Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star
14.05.2024 • 00:25 - 01:25 Uhr
Unterhaltung, Spielshow
Glow Up Britain's Next Make Up Star
Unterhaltung, Spielshow

Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star

It's the semi-final, and the four remaining make-up artists battle it out for a place in the final. For their penultimate industry assignment, the MUAs enter the digital world as they pair up to create avatar looks for global gaming platform Roblox. And in a Glow Up first, this week it's not just faces the MUAs need to make up: instead, they'll need to cover their models from head to toe in full body paint. It's the toughest assignment of the series so far, but who will rise to the challenge? As well as Val and Dom, the MUAs will need to impress Roblox's head of beauty and fashion partnerships Winnie Burke, world-renowned make-up artist Isamaya Ffrench and gaming legend Yammy, who has over four million subscribers on her YouTube channel. The winning pair will land a money-can't-buy opportunity to have their look turned into an avatar that will be available to Roblox's 70 million daily users. But the pair who fail to wow with their avatar looks will find themselves in the dreaded face-off chairs in the creative brief. The next day at Glow Up Studios, emotions run high for a love-themed Creative Brief. With pop sensation Talia Mar as guest judge, the make-up artists need to open their hearts and create a look that reveals what love means to them. With a place in the final at stake, the make-up artists deliver some truly jaw-dropping creations: a tribute to one MUA's mum featuring butterflies, a purple goddess with the universe on her chest, an ode to the Congo that mixes different metallic shades, and a psychedelic look inspired by The Beatles song All You Need Is Love. The two make-up artists with the most spectacular love-themed looks are sent straight through to the grand final, while the last spot must be fought for in a nail-biting face-off elimination. For the final face-off of the series, the MUAs must create a studded, smoky eye in 15 minutes. Which MUA will go home and narrowly miss out on a place in the final?

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