Being Erica - Alles auf Anfang

SERIE • 4 Staffeln • Romantik, Fantasy, Komödien, Drama, Musik & Musical, Science-Fiction • Kanada • 2009


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Ihre Bewertung

Erica Strange ist 32 Jahre alt und ewiger Single. Sie hat einen Job, der ihr Auskommen sichert. Und sie hat einen Zahnarzt kennen gelernt, der ihr recht viel versprechend erscheint. Während ihre Freunde aber alle heiraten, die ersten eigenen Häuser kaufen und die Karriereleiter erklimmen, passiert Erica ein Missgeschick nach dem anderen. Das Schicksal meint es nicht wirklich gut mit ihr. Eines Tages trifft sie Mr. Tom, einen Therapeuten, der offenbar eine ganze Menge über sie weiß. Er bietet ihr einen Deal an: Wenn Erica ihr Leben in den Griff bekommen will, solle sie ihm eine Liste ihrer größten Lebensfehler überlassen. Erica bekäme dann die Chance, in ihre Vergangenheit zu reisen, um alles anders zu machen. Kann sie (Fehl-) Entscheidungen von früher tatsächlich rückgängig machen? Und wenn ja, hat das dann nicht auch Auswirkungen auf ihr jetziges Leben?

Being Erica
Holly Dale
Deutsch, Englisch
Erin Karpluk, Michael Riley, Reagan Pasternak, Morgan Kelly, Vinessa Antoine, Kathleen Laskey, John Boylan, Joanna Douglas, Paula Brancati, Sebastian Pigott, Tyron Leitso, Sarah Gadon, Laurence Leboeuf
Deutsch, Englisch


