
SERIE • 6 Staffeln • Komödien, Drama, Krimi • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2016


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Dr. Jason Bull betreibt "Trial Analysis Corporation" (TAC), eine enorm erfolgreiches Beratungsunternehmen, das sich darauf spezialisiert hat, Jury-Analysen durchzuführen und Strategien zu entwickeln, um den Ausgang von Gerichtsverfahren zu beeinflussen. Die Dienstleistung von TAC bezieht sich nicht auf Tricks oder unethische Methoden, sondern auf die Anwendung von Psychologie, Verhaltensanalyse und Datenanalyse, um Informationen über potenzielle Geschworene zu sammeln und zu interpretieren. Basierend auf diesen Analysen entwickelt TAC maßgeschneiderte Strategien, um die Geschworenen zu überzeugen, jedoch stets im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorgaben und ohne manipulative Tricks.

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Rodrigo García, Peter Werner
Michael Weatherly, Geneva Carr, Jaime Lee Kirchner, Christopher Jackson, Mackenzie Meehan, Yara Martinez, Freddy Rodríguez, Charlie Semine, Freddy Rodriguez, Annabelle Attanasio, Chris Jackson, Jaime Kirchner, MacKenzie Meehan


1. Staffel 1 (23 Episoden)
Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly) betreibt Trial Sciences Inc., eine enorm erfolgreiche Beraterfirma, die sich auf die Beratung von Angeklagten bei Geschworenenverfahren spezialisiert hat. Dabei geht es aber nicht um Rechtsberatung im eigentlichen Sinn. Vielmehr bezieht sich die Dienstleistung darauf, wie man die Geschworenen mit diversen Tricks auf seine Seite zieht.
Die Halskette
Dr. Jason Bull ist ein Spezialist auf dem Gebiet des menschlichen Verhaltens. Der renommierte Psychologe führt mit großem Erfolg eine Firma, die sich auf Prozessberatung spezialisiert hat. Seine Hilfe wird gebraucht, als Brandon Peters, der aus einer wohlhabenden Familie stammt, des Mordes an einer Mitschülerin verdächtigt wird. Bull unterzieht den Jungen einem Lügendetektortest und ist anschließend davon überzeugt, dass Brandon den Mord nicht begangen hat, aber ein anderes Geheimnis hütet.
Frau am Steuer
Die Pilotin Taylor Mathison wird beschuldigt, fahrlässig einen Flugzeugabsturz verursacht zu haben, bei dem 62 Menschen ums Leben gekommen sind. In einem Probeprozess stellt sich heraus, dass die Jury wegen des Geschlechts der Angeklagten voreingenommen ist. Dr. Bull und seine Leute müssen sich eine neue Verteidigungsstrategie zurechtlegen und feuern zunächst Taylors Anwalt, der eher die Interessen der Fluggesellschaft zu vertreten scheint.
Die wahre Geschichte
Bull und sein Team haben es mit Voreingenommenheit von Geschworenen zu tun, als die junge Reese wegen des Mordes an einem Profisportler vor Gericht steht, den sie zuvor beschuldigt hatte, sie angegriffen zu haben. Der Fall bringt Benny mit seiner Exfreundin Amanda in Kontakt, einer Anwältin, die er seit ihrer Trennung nicht mehr gesehen hat.
Die junge Kerry Ketchum ist ein Genie. Ohne formale medizinische Ausbildung hat sie im eigenen Labor ein Medikament entwickelt, das ihrer Schwester das Leben retten konnte. Nun wird sie von einem Pharmakonzern verklagt, der behauptet, das Medikament entwickelt zu haben. Für den Prozess müssen Bull und sein Team in die kleine Stadt Callisto in Texas fahren. Für Bull birgt dieser Ort keine guten Erinnerungen, denn dort hat er den bisher einzigen Prozess seiner Karriere verloren.
Elf Stunden
Bull und sein Team werden von den gut situierten Eltern eines jungen Mordopfers angeheuert. Sie sind davon überzeugt, dass Richard, der Verlobte ihrer Tochter, der Mörder ist. Bull glaubt aber, dass Richards zuvor abgelegtes Geständnis von der Polizei erzwungen wurde. Er schlägt das großzügige Honorar der Eltern aus und entscheidet sich stattdessen dafür, Richard zu verteidigen. Außerdem wollen Marissa, Cable und Danny den Mann unter die Lupe nehmen, auf den Chunk ein Auge geworfen hat.
Götter sind auch nur Menschen
Bull und sein Team bekommen es mit dem überheblichen Chirurgen Dr. Terry Robison zu tun, der wegen eines Kunstfehlers von einer Patientin verklagt wird. Bull versucht, den negativen Eindruck auszugleichen, den sein Klient auf die Jury macht. Da er sich Sorgen macht, dass auch Benny nicht sympathisch genug wirkt, um die Jury für den Klienten einzunehmen, engagiert er für diesen Fall den Anwalt eines früheren Klienten.
