
SERIE • 3 Staffeln • Familie, Komödie, Kinder & Jugend • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2019


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Wer streamt "Familienanhang"

Als die McKellans von Seattle nach Georgia umsiedeln, kollidiert ihr städtischer Lebensstil mit dem des konservativen Südens – und der traditionsbewussten Großeltern.

Wo läuft "Familienanhang"?

"Familienanhang" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:

Family Reunion
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Meg DeLoatch
Tia Mowry, Anthony Alabi, Talia Jackson, Cameron J. Wright, Jordyn Raya James, Loretta Devine, Rodney Damon Collins, Isaiah Russell-Bailey, Richard Roundtree, Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr.


1. Staffel 1 (20 Episoden)
When the McKellan family moves from Seattle to small-town Georgia, life down South — and traditional grandparents — challenge their big-city ways.
Remember How This All Started?
The McKellans head to a family reunion at M'Dear and Grandpa's house, where Moz, Cocoa and the kids consider a simpler life away from city comforts.
Remember Charlie Wilson?
While cleaning out the attic, Mazzi and Shaka find M'Dear's private mementos from a famous singer -- a discovery that stirs up drama with Grandpa.
Remember Vacation Bible School?
When Moz gifts the kids go-karts, Cocoa is less than thrilled. Jade uses an app to try and outsmart M'Dear, an undisputed "Bible champion."
Die vergessene Schwester
Cocoa's unconventional beliefs shock M'Dear's Bible-study group. Jade uses sisterly bonding for quality time with Drew -- until she forgets about Ami.
Grace unter Beschuss
The family's religious role model, Auntie Grace, reveals her secret passion. When a kitchen fire erupts, Moz teaches the kids the importance of honesty.
Remember That Crazy Road Trip?
The McKellans recall a cross-country move to Georgia that was packed with misadventure, from a weird proposal and a creepy ritual to a frisky raccoon.
Remember the First Day of School?
As the kids start a new school year, Jade takes a stand against a strict dress code, Mazzi opts to redo fourth grade and Shaka eyes a potential crush.
Macho Mazzi
When Jade competes in a pageant, she recruits a former beauty queen to be her coach. Meanwhile, Mazzi tests his "macho" abilities to impress Moz.
Remember Black Elvis?
After M'Dear shares the family's rich history with the kids, Moz and Cocoa are inspired to carry on the tradition.
Aus Jungs werden Männer
M'Dear introduces Jade to a new boy, and Mazzi and Shaka find a job to earn extra money. But an encounter with a cop soon has the family on edge.
Episode 11
To go on a school trip, Jade is forced to ace math as her teacher starts dating Daniel. Shaka's step team tryout fires up Cocoa's competitive streak.
Episode 12
Jade manages Mazzi's music group, which becomes a hit at church. As Ami works to overcome her fear of getting baptized, Moz has a spiritual awakening.
Episode 13
Before Moz and Cocoa say "I do" again, Shaka is tasked with keeping the ring, Cocoa confronts her mother and Daniel makes a sacrifice.
Episode 14
Jade faces criticism over a new crush. Moz and Mazzi try to keep their cool in a basketball game when a rival trash-talks them ... until M'Dear steps in.
Episode 15
An encounter with a bully inspires Shaka to try martial arts. To earn money for concert tickets, Jade gets ambitious about babysitting.
Episode 16
Jade searches for her singing voice and befriends an aspiring rapper-producer. Pressed for time, Mazzi asks M'Dear for help with a school project.
Episode 17
Jade and Aunt Maybelle bring dates to meet the family. Cocoa looks into an opportunity for her jewelry line, and M'Dear conducts an interrogation.
Episode 18
Shaka snoops into Jade's diary and uses a secret to blackmail her -- until she gets dirt on him. M'Dear steals Moz's thunder on a sports talk show.
Episode 19
Jade hosts a masquerade party for her 15th birthday so she can sneak someone in. Meanwhile, Moz and Cocoa get a reality check about their finances.
Folge 20
2. Staffel 2 (16 Episoden)
From renewing wedding vows to tackling growing pains, the McKellans keep the faith as they face new chapters and unexpected challenges in the South.
Remember the Dance Battle?
To go on a school trip, Jade is forced to ace math as her teacher starts dating Daniel. Shaka's step team tryout fires up Cocoa's competitive streak.
Remember When Daddy Came Home?
Jade manages Mazzi's music group, which becomes a hit at church. As Ami works to overcome her fear of getting baptized, Moz has a spiritual awakening.
Remember Our Parents' Wedding?
Before Moz and Cocoa say "I do" again, Shaka is tasked with keeping the ring, Cocoa confronts her mother and Daniel makes a sacrifice.
Die in einen Weißen verliebte Jade
Jade wird wegen ihres neuen Schwarms kritisiert. Moz und Mazzi versuchen, beim Basketballspiel die Nerven zu bewahren … bis M'Dear das Ruder übernimmt.
Der verprügelte Shaka
Als Shaka schikaniert wird, versucht er es mit Taekwondo. Um sich Geld für Konzertkarten zu verdienen, weitet Jade ihre Babysitting-Pläne aus.
Remember the G Club?
Jade searches for her singing voice and befriends an aspiring rapper-producer. Pressed for time, Mazzi asks M'Dear for help with a school project.
Remember Cousin Kenya?
Jade and Aunt Maybelle bring dates to meet the family. Cocoa looks into an opportunity for her jewelry line, and M'Dear conducts an interrogation.
M’dears 15 Minuten Ruhm
Shaka liest Jades Tagebuch und erpresst sie dann mit einem Geheimnis – bis sie etwas über ihn in Erfahrung bringt. M'Dear stiehlt Moz in einer Sport-Talkshow die Schau.
