank Agretti. Since Daniel, an unsuccessful author, has turned to gambling, drinking and brutality, Emma has become a battered wife. To escape her troubles, Emma turns to another man, Charley, for much-needed affection. In an effort to get out of prison, Richard decides to testify against his co-conspirator, Michael Sharpe. Richard evades an attempt on his life meant to stop his testimony. Accidentally getting her finger stuck in a pool drain, Maggie drowns. Angela hires a private investigator to tail Pilar.
Ein gefährlicher Liebhaber
Emma's old friend Charley arrives just in time for Maggie's funeral. Although Angela disapproves of Charley and changes her vacation plans, Emma stands by Charley despite Angela's interference. Michael Sharpe takes his revenge on Richard for his testimony against him by having Richard's children removed from his custody. Aware that Angela is trying to break up his relationship with Emma, Charley places a pillow over Angela's face and suffocates her.
After being found unconscious, Angela is rushed to the hospital, where she slips into a coma. Lance has a difficult time managing Falcon Crest without Angela, particularly when business associates insist on negotiating with Angela, but fortunately, Pilar is able to help Lance deal with their distributor, Ned Vogel. Richard discovers that Michael was instrumental in Richard's loss of custody over his children. A power outage at the hospital forces the family to consider pulling the plug on Angela's life support.
Auge um Auge
With his continued influence over Emma, Charley upsets the family. After the bank calls in its loan, Richard saves Falcon Crest from Michael Sharpe. Encouraged by his sister-in-law, Genele Erickson, Frank Agretti goes to the bank with the power of attorney which Angela had given him prior to her aborted trip to Europe and takes over operation of Falcon Crest.
Kampf um das Erbe
Due to Richard's testimony, the S.E.C. slaps Michael Sharpe with the largest fine in history. Lauren and her husband confront Michael about his schemes and their custody of Richard's children. Frank's obsession with the treacherous Genele escalates. Charley is relieved to hear that Emma's husband has apparently committed suicide, since his death removes the last obstacle for Charley to marry Emma. When the court gives control of Falcon Crest to Emma, she is overwhelmed by the notion of running the business. Emma's new husband Charley, however, has many ideas about running Falcon Crest.
Das Bacchusfest
Charley hires his brother Ian and his young, child-like wife, Sidney, to help run the winery. Since the new arrivals put Charley at odds with Lance, the two fight. After Lance soundly beats Charley, Charley immediately fires him. After rescuing his sons, Richard learns that they liked Lauren and returns them to Lauren's care, despite the fact that she is Sharpe's sister. After Pilar and Lance confront Emma about Charley, he throws a bacchanal party, which is crashed by bikers. Ned Vogel, who has taped evidence of Pilar securing his distribution contract through sexual favors, blackmails her. At Angela's bedside, Emma thinks she hears her comatose mother command her to get rid of Charley, but Emma isn't sure whether or not she imagined it.
Nachhilfe in Sachen Mord
As Michael Sharpe arranges for Richard to be killed, the contract eventually goes to Sal, Richard's acquaintance from prison. Instead of killing Richard, Sal offers to help him get back at Sharpe, but later pays with his life when Sharpe learns that Sal double-crossed him. After Sydney defies her husband and befriends Emma, Ian beats her. In order to get rid of Lance, Charley shows him a videotape of Pilar's liaison with Ned Vogel. Despite Pilar's pleas, Lance leaves enraged, just as Charley had hoped.
Riskantes Spiel
Michael Sharpe convinces Ian and Charley to sell Falcon Crest to him, but Emma backs out. When Sharpe informs Ian and Charley that he has information on them that could put them in jail, Charley agrees to kill Emma and forge her signature. Charley is stopped in his tracks, however, when an unsuspecting Emma informs him that she is pregnant. Lance becomes embroiled in a deadly game of Russian roulette involving scorpions.
Adieu Charley
Charley keeps the pressure on Emma to sell to Sharpe, despite the fact that she is pregnant. After Charley tells Ian about Sydney's affair with Chris Agretti at the winery, the two brothers agree to kill their wives for deceiving them. Richard lets Lauren know how much she means to him. After Frank sees Sydney and Ian in a struggle, he tries to help, but when Ian gets the upper hand, Sydney saves Frank by killing Ian with a letter opener. Charley chases after Emma, but Emma shoots him in the chest.
Dannys Coup
With a bullet wound in the chest, Charley disappears from Falcon Crest. Because Chris Agretti is missing, Sydney worries that Ian and Charley might have killed him. Sharpe gains control of Falcon Crest by threatening to press criminal charges against Emma for authorizing the release of tainted wine. Sharpe's son Danny provides his father with crucial evidence, which he found while on a date with Sydney. Richard suspects that Lauren's marital situation is worsening, while Lance resists renewing a sexual relationship with Pilar.
Die Zeitbombe
As payback for Jace Sampson's cooperation in Sharpe's takeover of Falcon Crest, Richard talks Jace into making an investment after which Jace loses all his money. Pilar and Lance's estrangement worsens. After Walker catches Richard and Lauren kissing, he confronts them with dynamite strapped to his chest, which is set to go off when the timer runs out. Rather than kill Lauren and the boys along with Richard, Walker runs outside just as the dynamite explodes.