Bull vertritt einen Mann, der einen tödlichen Autounfall verursacht hat. Bei seinen Recherchen entdeckt Bull schon bald, dass es eine Verbindung zwischen dem Prozess und einem korrupten Politiker gibt, der von einer Verurteilung seines Klienten profitieren würde. Währenddessen versuchen Danny und Cable herauszufinden, warum sich Marissa plötzlich vollkommen anders kleidet und verhält.
Zu Perfekt
Bulls neueste Klientin ist seine Exfrau und Bennys Schwester Isabella. Sie ist mit ihrer Firma, die unter anderem Nahrungsergänzungsmittel anbietet, wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt, nachdem eine Kundin an einem anaphylaktischen Schock gestorben ist. Bull glaubt, dass die Jury Isabella als "zu perfekt" und dadurch als unsympathisch empfindet. Die Vorbereitung auf den Prozess wird durch die komplizierten persönlichen Beziehungen erschwert.
Dr. Jason Bull reist mit Benny in seine alte Heimat nach Kavanaugh, einem Städtchen in New Hampshire mit gerade einmal 4.000 Einwohnern. Dort soll er einen jungen Mann unterstützen, der wegen Brandstiftung vor Gericht steht. Der Fall zwingt Bull dazu, sich mit seiner eigenen Vergangenheit in Kavanaugh auseinanderzusetzen, die viele Parallelen zur Geschichte des Angeklagten aufweist.
Ginny Bretton hat ein selbstfahrendes Auto entwickelt: E.J. Doch die Technik scheint nicht ausgereift, denn ein Wagen tötet Ginnys Mitarbeiter Adam. Nun ist es an Bull zu beweisen, dass Ginny nicht für Adams Tod verantwortlich ist doch schon bald hat Bull den Verdacht, dass Bretton ihm nicht die ganze Wahrheit erzählt.
Wahre Liebe?
Bull wird zu einem Zivilprozess hinzugezogen, den die Eltern eines 17-jährigen Jungen angestrengt haben, der von seiner Lehrerin verführt wurde und ein Verhältnis mit ihr hatte. Sie hat bereits ihren Job und ihre Lehrerlizenz verloren, doch den Eltern ist das nicht genug. Als der Teenager plötzlich die Seiten wechselt, muss Bull seine komplette Verhandlungsstrategie neu ausrichten.
Die richtige Antwort
Die Frau eines Mannes, den Danny James wegen Totschlags hinter Gitter gebracht hatte, lässt in einem Büro der TAC eine Bombe hochgehen und nimmt die Angestellten als Geiseln. Mit der Geiselnahme will sie Bull dazu zwingen, die Unschuld ihres Mannes zu beweisen.
Ein Computerspiel-Profi wird von seinem ehemaligen Team-Manager beschuldigt, ein Meisterschaftsspiel mit Absicht verloren zu haben. Bull soll dem Spieler helfen, dessen Ex-Boss wegen Verleumdung zu verklagen. Bulls Strategie besteht darin zu beweisen, dass sein Klient ein zwanghafter Gewinner ist, dem es psychisch unmöglich ist, ein Spiel absichtlich zu verlieren.
Top Secret
Bull lässt Benny die wegen Geheimnisverrats angeklagte Armeeanalystin Lt. Tamsin Dale verteidigen. Es kommt zu einer Vertrauenskrise, als sich Benny weigert, nicht freigegebene Geheimakten der Regierung mit dem Team zu teilen. Die IT-Spezialistin Marissa besteht unterdessen darauf, dass die Firma während des Prozesses auf die sonst üblichen technischen Hilfsmittel verzichtet, weil sie fürchtet, gehackt zu werden.
Jeder hat seinen Preis
Bull unterstützt die U.S.-Staatsanwaltschaft bei einer Anklage wegen Totschlags gegen den Immobilienmagnaten Andrew Withrow. Dabei steht Bull erneut der attraktiven Diana Lindsay gegenüber. Im Verlauf des Prozesses läuft Bull, angetrieben vom Ehrgeiz, unbedingt gewinnen zu wollen, zu Hochform auf. Bis er merkt, dass der Angeklagte ein klinischer Soziopath ist, der Diana nur dazu benutzt, Bull während des Verfahrens aufzustacheln.
Im freien Fall
Ein Gouverneur ist zusammen mit dem Teilhaber eines Unternehmens, das sich auf Skydiving spezialisiert hat, bei einem Fallschirmsprung ums Leben gekommen. Bull unterstützt den Bruder und die Tochter des toten Unternehmers, die von der Witwe des Politikers verklagt wurden. Er versucht herauszufinden, wer den Fallschirm manipuliert haben könnte. Außerdem muss sich Bull damit arrangieren, dass Liberty Davis, mit der er regelmäßig zusammenarbeitet, diesmal die Gegenseite vertritt.
Der Deal ihres Lebens
Bull streckt das Geld für eine Sammelklage von Tausenden von Menschen gegen die unlauteren Machenschaften einer Bank vor. Dabei ist das Risiko hoch, dass seine Firma bankrott macht, sollte der Prozess verloren gehen. Auch Benny könnte dem Fall schaden, da er sich von einer Klientin stark angezogen fühlt und dadurch abgelenkt ist. Außerdem macht er sich Sorgen wegen eines Geheimnisses, das er vor Bull hat.