1. Staffel 1 (13 Episoden)
Erin Karpluk spielt an der Seite von Michael Riley im heiteren Comedy-Drama über Erica Strange, eine attraktive, aber unglückliche 32 Jährige, die die Chance bekommt, in die Vergangenheit zu reisen und ihr Leben zu ändern.
Dr. Tom
Down and out, Erica Strange is desperate to change her life and takes up an offer from a mysterious therapist, Dr. Thom, who sends her back in time to relive a high school regret.
Ich bin, was ich bin
Erica settles for a dead-end job that can pay the bills. She is sent back to her university days, to join an exclusive secret society that she originally passed on, with the hope that doing so will finally set her on to the "right" path.
Andere Mütter haben auch schöne Töchter
Eternally-single Erica brings best friend Ethan to pose as her boyfriend at her high school reunion. She begins to understand the source of her relationship with men by revisiting the loss of her virginity.
Geheimnis der Gegenwart
In order to conquer her fear of confrontation with her new bully of a boss, Erica is sent back to her first semester of University where she learns to finally stand up for herself against the daunting Professor Lozar.
Tired of being treated like a child, Erica confronts the source of her reputation by returning to her Bat-Mitzvah - only this time she will prove herself as a woman.
Drum prüfe, wer sich ewig bindet
Erica is worried that her sister Samantha is marrying the wrong man in Josh. When she goes back to prevent Sam and Josh from ever getting together, Erica learns a big secret - one that threatens her relationship with her sister.
Ein perfekter Tag
With the stress of work and family life weighing heavily on Erica's shoulders, Dr. Tom decides to give her a break and sends Erica back to a "perfect day."
Erica's long-simmering relationship with her mother reaches a boiling point. going back into the distant past, opens up Erica's eyes to who Barbara Strange really is.
Spiel mit dem Feuer
Erica explores her feelings for Ryan by reliving an unusual love affair from her university days.
Mitgehangen, mitgefangen
Erica's "friendship" with Katie reaches a new low when Katie maneuvers her way into a book deal with River Rock.
Küssen verboten
Charged with supervising the launch of Katie's new book, Erica turns into a complete control-freak. She soon realizes that her need to control might be contributing to the downfall of her relationship with Ethan.
Die Vampirjägerin
Unnerved in her new position at River Rock Publishing. Erica must learn to step outside her shell, challenge her inhibitions and learn that her abilities are not nearly as confined as she had believed them to be.
Though Dr. Tom warned her not to try and prevent Leo's death, Erica does so anyway, resulting in dire consequences.
2. Staffel 2 (12 Episoden)
Erin Karpluk spielt an der Seite von Michael Riley im heiteren Comedy-Drama über Erica Strange, eine attraktive, aber unglückliche 32 Jährige, die die Chance bekommt, in die Vergangenheit zu reisen und ihr Leben zu ändern.
Ein neuer Anfang
After Erica quits therapy, Dr. Naadiah sends her back to a bar in 1998, where she meets a younger, troubled Dr. Tom. A glimpse into his past, and Erica realizes it is her turn now to lend a helping hand.
Die Kunst zu streiten
An argument with Ethan triggers a time travel journey back to camp for Erica.
Mama Mia
Erica demonstrates less than inspiring parenting skills when she babysits Judith's son Max for the first time.
Risiken und Nebenwirkungen
A significant career opportunity transports Erica back to a summer spent in Taipei.
Außer Kontrolle
Erica receives a special gift from Dr. Tom -- a do-over day.
Secrets are popping up everywhere, and when Erica gets caught in the middle, she learns of the damage keeping them can truly cause.
Experiment Zukunft
When Erica faints at a family Bris, she is propelled into the future, where she discovers Kai's true identity. Struggling to help her father in the present, and Kai in the future, Erica begins to realize the only problems she can fix are her own.
When trying to cope with everyone else's problems, Erica looks forward to an escape to her past. Dr. Tom, however, is changing things up... and to Erica's surprise, so is everyone else... or so it seems.
Tiefe Gräben
Erica receives a new perspective on her brother and returns from the past ready to deal with Kai.
Nicht ohne meine Tochter
It's Dr. Tom's turn for a session as he revisits the last time he saw his daughter.
Auf und ab
After a shocking turn of events at River Rock Publishing, Erica discovers the value of setbacks when Dr. Tom sends her to an alternate reality, supposedly setback free.
Auf zu neuen Ufern
Erica struggles with some big decisions, and she's desperate for a little direction. After some hide and seek in the past and present, the last place she looks to is the closest to her heart, and it opens up a world of possibility.
3. Staffel 3 (13 Episoden)
Es ist an der Zeit für Dr. Tom, Erica zur Gruppentherapie zu schicken. Wie Erica entdeckt, ist sie auf einem Behandlungsplan. Sie hat die Eins-zu-Eins-Therapie abgeschlossen - genau wie die restlichen Patienten, die Erica in Dr. Toms Behandlungszimmer trifft. Jetzt muss Erica lernen sowohl anderen als auch sich selbst zu helfen. Julianne und sie arbeiten am eigenen Verlag. Unglücklicherweise is...
Nicht mehr allein
At the end of Season Two, Erica walks through a door, her door, ready to face whatever is on the other side. Now everything in Erica’s life - her job, her love life, even her therapy with Dr. Tom - starts anew, and gets turned upside down in the process.
Sehnsucht nach gestern
Weeks after her break-up with Ethan, Erica is determined to pick herself up. Dr. Tom knows someone from Erica’s past who knows exactly how she feels… Claire! But she and Erica have never seen eye-to-eye.
Auge um Auge
When the future of Erica and Julianne’s new company is threatened, Erica is faced with a choice: “Kill, or be killed”. Erica returns to the site of Leo’s fraternity pledge, where she learns that taking the low road often leads to a dark place.
Immer wieder Kai
When Kai returns to give Erica a glimpse of her own mortality, it throws Erica for a loop. If Erica is to escape her own personal “Groundhog Day”, she must learn to embrace the present.
Gewalt ist keine Lösung
Adam gets the chance to alter the regret that led him to a life of violence and crime. It’s a path that Adam is sure he cannot change - that is, until he winds up in a surprising new present.
Kopflos ins Glück
Cassidy has returned for Pride weekend in Toronto. With everyone in the city letting loose, and things with Adam heating up, Erica is instructed by Dr. Tom to embrace her 'id' and let her impulses guide her.
Wiedersehen mit Jenny
Jenny returns, and needs help getting her life on the right track. Erica is eager to help her estranged friend, but a trip back to a day at Black Creek Pioneer Village shows Erica that the helping hand Jenny needs is her own, and not Erica's.
Dr. Toms Hütte
The surprising return of someone from Dr. Tom's past forces him to face old demons. Meanwhile Kai returns to 2010 on a regret, and Erica must make a decision that could affect both their futures.
Betrügerische Absichten
Erica's latest therapy session has uncovered a shocking secret that could mean the end of 50/50 Press. Erica is caught between a rock and a hard place. Dr. Tom has a time-altering solution for her... but will Dr. Arthur allow it?
Erica is offered an incredible career opportunity, which presents her with a difficult choice. To help her make this seemingly impossible decision, Dr. Tom sends Erica and Adam to a deserted island, to learn new ways of 'survival'.
Adam’s Family
Erica and Adam must both confront their true feelings once and for all. For Adam, it leads to a journey into his family’s dark past, where he discovers a startling memory that he has locked away.
After three years of time-travel therapy with Dr. Tom, Erica has visited the past, jumped to the future, side-stepped to alternate realities, and changed her life in the process - But now, Erica has arrived in a place she never thought she would see again: Right back where she started.
Die Geister, die ich rief
Erica is helping ho-ho-host 50/50 Press' first holiday party, much to the disappointment of her Rabbi father. In her effort to give Adam the perfect Christmas, Erica learns the true meaning of the holidays with visits to her friends' Christmases past, and one particularly memorable Hanukkah of her own.
4. Staffel 4 (11 Episoden)
In der kanadischen Serie "Being Erica - Alles auf Anfang" darf Erica Strange mithilfe ihres mysteriösen Therapeuten Dr. Tom in ihre Vergangheit reisen.
Doctor Who?
After last season's cliff-hanger, Erica begins the final stage of her therapy as a doctor in training, and she is shocked when her first patient is revealed to be someone she knows.
Osso Barko
50/50 Press' new assistant, Rachel is struggling under Julianne's particular management style, while Erica tries to get to the root of Julianne's bullying.
Erica reels from Sam's shocking news. Barbara struggles to bury the past.
Brent is failing to jive with the new River Rock. Erica returns to her high school days in order to help an exchange student fit in.
Outside the office, Dr. Tom is repeating an old pattern. Erica and Adam hit a rough patch. Kai is back from the future.
Erica wishes for more control, and gets it when Dr. Tom grants her time-travel powers.
Erica runs into Ethan, and they bond in both the present and past. Meanwhile, Brent and Julianne share a revelation.
Erica grapples with life's biggest secret.
Erica lives her relationship fantasies on Dave and Ivan's wedding day.
Erica is sent back to her family's 1992 Purim party, after Erica gets an unwelcomed birthday surprise from Julianne.
Four years ago Erica Strange was single, barely making enough money to get by, and had a long list of regrets. Thanks to her time-travel therapist Dr. Tom, Erica has turned her life around, but nothing can prepare her for her most difficult challenge yet - saying goodbye.
Extras (1 Episode)
Episode 1

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