Dem Wahnsinn nahe
When Genele forces Frank out of his own home in order to entertain her lover Sharpe, Frank delivers the remains of Genele's sister and Frank's ex-wife Renee to the police, informing them that Genele killed her ten years before. Sydney tries to push Pilar and Lance back together. Sharpe is displeased when Lauren moves in with Richard after her ordeal with Walker. Sharpe tries to act as a business mentor for Danny.
Haunted by the memory of her husband's death, Lauren moves out of Richard's place and in with Genele. When Danny invites Sydney for a romantic night on his father's yacht, Sydney maneuvers to put Lance and Pilar on the boat together instead. When Sharpe uses sensitive information about Richard's business dealings, he makes $300 million and Richard loses $52 million. Richard wrongfully accuses Lauren of leaking the information. After showing up at Richard's door, Genele removes her clothes.
Danny fights Sharpe's attempts to control his life and to make him break up with Sydney. After Sydney brings them back together, Lance and Pilar make plans to retake control of Falcon Crest. When Richard learns through Pilar that Genele was responsible for delivering his business secrets to Sharpe, he throws Genele out and attempts to reconcile with Lauren. Realizing that her brother's affection for her is more than just brotherly, Lauren decides she has to leave Sharpe's house.
Wo ist Lauren?
Richard and Sharpe search for Lauren, who had grown tired of their fighting and ran off to work as a waitress in a diner. Sharpe attempts to convince Danny to drop Sydney, who wants Falcon Crest to return to the Channing's. When Lance and Pilar ask Sharpe what it would take for him to sell them Falcon Crest, Sharpe tells them to break up Sydney and Danny. When Lauren returns to Richard and the boys, she has to deal with Richard's continuing obsession with his dead wife Maggie.
After Genele intercepts stolen bonds that Sharpe is trafficking, she arranges for Richard to cash them. Lance, Pilar and Danny believe that things are finally turning around for the winery. Genele has to pay hush money to a witness, but Richard has decided to keep all the money as revenge for Genele's past deceit. When Richard has the bonds cashed under the name Sharpe, Sharpe assumes his son Danny did it under Sydney's influence. After Sharpe tampers with Sydney's car, Danny happens to borrow her car and ends up in an accident.
Stunden der Angst
Danny has a severe head injury as a result of crashing Sydney's car, which Sharpe had tampered with to get at Sydney. Danny's mother, Anne Bowen, and Sharpe decide to approve a dangerous operation to remove a bone shard from Danny's spinal cord. Discouraged by the bad luck she seems to bring to all her boyfriends, Sydney leaves Falcon Crest. Suspecting that Sharpe was behind the car accident, Richard and Lance track down the auto mechanic, Sacco, who did the tampering. Alerted to Richard and Lance's involvement, Sharpe sends his chauffeur Nick to ensure that Sacco doesn't talk.
Im Dunkel der Nacht
Lauren tries to persuade Anne to reconcile with Sharpe. Anne and Lauren work to create an understanding between Sharpe and Richard, but once the women leave, Sharpe and Richard each vow to find the mechanic Sharpe hired to tamper with Sydney's car. Pilar disguises herself as a homeless woman to win the trust of Sacco's girlfriend, who leads Pilar to Sacco. Sharpe's henchman, Nick, follows both of them. However, when Nick is about to shoot Sacco, Lance disarms him from behind. With the informant they need to wrest Falcon Crest from Sharpe, Pilar and Lance call Richard.
Böse Überraschung
Richard knows that Sharpe was behind the sabotage that almost killed his son, Danny, and he has Johnny Sacco, the mechanic paid to tamper with Sydney's car, to prove it. In order to keep Danny and his estranged wife Anne from knowing his involvement in the accident, Sharpe transfers ownership of Falcon Crest to Richard. After Anne agrees to give her marriage with Sharpe a second chance, she changes her mind when Johnny Sacco arrives intoxicated at the Sharpe residence and tells Anne everything. Anne lets Sharpe in on a secret she's kept for 21 years: Richard is Danny's real father. After several months in a coma, Angela revives.
Angelas Rückkehr
Sharpe reels from the news that his hated rival Richard is Danny's father. Richard's plans to run the winery with Lauren run into a snag when Angela returns after regaining consciousness. When Richard informs Angela that she has no legal claim to the winery, Angela pretends to give in, but she is secretly planning to block Richard's marriage to Lauren with the help of Michael Sharpe.
Zwischen zwei Vätern
After Danny learns that Richard is his father, he goes to Sharpe to tell him it doesn't matter, but Sharpe throws him out of his office and tells him that they should go their separate ways. Because Danny has no job and nowhere to live, Lauren invites him to live with her and Richard, but Richard wants nothing to do with Danny. After witnessing this callous side of Richard, Lauren considers calling off their wedding. When Danny threatens suicide, however, Richard and Sharpe agree to help him, which reassures Lauren. With the wedding back on schedule, Angela must find another way to stop it.
Glückliches Ende
As Richard and Lauren enjoy their wedding at the winery, Richard agrees to sell Falcon Crest back to Angela on the condition that half will go to his sons in the event of her death. Lance, however, will receive ten percent now and the remainder after Angela's death. As the wedding reception draws to a close, Angela recalls all the people who passed through Tuscany Valley during the last decade and toasts the future of Falcon Crest.