Die Freundschaft zwischen Bull und Chunk wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt, als Bull dem Mann hilft, der des Mordes an Chunks ehemaliger Mentorin verdächtigt wird.
Liebe macht blind
Eine Basketballcheerleaderin wird ermordet und ihr Verlobter wird des Mords angeklagt. Dieser ist ein berühmter Strafverteidiger, der sich unbedingt selbst verteidigen will. Jetzt muss Bull nicht nur gegen die Anklage kämpfen, sondern auch gegen die Überheblichkeit seines Klienten.
Die Macht der Suggestion
Ein junger Mann erschlägt auf einer Drivingranche seinen Vater mit einem Golfschläger. Der Fall scheint klar, wurde das Geschehen doch von einer Überwachungskamera aufgenommen. Einer mit Bull befreundeten Psychaterin fällt jedoch auf, dass der Student keinerlei Erinnerung daran hat. Bull vermutet, dass Hypnose zu der Gewalttat geführt hat und die Ermittlungen führen zu einer sektenartig geführten Hochschule.
Gott hatte andere Pläne
Bull kommt mit der Top-Strafverteidigerin J.P. Nunnelly ins Geschäft. Dabei geht es um die Verteidigung von Benny Colón, der in einem Fall vor Gericht steht, der mit seinem angeblichen Fehlverhalten in seiner früheren Position bei der Bezirksstaatsanwaltschaft in Zusammenhang steht.
Kleine Geheimnisse
Bull arbeitet im ersten von drei Fällen mit der Top-Strafverteidigerin J.P. Nunnelly zusammen. Das war der Preis, den er dafür zu zahlen hatte, dass Nunnelly Benny Colón verteidigte. Nichtsdestotrotz geraten sie wegen ihres Klienten aneinander; eines Anbieters von Cloud-Computerdiensten, der sich mit dem FBI um die Privatsphäre seiner Kunden streitet.
List und Tücke
Bull reist mitsamt seinem Team von der Trial Analysis Corp. nach Miami, um J.P. Nunnelly dort bei einem kontroversen Prozess zu assistieren, in dem es um Drogenhandel geht. Bald befinden sich sowohl die Klienten als auch die Geschworenen in Lebensgefahr.
2. Staffel 2 (22 Episoden)
Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly) betreibt Trial Sciences Inc., eine enorm erfolgreiche Beraterfirma, die sich auf die Beratung von Angeklagten bei Geschworenenverfahren spezialisiert hat. Dabei geht es aber nicht um Rechtsberatung im eigentlichen Sinn. Vielmehr bezieht sich die Dienstleistung darauf, wie man die Geschworenen mit diversen Tricks auf seine Seite zieht.
Sechs Milliarden Gründe
When Bull joins the district attorney in a case against Kara Clayton, who claims she killed her billionaire husband in self-defense, tensions run high when he learns that his on-again, off-again romantic interest, Diana Lindsay, is defending the widow. Also, Chunk makes a decision about his future.
Emilys letzter Tag
Bull impulsively agrees to have Benny represent Adam Harris, a young man charged with murder for helping his terminally ill girlfriend end her life, a decision which clashes with Benny’s religious beliefs.
Eine Hand wäscht die andere
The DA's office asks Bull to assist them in their prosecution of a fraternity when a pledge accidentally drowns during a hazing incident, but his efforts may be derailed when the students close ranks to stonewall him.
Der Glamour-Faktor
Bull hires an eccentric attorney to represent him when a celebrity sues him after his advice regarding her custody case backfires.
Schlechte Karten
Bull navigates the unfamiliar rules of a Native American tribal court when his college roommate is accused of committing murder on a reservation. Also, Bull meets Marissa’s new boyfriend.
Die Jugendliebe
Bull travels to a small town on a personal mission to help his high school sweetheart sue a local factory that she believes is making residents ill by contaminating the water.
Bull helps a teachers union represent a woman who is being prosecuted for helping an impoverished student pass an important test, but who may be the scapegoat for a larger cheating scandal.
Der Teufel im Detail
Bull agrees to help the parents of a former employee sue a drug company when their son commits suicide during a drug trial. However, the task is complicated when the company brings in their own trial scientist.
As Thanksgiving approaches, Bull releases his team to enjoy the holiday with their families, only to find himself working a case solo when he agrees to help a boxer who is being tried for murder. Also, Chunk makes a major personal decision at his family’s Thanksgiving dinner, while Marissa’s dinner with Kyle is abruptly cancelled when he is mugged
As Christmas approaches, Bull is amused when he meets a 9-year-old girl who wants to hire him to help her divorce her parents, but he’s shocked when a judge appoints him her temporary guardian. Also, Marissa discovers disturbing information about her boyfriend, Kyle.
Das Mädchen mit den grünen Haaren
Bull represents Jemma Whitbeck, a teenager arrested for robbing a jewelry store with an older man she disappeared with 18 months ago. To persuade the jury she is not guilty, Bull argues that Jemma was actually a victim of his abuse and manipulation and not his willing accomplice.