Die Party ist zu Ende
Jade feiert an ihrem 15. Geburtstag eine Verkleidungsparty, um jemanden einzuschleusen. Unterdessen werden Moz und Cocoa die Augen über ihre Finanzen geöffnet.
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
3. Staffel 3 (10 Episoden)
Die McKellans mögen knapp bei Kasse sein, doch die immerwährende Liebe in der Familie hilft ihnen über Herzschmerz, Trauer und Widrigkeiten jeglicher Art hinweg.
Mazzis erste Liebe
The family steps up when Cocoa goes into labor while Moz and Grandpa race back home from Miami. At the hospital, complications arise.
Remember When Jade Broke a Nail?
A popular rapper asks M'Dear and Jade to sing on his new track. When Aunt Maureen and Tyson visit, the McKellans learn they've been having a tough time.
Remember When Cocoa Was a Housewife?
A lovesick Jade makes a plan to surprise her boyfriend. But her solo trip soon turns into a college tour at an HBCU with M'Dear, Mazzi and Tyson.
Remember When M'Dear Changed History?
Jeb receives life-changing news that brings the family together. Meanwhile, Tyson's loyalties are divided when Jade runs for homecoming queen.
Das Götzenbild
Mazzi and Tyson plot to throw a secret party at the church. While working as Moz's assistant, Jade takes on more than she can handle.
Remember When Shaka Did the Robot?
The eve before Maybelle's wedding brings chaos for the whole family as the men take on a pesky critter and the ladies settle disputes of their own.
Glass ist verschieden
Mazzi feels pressure to take his relationship to the next level. Jade learns the truth about Tyson's girlfriend. Moz and Cocoa enter a salsa competition.
Cocoa findet ihre Berufung
When an uninspired Jade clashes with M'Dear, a shocking moment forces both of them to experience life from a new perspective.
Episode 9
Jeb and M'Dear tell the story of how their ancestors were given land that was taken from them decades ago, inspiring Mazzi, Tyson and Ami to take action.
Episode 10
On the land where their ancestors hosted their first reunion, the McKellans gather for a celebration of delicious food, family ties and new beginnings.
4. Season 4 (7 Episoden)
Family matters bring the McKellans closer together as new relationships, unexpected obstacles and a milestone birthday lead to major life lessons.
Remember When the Trick Wasn’t a Treat?
Despite M'Dear's warnings, the McKellan kids play with a Ouija board that turns their Halloween into a strange — and spooky — night.
M’dear stiehlt die Show
Als M'dear die Hauptrolle in Cocoas Musical übernimmt, schlüpft Jade in den sozialen Medien in die Rolle des Stars. Cousin Barron macht bei der Familie reinen Tisch.
Remember When Jade Thought She Was Grown?
A slippery accident lands Jade and the kids in Grown City, a place where no children exist. But Jade learns that being an adult isn't what it seems.
Remember the Story M’Dear Hates to Tell?
Jade attempts to go vegan. Cocoa meets Shaka's girlfriend. A trip to an escape room with Mazzi brings up old, painful memories for M'Dear.
Mein lustiger Valentinstag
Am Valentinstag bereitet sich Shaka auf einen besonderen Moment vor. Cocoa und Moz wollen einen romantischen Abend verbringen und Daniel steht vor Herausforderungen.
Remember When Cocoa Did It All?
Ahead of a big interview, Cocoa scrambles to handle every crisis thrown her way. Jade struggles with heartache. Mazzi and Shaka start a war of pranks.
Remember M'Dear's Roast?
A surprise birthday party for M'Dear turns her mood around. The kids find a reason to help out with money. Moz and Cocoa share a special announcement.
5. Season 5 (10 Episoden)
The McKellans grow in more ways than one as unexpected struggles put their strength to the test. But no matter what, it's still family over everything.
Remember When the Skye Fell?
The family steps up when Cocoa goes into labor while Moz and Grandpa race back home from Miami. At the hospital, complications arise.
Remember the New Addition to the Family?
A popular rapper asks M'Dear and Jade to sing on his new track. When Aunt Maureen and Tyson visit, the McKellans learn they've been having a tough time.
Remember Stompin' the Yard?
A lovesick Jade makes a plan to surprise her boyfriend. But her solo trip soon turns into a college tour at an HBCU with M'Dear, Mazzi and Tyson.
Remember the Homecoming Queen?
Jeb receives life-changing news that brings the family together. Meanwhile, Tyson's loyalties are divided when Jade runs for homecoming queen.
Elvis macht Jesus kaputt
Mazzi und Tyson planen eine geheime Party in der Kirche. Jade übernimmt sich bei der Arbeit als Moz’ Assistentin.
Remember When the Raccoon Crashed the Wedding?
The eve before Maybelle's wedding brings chaos for the whole family as the men take on a pesky critter and the ladies settle disputes of their own.
Remember When Mazzi Almost Lost It?
Mazzi feels pressure to take his relationship to the next level. Jade learns the truth about Tyson's girlfriend. Moz and Cocoa enter a salsa competition.
Wie ausgetauscht
Die ideenlose Jade gerät mit M'Dear aneinander. Ein schockierender Moment zwingt sie beide, das Leben aus einem neuen Blickwinkel zu betrachten.
Das Stück Land
Jeb und M'Dear erzählen von der Wiedergutmachung eines jahrzehntealten Landraubs in der Familie. Mazzi, Tyson und Ami fühlen sich zum Handeln animiert.
Remember the New Beginning?
On the land where their ancestors hosted their first reunion, the McKellans gather for a celebration of delicious food, family ties and new beginnings.