The Price of Smiles

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Animation, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Drama • Japan • 2019


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Wer streamt "The Price of Smiles"

Egao no Daika ist ein Original-Anime, der uns in die Welt von Prinzessin Yuuki Soleil und ihrem besten Freund und treuen Ritter Joshua Ingram entführt. Auf einem Planeten, der weit von der Erde entfernt ist, verbringt die Kronprinzessin Yuuki mit ihren zwölf Jahren ein ruhiges und friedliches Leben im Königreich Soleil, das vom Lächeln seiner Bewohner erfüllt ist. An ihrer Seite finden sich, neben ihrem treuen Freund Joshua, ihre Tutorin Layla, Izana, der sie in politischen Angelegenheiten unterstützt und berät und Harold der Anführer der königlichen Garde. Yuukis Ziel ist klar: Sie will eine würdige Nachfolgerin für ihren Vater sein und dafür sorgen, dass ihre Untertanen auch in Zukunft glücklich und zufrieden sind.

Wo läuft "The Price of Smiles"?

"The Price of Smiles" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:

Yumiri Hanamori, Saori Hayami, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Rina Sato, Nobutoshi Canna, Ryotaro Okiayu, Makoto Koichi, Junya Enoki


1. Staffel 1 (12 Episoden)
Episode 1
Twelve-year-old Princess Yuki is starting to take on the responsibilities of leading her kingdom. But when the borderland knights Yuni and Lune are rude to her, her retainer Joshua challenges them to a battle in a simulator.
Episode 2
In order to hold back the advancing Imperial Army at the border, Grand Master Harold takes the royal flagship to the front lines. Joshua throws himself into his first combat sortie in order to protect Yuki's smile.
Episode 3
A soldier of the Imperial Army, Petty Officer Stella Shining always seems to keep her squad at arm's length. When she and her squad are deployed on a mission with their new commander, he wonders what lies behind her ever-present smile.
Episode 4
Two months have passed since the kingdom and the empire went to war, and the empire continues to advance. As Layla tries to support the despondent Yuki, she thinks back on the tragedy that started it all.
Episode 5
To break through a stalemate a stone's throw from the capital, the Buerger Squad embarks on a night mission. But when Lily runs into unexpected trouble, she ends up relaying her past to Commander Owens.
Episode 6
Nothing stops the advance of the Grandiga empire, despite the valor of the troops of the Sun kingdom. While most of the residents are evacuated to a safe place, Princess Yuki wonders if it would be wiser to capitulate.
Episode 7
After the Battle of Hariant, Gail Squadron soldiers try to find the food they need to hold a small party in honor of Pierce who was wounded in action.
Episode 8
While Yuki takes command of the Royal Army, Izana tries to smuggle crucial information about the ruined Empire of Verde from behind enemy lines.
Episode 9
With the Kingdom hanging on by a thread, Grand Master Harold ramps up production on the new chrars. But Yuki and Layla pursue a different path based on the data sent by Izana.
Episode 10
The Empire surges onward, but life is grim for soldiers on the front lines. As she survives through tough situations with her teammates and commander, Stella's smile begins to change.
Episode 11
Winter has arrived. Yuki has lost many of those important to her, but she continues to press onward. As the war reaches its final stages, Yuki defiantly claims she will retake Hariant...
Episode 12
As the final battle rages on, Yuki and Stella arrive on distant foreign soil. Yuki has made up her mind to end the war, but Stella stands in her way. What future will these girls bring to their world?

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