In der Grauzone
Bull takes a psychologist friend, Dr. Donovan Benanti, as a client when the therapist is sued for malpractice following a patient’s deadly rampage. As Bull worries a trial loss could set new precedent regarding doctor-patient confidentiality, he aims to convince the jury that clinicians aren’t directly responsible for their patients’ actions
Verkaufte Zukunft
A widow hires Bull to help represent her when the police decide that she is the most likely suspect in orchestrating her wealthy husband’s death, making it look like a home invasion gone wrong.
Bull is brought on to help the FBI’s case against a hacker whom they believe breached air traffic control at LaGuardia Airport. But when Cable learns that the accused is her friend’s husband, she risks breaking the law—and defying Bull—to try and prove his innocence.
Drei blinde Mäuse
The DA hires Bull to help convict Hazel Diaz, an infamous drug dealer who murdered a police officer but has managed to avoid jail for years on an insanity defense by feigning schizophrenia.
Die zweite Chance
Bull seizes upon the opportunity to get a new trial for an old client when doubt is cast upon evidence that helped convict him of murder 14 years earlier. Also, Danny is reluctant to work with Cable’s replacement.
Der Maulkorb
Bull agrees to help Chunk’s daughter, Anna, when her journalism professor, Chloe, is sued by a dating app developer for trying to steal data for an exposé she’s writing about sexual assault cover-ups. But the stakes are raised when the company alleges that she actually stole proprietary information and intended to sell it to a competitor.
Der Schmerz und das Lächeln
Bull helps a doctor who crossed state lines to purchase a marijuana-derived oil to treat her patients in Virginia, where the oil is illegal. But the case is complicated when Assistant U.S. Attorney Sylvia Banner has the DEA arrest her for possession with intent to distribute.
Ein großartiges System
Bull helps Jim Grayson, a respectable family man who was arrested for changing his identity after being the unwitting getaway driver in a fatal robbery years ago. Bull hopes they can convince the jury that Jim has redeemed himself for his past misdeeds by living an upstanding life for years.
Alles oder Nichts
A friend from Bull’s past enlists his services to help convince a jury that a domestic abuse survivor who shot her husband in his sleep is not guilty of murder because she feared for her life and the life of her unborn child.
Du bist nicht allein
Bull's team takes on a seemingly unwinnable case; a mute man faces the death penalty if he's found guilty of murder and arson; Bull is stunned to learn that his ex-wife is remarrying.
Das Urteil
Bull’s team is rocked when their client, Elliott Miles, is found guilty of murder, and they must regroup as the trial enters the penalty phase in order to prevent him from being sentenced to death. But when new evidence emerges that could prove Elliott’s innocence, Bull must find a way to present it in court without being found in contempt. Also, Marissa faces hard truths about her relationship with Bull.
3. Staffel 3 (22 Episoden)
Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly) betreibt Trial Sciences Inc., eine enorm erfolgreiche Beraterfirma, die sich auf die Beratung von Angeklagten bei Geschworenenverfahren spezialisiert hat. Dabei geht es aber nicht um Rechtsberatung im eigentlichen Sinn. Vielmehr bezieht sich die Dienstleistung darauf, wie man die Geschworenen mit diversen Tricks auf seine Seite zieht.
Der Preis des Lebens
Bull returns to work following his heart attack with a new rich client for the firm to represent: an insurance company being sued by a dying mother for denying coverage of her liver transplant.
Der schlimmste Tag
Bull finds himself serving jury duty while simultaneously mounting a defense for a woman on trial for killing her daughter's murderer.
Justitia ist farbenblind
When the team consults for the NYPD on the defense of a police officer accused of excessive force in the shooting of an unarmed man, the social politics surrounding the case create tension within their own ranks.
Blutiges Geld
Business becomes personal for Bull when TAC assists with a civil suit against the bank that funded the terrorists responsible for Cable's death. Also, Marissa enlists her former homeland security co-worker and international banking cyber-investigator, Taylor Rentzel, to help with the suit.
Hundert Prozent
Bull joins the defense team of a seemingly unwinnable case when a doctor is put on trial for murder after his submission to a DNA database links him to a homicide. While Bull and Benny work on selecting jurors who are predisposed to trust their instincts instead of incontrovertible evidence, Danny and Mackenzie research if their client's DNA sample may have been contaminated.
Kuss und Feuer
Bull and the TAC team help one of their own when Marissa’s restaurateur husband, Greg, is charged with involuntary manslaughter after one of his employees dies in a kitchen fire allegedly caused by negligence. During voire dire, Bull and Benny aim to select jurors who will believe the fire was an accident and not a pattern of irresponsible management.
Mädchen ohne Gefühl
Bull confronts his guilt over closing his psychiatric practice to start TAC when his former patient, a young woman who is a clinical sociopath, goes on trial for killing her brother. When Bull and Benny’s client has no memory of the crime due to her mental condition, they enter a "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity" plea and aim to seat jurors that are sympathetic to mental illness.
Der hässliche Ehrgeiz
Bull takes on a pro bono client who was poorly advised by his public defender to plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge and is now facing felony manslaughter after the victim dies.
Verzweifelte Zeiten
Danny enlists her colleagues to help when her boyfriend, Gabriel, is arrested for being in the country illegally and threatened with deportation. Also, Bull represents a German national who is being sued by a museum over possession of a valuable painting.
Die Wege des Herrn
Bull agrees to have TAC represent a priest who is charged in a fatal hit-and-run after he’s found behind the wheel of the church van involved in the crash. But the case is complicated when the priest claims that the actual driver confessed to him, but he can’t reveal that person’s identity due to the confidentiality that comes with confession.
Claire und Randy
Bull and his on-again, off-again romantic rival, Diana Lindsay, join forces to create two separate but collaborative defense teams when Diana's niece and her husband are charged with armed robbery. As the trial gets underway, Bull's reunion with Diana is strained by his new post-heart attack regimen.
Bull mounts the defense of New York City’s chief medical examiner, Julia Martin, when she is charged with tampering with evidence tied to the years-old case that made her career. As Bull worries that his client’s propensity for brutal honesty could affect her chances in court, he aims to fill the jury with individuals inclined to believe she made a mistake rather than conspired to tamper with forensic evidence.
Eine grauenvolle Woche
Bull’s new relationship with Diana, his on-again romantic rival, is complicated by his renewed feelings for his ex-wife, Isabella, when they’re reunited by the sudden death of her and Benny’s father. Also, a deceased tech billionaire’s brother comes to TAC for help in bringing suit against the doctor he holds personally responsible for the tycoon’s death.
Das Haus am See
Bull aims to raise reasonable doubt among the jurors in his friend Nathan’s trial when the man is tried for his wife’s murder and the prosecution’s case is based on circumstantial evidence.
Pizza in der Spring Street
Bull gets to work alongside his idol, Walter Franklin, a legendary lawyer who asks him to help a family bring suit against the U.S. government for the wrong death of a man killed while in witness protection. As the trial gets underway, Bull’s admiration for Walter is tested when the eminent litigator begins to deviate from Bull’s advice in court.
The TAC team works tandem cases when Chunk represents his first legal client, Darius Lambert, a young man facing federal counterfeiting charges, and Bull represents Darius’ grandfather, Willie Lambert, who may lose his business to the FBI for owning the barbershop where the fake goods were sold.
Der Schuss ins Bein
Bull and the TAC team represent a teen boy raised in complete isolation when the young man goes on trial for murder after engaging in a deadly shootout. As the trial gets underway, Bull looks to select jurors who believe his sheltered client acted under the misguided influence of the only other person he has ever known, his survivalist father.
Sag kein Wort!
Bull's romantic rival, Diana Lindsay, jeopardizes her career when she secretly has Bull come to Texas to assist a couple fighting against her former client for custody of their grandchildren.
Der Kopfgeldjäger
Danny enlists Bull's help for the assault trial of her former FBI mentor, a bounty hunter who kidnapped the wrong mark during his first assignment.
Der gute Sohn
Bull fears that his client’s family ties will negatively impact the jury when TAC represents the seemingly innocent young heir, Connor McCandless, of an infamous crime family on trial for murder with his brother. As the trial begins, Bull aims to convince his client to sever his trial from his brother’s, which would pit the siblings against each other in court.
Am Tag, als der Regen kam
Bull helps mount a defense for Taylor’s brother-in-law, Ralph Kelly, a prison guard charged with manslaughter for the drowning deaths of two inmates in the middle of a hurricane. During the trial, Bull aims to convince the jury that his client tried to prevent a “greater harm” when he abandoned his prison command to evacuate his own family.
Sechs Löffel Salz
Bull works to convince a jury that an alleged murder was actually a tragic accident when TAC represents a woman charged with her 3-year-old stepdaughter’s death.
4. Staffel 4 (20 Episoden)
Hauptdarsteller von Bull ist Michael Weatherly als Dr. Jason Bull, Gründer einer der erfolgreichsten Prozessberaterfirmen. Bei hochkarätigen Prozessen erstellt Bull Strategien, die die Waage der Gerechtigkeit zu Gunsten seiner Mandanten beeinflusst.
Sechs Tequila
Während sich Bull darauf vorbereitet, Vater zu werden, muss das TAC-Team ohne seinen Top-Anwalt Benny auskommen. Dieser hat als Reaktion auf Bulls erneute romantische Annäherung an seine Ex-Frau – und Bennys Schwester – Isabella gekündigt.
Tsunami in der Sahara
Bull sees a visionary whereas the federal government sees a con woman, when he helps the defense of a charismatic entrepreneur, Whitney Holland, who’s accused of defrauding investors in her seemingly groundbreaking water filtration system company. As the trial gets underway, Bull focuses on selecting jurors whose belief systems allow them to see his client as a dreamer who never meant criminal intent.
Siebzehn Jahre
Benny’s previous career with the District Attorney’s office comes into focus when Chunk, working with his law professor’s legal clinic, aims to get a new trial for Eddie Mitchell, a man he believes was wrongfully convicted of triple homicide by a prosecution team that included Benny.
Auf eigenen Füßen
Bull helps a famous social media influencer, Sadie Washington, take her father to court to overturn his legal guardianship over her empire, which he was granted after the young mogul suffered a public mental breakdown. To counteract any jury bias Sadie faces due to the public’s perception of her mental illness, they aim to select jurors who believe in giving people second chances.
Aussage gegen Aussage
Taylor becomes personally invested in having Bull help a dancer, Jessica, bring a civil suit against a real estate mogul who assaulted her at a gentlemen’s club when the district attorney’s office refuses to pursue criminal charges. As the TAC team faces an uphill battle in court due to the defendant’s fame and popularity, Bull aims to select jurors who believe privileged people don’t deserve special treatment.
Über Bord
Bull and the TAC team question whether they have a solid defense when they represent wealth manager Rachel Elliot who’s on trial for her husband’s murder, which she claims to have no memory of due to an alcohol-induced blackout. When Rachel’s reputation for aggressive behavior threatens to hurt them in court, Bull avoids jurors with “rage bias,” an inherent dislike of people who can’t control their emotions.
Sturz ins Dunkel
Bull faces the seemingly impossible task of defending a client who already confessed to accidentally killing the doctor he blames for his mother's death.
Die leere Waffe
Bull mounts the defense of an old college friend, Eric Crawford, who is charged with negligent homicide after Eric’s youngest child kills his eldest with Eric’s handgun.
Zweite Chancen
Bull represents a large insurance company and its clients, married pizzeria owners who are being sued for negligence by a teenager who was injured while climbing their rooftop signage. As the trial gets underway, Bull realizes the case has no clear winners, as the small business owners could lose their livelihood, the plaintiff may never walk again and the insurance company refuses to settle
Geschworene Nummer Neun
Bull and the TAC team take a difficult pro bono murder case before the holidays and realize it will take a Christmas miracle to win, as the presiding judge has a grudge against Bull. Also, Marissa pushes for an office Christmas party, and Taylor embarks on a new romance.
Die Dunkelkammer
Bull looks to select jurors who can empathize with an individual's need for personal privacy when he helps Marissa's friend sue a notable philanthropic businessman for abusing him as a child.
Eine Frage des Gewichts
Chunk's friend asks Bull to help the parents of an athletic scholarship student bring a wrongful death suit against the school after the teen dies suddenly while training.
Die Welt ist nicht farbenblind
Bull and Benny represent a couple being sued by their baby's biological father for custody after a fertility clinic mistakenly used the wrong man's sample. As family court cases are solely decided by a judge, Bull and Benny worry about their best strategy at trial without a jury for TAC to analyze.
Das Herz in der Hand
Bull is hired by a doctor, Samir Shadid, who’s accused by the Manhattan U.S. attorney of bribing his way into college, just as Bull’s ex-wife, Isabella, is due to give birth. As Bull waits for Izzy to go into labor, he contends with the trial’s national news, due to its connection to a high-profile college admissions conspiracy case.
Fleisch und Blut
Bull assists in the murder trial defense of an old friend, Vivian Cahill, an in-debt professional gambler accused of killing her wealthy father to gain her inheritance. Knowing their client had a complicated relationship with her father, Bull and Benny enter into voir dire looking for jurors who sympathize with dysfunctional family relationships.
Jahre der Angst
Bull aims to convince a jury to put the law aside, when he represents a woman guilty of kidnapping her niece years ago to stop the girl's father from abusing her. During jury selection, Bull looks for people who believe that when his client abducted her niece, she was saving the young girl's life.
Der Tod kam mit der Post
Bull takes on the trial defense of Dr. Natalie Reznick, an expert on anthrax, who is accused of orchestrating a series of anthrax attacks that terrorize the city. While the facts are against her, Bull sets out to prove the city was in such a rush to get the bacteria off the streets and calm the public's hysteria, they arrested the wrong person.
Bull defends a train engineer who has no memory of a fatal crash he allegedly caused, due to a brain injury he sustained in the collision.
Eine Frau mit Prinzipien
Bull mounts the defense of an idealistic state judge, Judge Duggan (Kelcy Griffin), who's on trial for obstruction of justice after she helped a trial witness evade federal arrest in her courtroom. During voir dire, Benny looks for jurors who believe the law is open to interpretation and that Judge Duggan broke the law to uphold courtrooms as sacred spaces within the justice system.
Bull and the team help Taylor bring a civil suit against the woman who killed Taylor's friend in a hit-and-run when the driver evades criminal charges by claiming diplomatic immunity.
5. Staffel 5 (16 Episoden)
Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly) betreibt Trial Sciences Inc., eine enorm erfolgreiche Beraterfirma, die sich auf die Beratung von Angeklagten bei Geschworenenverfahren spezialisiert hat. Dabei geht es aber nicht um Rechtsberatung im eigentlichen Sinn. Vielmehr bezieht sich die Dienstleistung darauf, wie man die Geschworenen mit diversen Tricks auf seine Seite zieht.
Musik im Kopf
Bull and the TAC team struggle to adjust to a virtual court system as they weather the New York City shutdown due to the coronavirus.
Laut und deutlich
The TAC team experiences a conflict of interest in court when Benny represents the plaintiff and Chunk represents the defendant in the same civil suit, where a mother sues a young artist she deems responsible for her daughter's death.
Sechs Monate bis zur Freiheit
Bull assists Chunk as he represents a convict from his law school’s legal aid clinic, a woman accused of killing a guard while trying to escape during a prison transport. While the prosecution alleges the woman shot the guard as she tried to flee, Chunk argues that she is being falsely accused by a guard who attempted to sexually assault her during the transport.
Immer Ärger mit dem Ex
TAC braces for an un-jolly Christmas when Bull and Benny represent Marissa and her estranged husband, Greg, in federal court after they're charged with money laundering and fraud connected to Greg's restaurant. As Bull and Benny defend the divorcing couple together so the prosecution can't use them against each other, they search for jurors who will believe Marissa had no knowledge of Greg's business dealings. Also, as Bull and Izzy prepare to baptize Astrid before the Christmas holiday, they reach an impasse regarding what they want from their renewed relationship.
Das verräterische Herz
Bull worries he can't convince a jury his religious leader client didn't kill his wife when a major secret the pastor is hiding about the marriage is revealed, damaging his credibility in court.
Spiel über Bande
Bull and Chunk represent an emergency room doctor being sued for malpractice after she ignored direct orders to save one near-death patient in favor of helping another who was also critically injured.
Bull and Benny mount a difficult federal trial defense for a young mother accused of aiding and abetting her extremist husband in an act of domestic terrorism. When the controversial case makes news, Benny's commitment to TAC complicates his burgeoning political career.
Geborgte Zeit
Bull heads to federal court for a client accused of stealing his own scientific research from the company he works for, a corporation he says buried his ground-breaking work because selling medication is more profitable than curing diseases
Ohne Worte, ohne Gewissen
Bull und sein Team sollen Madeline McBride, gegen die eine Unterlassungsklage vorliegt, anwaltlich vertreten. Die TV-Moderatorin hatte in ihrer Sendung dazu aufgerufen, den Mörder eines elfjährigen Mädchens zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Nachdem sich der vermeintliche Täter daraufhin das Leben nimmt, steht Madeline erneut vor Gericht ... Währenddessen erhält Danny eine erschütternde Nachricht.
Izzy asks Bull to petition the court to have her best friend’s body exhumed when the woman’s son alleges she was murdered, despite her death already ruled accidental.
Tag der Abrechnung
The origin story of TAC is revealed through flashbacks when Bull tries to get a new trial for the wrongly convicted prisoner who inspired him to work in trial science 12 years earlier.
Die Hand auf dem Dach
Bull and the TAC team worry about jury bias when Bull mounts a murder trial defense for a Black Lives Matter activist who is also the son of the wrongly convicted man who inspired Bull to start his trial science company.
Hollys Hölle
Bull is hired to help a woman determined to go against legal advice when she insists on pleading guilty to the murder of a wealthy philanthropist who preyed on her a teenager.
Der Drahtzieher
Chunk does his daughter, Anna, a favor and convinces Bull to represent a teenager on trial robbery, a defendant who faces an uphill battle in court when he refuses to name his accomplice. Also, Chunk is suspicious of Anna’s older boyfriend who’s a writer with the financial resources to pay the legal fees for TAC’s teen client, and Taylor’s forced to lean on her ex-husband’s girlfriend as childcare for her son when the trial has her working around the clock.
Mission in Moskau
Bull aims to win over a federal jury without the use of hard evidence when TAC represents Hank Alston, a child recovery agent charged with fraud for not having documented proof of his covert work. Also, Izzy wants Benny to consider hitting back at his opponent in the District Attorney race when the other candidate engages in mudslinging before an important debate
Freund in Not
Izzy puts the brakes on her wedding to Bull after he jeopardizes Benny’s election campaign by handling the defense in the corruption trial of the former District Attorney that Benny hopes to replace. Season finale.
6. Staffel 6 (22 Episoden)
Dr. Jason Bull (Michael Weatherly) betreibt Trial Sciences Inc., eine enorm erfolgreiche Beraterfirma, die sich auf die Beratung von Angeklagten bei Geschworenenverfahren spezialisiert hat. Dabei geht es aber nicht um Rechtsberatung im eigentlichen Sinn. Vielmehr bezieht sich die Dienstleistung darauf, wie man die Geschworenen mit diversen Tricks auf seine Seite zieht.
Bull and the TAC team must call upon all their collective experience to locate Bull’s kidnapped daughter, and the abductor warns them not to go to the police. As Bull works to build the most important psych profile of his life, he begins to suspect the captor is someone connected to his past.
Das Duchenne-Lächeln
In einem neuen Fall übernimmt das TAC-Team die Verteidigung eines Mannes, der nach der Veröffentlichung von geheimen Dokumenten wegen Spionage angeklagt wird. Bull zieht alle Register, um im Gerichtssaal die Oberhand zu gewinnen. Dabei will er nicht nur seinem Klienten helfen, sondern auch den arroganten Staatsanwalt in die Schranken weisen. Gleichzeitig versucht der Psychologe weiterhin, die Entführung seiner Tochter zu verarbeiten.
Wenn reiche Jungs morden
Bull contends with a biased jury pool when TAC represents a man charged with his high school girlfriend’s murder after a docuseries depicts him as the prime suspect in the decades-old homicide.
Der schwierige Geschworene
Bull faces uncertainty in court, when TAC handles a class action suit against a vaping company selling malfunctioning devices, and the trial outcome hinges on just one juror. Marissa takes the initiative when Bull ignores TAC’s growing financial difficulties.
Könige ohne Krone
The TAC team asks Bull to step aside, when they fear his recent issues could negatively affect their defense of a business mogul accused of being mentally unfit to lead his company.
Immer der Held
Bull and the TAC team are under pressure when they have just two days to prepare a defense for a midwife accused of practicing without a license. With time running out, the team tries to convince the private religious community of women their client helps to serve as character witnesses.
Am Abgrund
Bull’s legal troubles go from professional to personal when new evidence in his bribery trial implicates his wife, Izzy. Also, the TAC team’s efforts to assist Bull in court are thwarted by his attorney, who fears they will cross a legal line to help their boss.
Bull needs a Christmas miracle when he takes on a sports agency’s young assistant charged with providing a star client lethal drugs.
Falsch Positiv
Bull helps a grieving mother, Vernice, sue the developers of a computer program that misidentified her son as a criminal, leading him to be fatally shot by the police. Also, Bull and Marissa clash when she considers a job offer from a rival company.
Der Feind im Kopf
Er weiss, wie sich eine Jury entscheidet, bevor sie es selbst weiss! Michael Weatherly sorgt als Dr. Jason Bull dafür, dass der Gerechtigkeit genüge getan wird. Mittels modernster Technologie und anhand psychologischer Profile leitet der smarte Psychologe ab, wie sich die Jury-Mitglieder in Bezug auf den Angeklagten entscheiden werden. Dafür analysiert Bull das Verhalten der Jury-Mitglieder und entwickelt Strategien für den Gerichtsprozess. Diese testen Bull und sein Team an einer Spiegel-Jury - quasi Zwillinge der tatsächlichen Jury.Wie reagiert die Spiegel-Jury? Wie verhalten sich die richtigen Jury-Mitglieder während des Gerichtsprozesses?
Die zynische Jury
The TAC team finds itself in a tense and unprecedented situation when Bull faces off against Marissa and her new boss in court, following her departure from the company. Also, Taylor's professional life works against her during her custody battle with her ex-husband.
Ein Teil der Familie
The TAC team gets a rare glimpse into Bull’s personal life when his estranged brother of 13 years, Jacob Bull, unexpectedly arrives in New York. Also, TAC represents a financial investor accused by the FBI of running a Ponzi scheme with his father to defraud their clients of millions of dollars.
Beste Freunde
Bull helps his friend, Army psychiatrist Colonel Victor Taggert, mount a diminished capacity defense for a sergeant accused of killing a fellow soldier. Also, Marissa forges a romantic connection with her art dealer, Henri Fray, a French gallery owner in need of legal assistance to stop an auction house from selling a piece of art that should be repatriated.
Am Ende der Angst
Bull helps an agoraphobic client bring a wrongful death suit against the alleged killer of his beloved aunt, but the client’s inability to testify in person threatens the trial. Also, Taylor forges a connection with TAC’s agoraphobic client, and Chunk’s new relationship hits a snag when his mother, Adaline, visits.
Mit diesen Händen
Bull takes a frustratingly passive role in court during a medical malpractice suit, when he helps the surgeon who saved his life after his heart attack and must defer to her browbeating attorney on trial strategy. Also, Taylor fights the urge to check into the background of Henri Fray, Marissa’s new love interest.
Die Diana-Affäre
Bull and Izzy experience marital discord when Bull has TAC lead the defense for Diana Lindsay, his ex-girlfriend who’s accused of killing her lover’s wife. Also, personal conflicts abound for the TAC team when Chunk finds himself defending Diana in court against his boyfriend and prosecutor, Robert.
Menschen und Pferde
Izzy hires Bull and TAC to defend a jockey accused of committing arson against a stable owner who fired him.
Brokkoli und Pizza
Bull puts aside his personal grievances to help AUSA Reilly, who prosecuted him for jury tampering, bring one of the world’s most dangerous drug lords to justice. As the pair enter into a hesitant partnership, Bull’s unconventional style clashes with the lawyer’s commitment to working by the book.
Offene Ehe
When Bull is sidelined with a back injury, Marissa and Chunk are forced to go to court without him to defend Marissa’s closest childhood friend, Kyla, a tech CEO accused of wrongfully terminating an employee. Also, Danny contemplates what she wants out of life following a near-death experience.
Der beste Lehrer
Bull breaks from the stress he's been under for months when a mysterious delivery causes him to blackout for hours, leaving him with no memory of his movements.
Ein kleines Geheimnis
When Bull handles the negligent homicide defense of a building owner accused of killing tenants by carbon monoxide poisoning, the case rocks Bull and the TAC team to their core. Also, TAC’s trial defense is made more difficult when the ADA prosecuting the case is Chunk’s ex-boyfriend, Rob Jones, someone very familiar with Bull’s tricks; and Taylor is forced to reevaluate her work-life balance when she gets shocking news about her son.
Sein letzter Fall
Bull and the team head to court one last time to finalize a negligent homicide defense that will change the nature of their company and their lives forever.

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